
Monday, April 09, 2007

Energy Reading for April 2007
Theresa Chaze

Like the coming of spring, the energy for April will be a rebirth and an awakening. For many it will be the breaking free of old boundaries, expectations, and worn out patterns. No longer limited, they will soar like eagles above the clouds, experiencing not only a new sense of freedom, but a fresh clarity and objectivity that only comes from breaking free of worn out traditions and beliefs. The Aquarian age of the individual has begun as the sun of the new age has begun to dry the dew from the fields, as a loved one would wipe away our tears. The tears have been shed. The healing has begun. It is time to take action.
The Ace of Cups is the energy that will be brought into April from March. It is an emotional rebirth and fresh hope for the future. No longer willing to be held captive by family members or society's expectations, many will change jobs, their homes and their relationships. It's not that they do not care about what others want or need; they just are no longer willing to subjugate their own lives to satisfy traditions just because that is what they were taught growing up. The questioning of the past has become action of the present. A majority of one will no longer be silenced by the many. The individual will be come master of their own destiny with all the rights and responsibilities that accompany the reclaiming of personal power.
The energy for April is represented by the Nine of Pentacles. Where the will and desire is strong, the practical application still represents a challenge. It is easy to visualize what kind of life you want; however breaking the old habits to create it is another matter entirely. It is harder to step out of the comfort zone in real life. Tilting at windmills is easier set to music in a daydream than at your job or on the city streets. Many people sense they have the power to create change, however they have yet to find a place to begin. By the end of the month, this will no longer be an issue as dramatic social, political and person concerns collide in very unexpected places.
Coming out of April, the energy is represented by the Ten of Swords. Whether real or imaginary, many people will feel a sense of loss and betrayal as they see their foundation crack and crumble around them. The challenge will be what you do with those feelings. If you chose to give into the negativity, more of the same will follow. However, those, who chose to use it as an opportunity to take out the emotional and psychological trash, will find that rebuilding by focusing on the positive will create a stronger, healthier base. Each individual will have to chose for themselves as the ability of society to force its members to conform into the cookie cutter molds of the past will be the first thing that crumbles into dust.
The energy challenge we will all be sharing is the Six of Pentacles. As a society and individuals, we will be given opportunities to openly share not only our resources, but also our positive spiritual and emotional energy. Like sharing a smile with a stranger, it will cost nothing to share our hope and faith; not to convert to a particular faith, but as a practical way of teaching by example. It is time to walk the walk, instead of preaching. If you want people to experience the love and hope, you have to do it not just talk about it. At the end of the day, it is what you do that matters not just what you say.

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