
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Theresa Chaze--Wiccan Priestess, Ordained Minister, Civil Rights Activist and Fantasy Writer

Theresa Chaze has been described as the woman who plays with dragons, especially the dragons of the mind. She flies her readers to magical realms and others worlds on the wings of her dragon spirit. An Ordained Minister of the Universal Life Church and Wiccan Priestess, Theresa Chaze's work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can live together in peace as long as we come from respect, not only for ourselves but those who follow different paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an adult version of Harry Potter mixed in. However, her non-fiction focuses on civil rights, ethical animal treatment, and responsible environmental management, which includes rapidly moving away from fossil fuels into alternatives.

Her resume is as diverse as her interests. On the mundane level, she graduated from Michigan State University with Bachelor Degrees in English and Video Production; after which she worked for several years at local TV stations. On a more spiritual level, she is a Tarot Reader and a Reiki Healer. She is a natural born intuitive and empath with an instinctive connection to animals and nature spirits. Through her maternal lineage, she is able to not only sense those who have crossed over, but she can also communicate with them. In the summer of 1981, she initiated on the Wiccan path. Samhain of 1997, she fully dedicated to the path of the Goddess. February, 2007 she became an Ordained Minster of the Universal Life Church.

Her major works so far include the first two novels of the Dragon Clan Trilogy, Awakening the Dragon and Dragon Domain, and a free fantasy ebook called, Sisters, Mother, Daughters. Her Book of Shadows, Out of the Shadows and Into the Light will be released on March 1; it will only be available through her website. Her screenplay, Never Can Say Good-bye, is one of the 2006 winners of the Gloria Film Festival. Additional non-fiction articles and observations can be found in her newsletter; the link can be found on her site at Readers are welcome to visit site to download her free ebook and join her newsletter list.

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