
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Energy Reading for June 2007


Theresa Chaze

The energy for June 2007 will be increasingly chaotic. There will be more decisions, which will have to be made without full or proper information. On the upside, there will be more cooperation between different groups as they finally see that their goals are not as different as they thought. People who once felt isolated by their uniqueness will suddenly find that they are not as special as they thought. Spiritually, unity will be the watch word and the goal of all those who are reaching for the next rung in the ascension ladder. Whereas we were working alone before, after June we will be working together.

The energy we will be bringing in to June is the six of swords. It is the card of the releasing of old worn out patterns and behaviors. As we examine and heal through old injuries and pains, we find ourselves forgiving everyone involved and releasing the situation to the Powers of Justice. We no longer have the time, energy or inclination to seek out vengeance. Other challenges have begun to take our interests down more positive paths. Although we will still actively participate in the justice process, we are no longer emotionally personally involved. We are merely doing what needs to be done to complete the tasks at hand.

June is represented by the ace of wands. Many will be starting new jobs both on the spiritual as well as mundane levels. It the time to start new challenges with courage and faith. If you know from you heart and soul that you have access to unlimited possibilities that is what you will draw into you life. By opening and accepting, you will begin to see the new path in front of you as a reality, not just a dream. What we ask for and are willing to accept is what will be created for us quickly and unquestioningly. Love of others will no longer be a bumper sticker, but a way of life.

The energy we will take out of June is the four of wands. From the inside out we will feel more at peace with ourselves, thereby creating more opportunities to meet others of like mind. There will be more connections as many others will be celebrating the successful opening of their lotus. Those who haven't become spiritually aware will see this energy as romantic love; however, those who have raised their vibrational level will find there hearts opening to all beings. This will be the awakening of lights that has been foreseen by many. Enough have done the work that it will be happening ahead of schedule. As each person lights up on the from the inside out, the planet will become awash with healing and forgiveness. The time is now and we are ready.

The energy challenge we will all contend with is the six of cups. Special friends and wisdom of the past will be brought forward. Many of us left mystical cheat-cheats with wisdom from the past. We wanted to be certain that we would have the information we needed, when it was required. The problem will be remembering where we put them and once again gaining access. As we have started to come back together, so we have started to not only collect our notes, but to share the information; in doing so, we are finding ourselves blessed and our lives filled with miracles.

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