
Monday, October 22, 2007

Awakening the Halloween Magic with suspense and Horror

Awakening the Dragon--Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy(9780979840609) is a story of magic, suspense and karmic justice combine in a tale of horror. Rachael moves to Coyote Springs to find a home and open her bookstore. Instead, she becomes the catalyst in exposing a murder and the target of a violent cult. She is forced to awaken her dragon spirit prematurely to save herself and all she loves. Will she be able to control the power of the dragon as it rises giving her the power to save all she loves or will the flames from within destroy her?

An excerpt:

But first she needed to insure the safety of her children and herself. She closed the door. Walking to the Eastern corner of the room, she raised her hands. "This room represents the entire house, the entire property. The powers of the East-beings of light, air, rain, thunder, lightening, wind. I ask you to attend to witness and protect my circle." Her hands came together in front of her forehead. She lowered them to her heart level. Moving to the Southern corner, she again lifted her arms. "The powers of the South-beings of fire, heat, the sun, the heavens above which shelters and protect us, keeping us warm and growing our food. I ask you to attend to witness and protect my circle." Her hands came together and she lowered them to her heart. She moved to the Western corner and raised her hands. "Powers of the West-thou who provides our water, our fish, the cleansing element of our bodies and our souls, you satisfy our thirst and calm our souls. I ask you to attend my circle to witness and protect." Her skin began to tingle with the energy she brought into the room.
The temperature dropped, them warmed as the electrical and gravitational levels fluctuated. Rachael walked to the Northern corner and raised her arms. "The beings of the North, I ask you to attend to witness and protect my circle. Like the Earth Mother be the grounding force that provides protection and comfort. You who gives us our homes, our food, and the love we all need to survive." Bringing her hands down, she turned and walked to the center of the room. "I have asked you here to witness my new home. I call it mine for me and my children-Tara, Merlin, and Ralph. We alone are residents here. All others are visitors. To be protected, yet we alone call this place home. From above and below and from all four directions, I encircle this house-my home, my yard, my car, myself and my children in the silver and golden healing lights so that we may be safe, secure and know we are well loved. I authorize whatever force necessary to protect the residents of this home, starting at first with minimal to deadly if necessary. I ask all deities present to insure the safety of me and mine."
The air charged. Heat radiated off the walls, like the hot waves off black top. The energy circulated from within and around her expanding to fill the room. She continued without knowing why. "I combine my energy and tradition with all those of light who have gone before. May we be joined, making each stronger exponentially. Where there was one, may there be two. Where there is two may there be the power and wisdom of four. Where there be four, may the power of sixteen do what must be done. And so it goes until all the beings of light work together as the whole." Through her mind's eye, she saw the energy in the room expand, filling the room, spilling out to fill the house and yard to the borders of the property. A column of light shot both upward, as a beacon, and downward, connecting them to the source. "Thank you for your blessings."
Up from the ground, another energy surged. For a moment, Rachael was frightened. It withdrew, returning more softly. It filled her heart with love. She saw an older woman. She was from the dream. Smiling, she walked to Rachael and placed a ring of iridescent flowers around her neck. She spread her arms wide. Bubbles of the same shiny energy floated down from the heavens, filling the house and the yard, building a solid fence around the property.
Rachael knew the bubbles pile high and energized the ground beneath them. She breathed it in and it filled her being with love and strength. The woman stepped away, fading into the energy around them. She opened her eyes. Knowing she had been blessed by the Earth Mother, herself; she bowed her head in gratitude. "Thank you, Mother."
You're welcome, daughter, whispered the wind. Call you new protectors. Spirits of the centuries of times long past, yet still now live on, I call you to be special protectors of this guardian and those she loves. Eyes that see all of the night I charge your claws and fangs to defend with all that is necessary to keep evil at bay.
Rachael heard them before her she saw them in her mind’s eye. Large and aware, she could see them manifest in the trees, shrubs and shadows around the cottage. Multi-shades of gold and green, their luminescent eyes rivaling the sunlight.
A single tiger leaped and landed before the woman. She reached out and stroked its head. He purred. Pointing to Rachael, she continued. “She is the guardian of this holy place.” She pointed at the suddenly quiet carrier. “These are her children. Let no harm come to them. Both day and night watch and defend. As it was before, you and the others have free reign. Do not wait for her to call. As you sense so shall you react.”
The golden eyes fixated on Rachael, sending shivers through her. Sensed his powerful spirit gently embracing her, getting to know her. He turned his head toward the carrier for a moment; then he vanished.
“As you are the guardian of this place, so they are to you. No harm shall come to you. Whether here or out in the world, one will always be close. Take care how you direct them.” As in the field, she reached out and cupped Rachael’s chin in her palm. “You have the strength, wisdom, and the honor for the tasks at hand. Do not doubt yourself.” Smiling, she tweaked the end of Rachael’s nose. “Now call the Mother Dragon. So we can continue.”
Rachael took a deep breath and tried to remember the correct wording.
“Speak from you heart and she will hear.”
“Mother of all the clans. The source of all our wisdom and strength I ask you to come to this my new home and bless it with your protection. It has been a source of love and wisdom, but now it is under attack by ignorance and bigotry. I ask you to bless it in such away that all the clans watch over and protect us. Let this beautiful place of light and love shine as a beacon for those who need comfort.”
Suddenly the room glowed with incandescent silver light that came from everywhere, yet nowhere. It filled the room. Again, Rachael knew it went far beyond to radiate though the cottage and out into the yard. The hair on her arms stood on end as the room charged with the energy of the Mother Dragon. Only once before did she feel as close to the Mother Dragon--when she dedicated herself to the dragon clan. Only this time it was stronger, deeper reaching. She felt it lift her spirit above the cottage until she could see and feel it all. Carmen was not far down the road and should arrive in minutes. Norman and Meredith argued about the living arrangements in the kitchen. The children watched from the living room. Lisa looked up at her and smiled. Beside her and all around, she felt the infinite love of the Mother.
Child, your awakening is at hand. The Mother‘s whispered to her. Soon you will know what it truly meant to walk the path of the dragon.
Rachael smiled within herself, knowing without consciously knowing what the statement meant. It was the unconditional love she responded to as if she was a young child being given the courage to start something new.
“As our energies intertwine so we meet together in the spirit of the new guardian. We become part of her as she becomes one with us.” The woman unfurled her arms shoulder high; her palms facing outward. “Let the ripples of our actions let it be known, the new guardian has been chosen.” Slowly she lowered her arms. “Be blessed Child of Light. Welcome home.” Suddenly she vanished.

Buy this book! I found myself smiling when I finished the last page of Awakening The Dragon--Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (formally Dragon's New Home), by Theresa Chaze. I've read a pretty good number of books in my life, but none have given me quite the mix of emotions that this books has.
Joe Murphy, The Dragon Page

“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” Words the members of the House of Christ live by, and killed by.
Rachel Franklin knew from the first moment she laid eyes on it that the cottage was hers. She felt its pull, could sense the magic within its walls. She was home.
However, the members of the House of Christ church had different ideas. The cottage was evil, the home of a witch, and all good Christians know that witches are evil beings, consorts of the Devil; their houses are evil and should be destroyed.
But, the cottage’s owner, Kevin Mitchellson would not allow that. He forbids any member of the church to set foot on the property left to him by his grandmother, Sarah, and the conflict rages, as Wicca and Christians team up, prepared to do battle with the bigotry and ignorance of the House of Christ fanatics.
Therese Chaze draws her readers in from the first page and refuses to release them until the last word of this fantastic tale of witches, magic, love and betrayal.
Set in the village of Coyote Springs, Dragon Domain is a book of lessons; lessons on love, forgiveness, and above all truth to oneself.
In the grand traditions of Anne McCaffrey and Marion Zimmer Bradley, Therese Chaze captures the imagination as well as the heart of her readers.
Dragon Domain is an open door to a world of wonder, and from the first page to the last, you will be hard pressed to put it down.

Linda Rucker

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