
Monday, March 26, 2007

The Secret Behind the Secret
Theresa Chaze

The Secret wasn't a really a secret. The knowledge and wisdom it contains has been available for centuries. What the DVD and the book do is package the information in a fresh way that makes it clearly understandable by all. It transforms the mystical concepts into clear and practical ideas that can be used in the modern day life. No longer are the theories shrouded in mysticism, but expressed real world ideas that help individuals manifest what they want in their lives.
Where we put our energy in the forms of our thoughts and emotions is what will manifest in our lives for good or ill. If you expect life to give you the best it has to offer that is what will be created. However, you obsess about the lack in your life that is what you will generate more of in your life. There is an internet story about a Grandfather and his grandson. The elderly man points to the child’s chest and tells him there are two wolves living inside him. One is loving, positive and courageous; it isn’t afraid to help others and to ask for help in return. The other is greedy, angry and fearful; it bullies others to hide its fear and to take what others have. These two wolves are battling to be his guardian spirit. The boy asks which one is stronger. The Grandfather say, whichever one he feeds will be the stronger and will be his guardian on his life path. So it is with all of us. Whichever emotion we give our energy to will be the stronger and will be the controlling emotions in our lives.
There is nothing wrong with being afraid. It is what we do with it that makes it positive or negative. Fear makes us more aware of our limitations and our challenges. It helps us find the boundaries that we need to push and inner issues we need to heal through. It can cleanse and strengthen of our personality and our soul, if we chose to recognize its positive aspects. However, when we deny its existence and chose to ignore the lessons it brings, we give it power over us. Whether we like it or not it will influence our relationships with others and our ability to respect ourselves. The more we run from it, the stronger it becomes and the weaker we become until it has total control how we see the world. Only by turning around and facing the fear head on do we once again become powerful within our own lives.
Further more, the way we treat ourselves not only teaches other how to treat us, but also is reflected in how we treat others. When you love and respect yourself, you will draw others to you who feel the same, because that is how you will treat others. People who come from fear will attempt to hide behind walls of anger and other self-destructive behaviors to keep themselves protected from the outside world. They will harm others in order to prevent being attacked. Yet it is this behavior that frequently draws in what they are desperately trying to avoid.
In the DVD, they talk about the Law of Attraction. Unlike magnets where likes repel likes, energy is drawn to similar frequencies. Just like water molecules come together in the atmosphere to create rain droplets that fall to the ground to make tiny rivulets, which come together to form streams flowing into rivers and eventually into the ocean, so does our positive or negative thoughts and emotions create our reality. Whatever we focus on will manifest in our lives. Whether it be love, prosperity, or health, we are the creators of our reality. By focusing on what we lack instead of being grateful for what we do have, we manifest more of the same. Instead of cursing the bills as they come in, we need to be grateful for your ability to pay what you can and actively visualize prosperity coming into your life. The difference is by changing the focus to the prosperity instead of the debt, you create more wealth both of spirit and money. If you are seeking a love mate, be grateful for those in your life that you share love and respect with. By enjoying the pleasures and wonders life offers with the people you enjoy, you open the door for others to come into your life. If good health is the issue, put you energy into being healthy. The announcement last week by John and Elizabeth Edwards’ plan to continue their campaign for the White House wasn’t unreasonable bravo, denial, or Elizabeth martyring herself; it was Elizabeth choosing to put her energy into her life instead of the cancer. By feeding her zest for life, she is empowering herself to be healthy and strong. Instead of the cancer taking over control over her life, Elizabeth chose to be the master of her destiny and live her life to the fullest. There is one thing about life, no one gets out alive; it is up to all of us to determine how we spend the time. We can either chose to live in fear or live wisely by sharing our joy and love.
Sometimes even positive manifestation has unexpected results. Whether it be legal, financial, emotional or spiritual, the Divine grants what we request. When you ask the universe to help you make a difference in the world without setting limits, you might find yourself in a situation that is beyond your control, wondering what happened and why you. If you don’t place limits on to your expectations, you leave yourself give the Divine cart blanch to involve you in whatever aspect life it needs a champion or a catalyst. However, by setting boundaries, you are more able to understand and control the process.
Trust is another major aspect of The Secret. Many times what we loose faith just as what we want is about to manifest. Instead of keeping our energy focused and having faith, we allow negative thoughts and energy to enter our lives, which blocks its creation. Our jobs are to ask, visualize and to accept what we want to come into our lives. How it arrives is the Divine’s job. The more we worry about how it will be provided, the more roadblocks we place in front of it. However, if we have faith and confidence in the end result, there isn’t anything we can’t accomplish in our lives. In spite of the limitations all of us have been taught growing up, there is more than enough for everyone to live healthy, prosperous lives filled with joy and love.
There is nothing in our lives we cannot change by changing our perspective. The only limits on our lives are those we place on ourselves. Having the courage to ask for what we want and expecting to get it, will open manifestation doors before us. Living a life of gratitude and faith will not only give us that courage to ask, but will hasten our goals and desires arriving into our lives.

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