Monday, May 28, 2007
Chuck you Farley!
Theresa Chaze
When did the generation who coined the phase "Chuck you Farley" become cowards? The sixties and seventies were decades filled with political and social change. Yet in the past six years, most of the civil rights that were hard fought for have been rapidly chiseled away without much protest. The anal-retentive traditionalist and bigoted jerks that were mocked and openly confronted now have free run to trample the civil rights. When did the Civil Rights generation become so politically correct that they no longer have the courage to stand up for civil rights, the environment, and individual freedoms. It was just about the time when being called a liberal became an insult or a point of view to be ashamed of; instead of meaning open and fair minded, it has come to mean weak and cowardly. Coincidently it was about the same time that ignorance and bigotry were suddenly promoted as positive aspects and wisdom and fairness were suddenly seen as a liability.
The sole purpose of Bush’s last national speech was to elicit fear and encourage bigotry. Repeatedly he warned that the boogieman was out to get every American. It is true that the world is a less safe place since 2001, but Bush’s policies have only increased the threat on the home front. Not only do terrorists from other nations hate Americans, but also Bush’s suspension of civil rights has given the home-ground bigots and nuts the power to intimidate, harass and degrade people they don’t approve of. No longer do citizens of this country have free speech, religion or are safe from unreasonable searches. Law enforcement no longer have to apply or acquire legal search warrants to search a person, vehicle or home. The presumption of innocence has disappeared, as the police only have to have a suspicion to in order to stop and search an individual. It has become common for law enforcement to attempt to silence dissenting political voices by harassing and intimidating those who speak out. Those who refused to be silenced are labeled as anti-American, traitors, or just dismissed as being ignorant--except for Rosie O’Donnell’s case; she has been labeled as fat and ignorant by traditionalists who hate that she is a strong minded, independent woman with a venue they can’t control. Instead of sticking to the facts, they chose to make personal attacks against those who disagree with their opinions; hence, the labels of treason and ignorance have become attached to those who have a liberal viewpoint.
During the sixties and early seventies, burning draft cards and marching for peace were acts of courage. However, those who protested and refused to go to war are now silent as our sons, daughters, in some cases grandchildren, die or are mutilated on the battlefield. The current administration went to war without justification or proper preparation. Many of the deaths and mutilations could have been avoided with the proper safety equipment. There was over a year debate, but instead of preparing by building up the troops and equipment, the administration continued to think the Iraqis would welcome the American troops like liberators. The US is only the latest of a long line of invaders who have come and gone throughout history; the Iraqis out lasted the others, unless there is a major change in tactics and intelligent preplanning history will repeat itself. The Bush administration either didn’t study the history of the region or they slept through the classes. A true leader stands out front and leads the battle; he doesn’t hide under his mommy and daddy’s bed or play dress up in soldier's clothes. The Bush administration had no trouble sending other people’s children in war, while keeping their family well out of harms way. When the injured return home, they are met with substandard care at over crowd facilities. Many are returning home with permanent physical and emotional issues, yet they are given little to no support.
Women’s rights, medical freedoms, and lifestyle choices are under attack as the “ole boy’s club” is trying to reincarnate themselves. Once again, discrimination is on the rise as people of color, non-Christians and women lose the jobs, children and find themselves profiled by law enforcement. Incidences of police abuse have been increasing since 2002 according to an article in the New York Times. “Random” stops and searches have increased 40% in the last five years; coincidently minorities, women, and non-Christians are more likely to be searched than white men. Violence against women has been rising, yet the Bush administration failed to support legislation, which would have provides addition protection for the women and children at risk. July 2005, five white South Carolina teens, ages 17-18, attempted to lynch a black teen. The attackers were allowed to plead guilty to lesser charges, receiving only 2-6 years in prison instead of the 30 years for the brutal attack on the 16 year old. Although the federal government could have intervene with the civil rights violations, it failed to do so stating they didn’t believe race or ethnicity was a factor in the teens actions. Equal protection under the law has once again become situational. Justice is for sale to the highest bidder. Those who have the resources are protected; those who don’t, are ground up by the system.
Once again, employment, wages and benefits are based on whom you know not what you know. Governmental services and protections are based not on need, but economic and political clout. The poorer sections of New Orleans didn’t receive the aid they needed at the time of the hurricane, nor has it yet to arrive. Conservatives and religious zealots point out that more money is being spend per student than ever before; they complain that they are paying too much for an educational system that doesn’t support their beliefs and traditions. Supplying a good education to all students is not only good for the whole country financially, but it makes the country stronger when all voices have the means and knowledge to contribute. It costs more because modern technology is more expensive than a number 2 pencil. In addition, if the funds were evenly distributed there wouldn’t be the current imbalance in the system. Some schools have more than they need, while others schools don’t even have the basic necessities. If there was a level playing field with every student receiving the same equipment and resources, there wouldn’t be such a radical difference between the level of education between graduating students.
So where did the civil rights generations disappear to? Did they change sides along with their clothing? Are they cowering in the shadows, hoping no will remember their past? Or are they simply afraid to stand up for the beliefs they used to hold as truths? Just how many people have to be subjected to harassment, intimidation, or be degraded before the independents, moderates and the liberals who used to stand for civil rights decide they have had enough? It’s time for society to take back its power and say Chuck you Farley.
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