
Monday, April 23, 2007

Out of the Shadows and Into the Light--an excerpt

Although many claim to know dragon magic or be dragons themselves, few are willing to share their rituals. In Out of the Shadows and Into the Light, Dragon Magic is a separate chapter, which gives access to the Dragon magic for protection, healing and direct contact information to many kinds of dragons. The following is an example of one of the rituals.

Calling the Great Mother Dragon

This ritual is for when you have the time or the will do to ritual. It can be as elaborate or simple as you wish it to be. However, in emergency situations, mentally calling out "Great Dragon Mother help!" also works. Although there is a simply call with the ritual, if you speak from your heart and soul, she will hear you just as clearly as if you had put together an elaborate rhythm.

You will need:

At least one white rose or in a pinch any white flower
a white candle
a piece of paper and a pencil or pen

This ritual can be done at any phase of the moon. You need to find a quiet calm place not only physically but emotionally as well. If you call her while upset, you risk missing her message. She is subtle and unobtrusive. Light the candle and smell the rose (flower)

"Great Mother Dragon, mother of us all
please answer my call.
Your wisdom and truth I do request
before I set out on this quest.
I seek to find my way through this dark night
please show me the way with your wisdom’s light.
These questions my heart asks with honest need
so Great Mother answer my call with all do speed.”

Ask your questions as simply and directly as you can. Pick up pen or pencil in hand and put the point on the paper, allow yourself to fall into a meditative state by watching the dancing of the flame. Her message will come to you either through a vision or through the automatic writing. Once you receive your message, thank and release her.

Out of the Shadows and Into the light is only available at

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