
Monday, June 18, 2007

KEEP DOG MURDER IN JAIL - GIVE HIM THE MAXIMUM SENTENCETarget:SUPERIOR COURT OF MARIN COUNTY, PEOPLE OF NOVATO & EVERYWHERENOVATO,PEOPLE AREOUND THE WORLD PEOPLECOUNTYANDCOUNTYAND EVERYWHERECreated by:OWNERS OF MURDERED LITTLE DOG NAMED "MIMI"Our loving, young pet Mimi, a very small, chi was murdered by a man named Frank on Tuesday afternoon. Frank took our little dog and slit her throat then threw her over his back fence. Thanks to the excellent, diligent work of the Novato Police Department, Frank was arrested and is in jail with a over $100,000 bail. This man took the life of our family member, a dog that gave nothing but love to all that she met. She made our family laugh everyday with her antics. Her best friend was Ty the big black Great Dane, who is now moping around the house looking for his little friend. When I found my dog with her throat cut, ants crawling on her body, blood coming out of her ears, my belief that every human being has some level of basic kindness, died in that moment. Who is this man, whatever reason he has for comitting this act, this is a sick person who does not belong in our society. He should be listed as a predator, just like sex offenders. Is any one safe anymore? GIVE THIS MAN THE MAXIMUM SENTENCE.

UPDATE: The grief is debilitating. It has been almost impossible for our family to get up everyday and do what we have to do, sleep, work, the kid's have moped around the house with the Dane, the house is a mess, laundry piling, I can't even imagine feeling light hearted ever again. WE ARE SO, SO SAD. 211 Kenwood Court was to be our home in a quite cul de sac, safe for the kid's and our pets, never did we imagine when we moved in that we would experience such crushing and painful actions of a so called "neighbor". Novato, California is a lovely rural town with great schools, friendly, animal loving people, one of the best Humane Societies in the Country and a wonderful Police Department. Everybody needs to know that there is someone here that is dangerous and we need your signatures to help to keep him off the streets in jail. We appreciate all of your support, keep signing and encouraging those around you to sign too. We want to do our best to make sure that this individual receive's THE MAXIMUM SENTENCE.

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Contact with your support by signing this petition and any advice, letters for the judges, (case#SC153949, Superior Court of Marin County, District Atorneys Office, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903) or email: GIVE THIS MURDERER THE MAXIMUM SENTENCE.

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