
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hypocritical Christians Hijack Halloween to Make it Less Wiccan and Pagan

Hypocritical Christians Hijack Halloween to Make it Less Wiccan and Pagan

Originally called Samhain, Christians usurped the holiday, replacing it with All Saints Day. Pope Boniface IV was attempting to attract and covert Pagans. Over the decades, the celebrations became more child oriented than spiritual. Halloween became a time to dress up, trick or treat and party. A day of pretending, fantasy and community, Halloween allowed both children and adults an excuse to step out of their mundane lives and simply play. Halloween parties at school, at home or in the community are fun ways for neighbors to get to know each other a little better. Whether cowboy, astronaut, or a scary creature of the night, the costume choice is a safe, healthy venue to have an alter ego for a day.

Traditionally, Samhain is the ending of the Pagan and Wiccan year. The final harvests have been brought in and the finally preparations for winter have been made. Animals are slaughtered and their meat preserved. The death of a few insures life for others through the coming winter months. It is the day when the veils between the realms are the thinnest. The dead and earth spirits are able to walk freely among the living. Whether dead loved ones or earth spirits, this time of year communication with them is the easiest. It is the time for honoring your ancestors and making amends with those who have crossed over. Spiritually, what we have sent out comes back for good or ill. Just as the harvest has been collected, so does the karmic debt come due. The thinning curtain only makes the Deities of Justice more active and powerful. Whether it is said as "What goes around, comes around" or "So share ye sow, so shall ye reap", what we have created shall manifest as a blessing or a challenge.

A few years ago, fundamental Christians once again started attacking Halloween. Calling it Satanic, they attempted to block it from public schools and interfered with trick or treating. Last year, this sweet little girl came up to my door, but instead of seeking candy, she handed out Christian tracts, telling me how evil I am for not being Christian and for celebrating a Pagan holiday. The girl was only about six or seven; it was very cowardly for her parents to use her to do her dirty work. I calmly asked her where her parents were. She took me to her mother. I wasn’t nice so to the mother. In no uncertain terms, I called her a bigot and told her to mind her own business. If she didn’t want to participate that was fine, but she needed stop trying to ruin it for others. She then proceeded to try to covert me. She didn’t get far. I’m Wiccan and proud. She went away in a huff. To bad, so sad. But she has no right to force her believes on others.

Which brings me to my rant. I was talking to some of the neighborhood girls. I asked them how they were going to dress as for Halloween. One told me that she was going to dress as a belly dancer and was go to a Hallelujah Party. I bite my tongue and smiled. I just find it amazing how hypocritical the parents are. They change the name and think it will suddenly stop making it Pagan. A duck is a duck whether or not you call it a swan. October 31 is the Pagan holiday Samhain, not matter what you call it.

Out of the Shadows and Into the Light is an ebook of shadows that gives accurate information about the Wiccan and Pagan religions. Containing rituals and definitions of the their religious practice, Out of the Shadows and Into the Light gives information that will benefit both the beginner and the experienced magical worker, while giving accurate information to counteract the misconceptions. Out of the Shadows and Into the Light can only be bought at

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