
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Amazon Connect Blog--An Efficent Way For Authors to Promote Their Work

Authors, who have their books listed on Amazon, have a free promotional opportunity that is frequently over looked. Amazon offers a writer's page that includes a blog, and biography. Both are excellent ways to not only keep your current readership up to date with your work, but to post promotional information, articles, and personal interests.

The biography lists any information the author would like to share; in addition, the writer has an opportunity to share interests, personal views, and reviews. Your readers are able to follow your footsteps on Amazon by reading the reviews you have posted and the products you tagged.

By adding an RSS feed from your primary blog, your postings automatically list on your Amazon page. It is a simple way to share information about your work or anything else you are passionate about. Articles and graphic that are posted on the primary blog are also posted on the Amazon. Readers are able to leave comments or questions about the posts. In addition, your readers are able to create an alert for themselves when the blog is updated or set up an RSS feed to their site.

The address for Theresa Chaze's page is It is an example of what an author can do to promote their work as well as help readers know them a little better.

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