
Friday, January 26, 2007

Energy Reading for February 2007
Theresa Chaze

In February 2007, the emotional and spiritual spring will be coming early for many as they have gone through their dark night and the dawn has appeared on the horizon. Those who have done the work will find that by mid February their rewards and awards will be larger than they anticipated. But they deserve no less, for they were the pioneers who faced the challenges of the unchartered territory and blazoned the path for others to follow.
The energy we are carrying forward from the past is the knight of wands. It is a card of sudden change, rash decisions, and radical changes of paths. Projects and challenges were completed only to find that the results, although expected, are no longer suitable for the current situation. The believes that many held dear were suddenly exposed as half-truths or out right lies, leaving the faithful disillusioned and angry. Yet the challenge they will carry forward is to see that the core belief wasn’t false, but the interpretation that they were given was a distortion. Those in control sought keep power over others by using fear, manipulation and bullying. As the truth is revealed, their power base has begun to erode. The image that comes to mind is the French Revolution as those in the middle start taking back their power from those with extreme views and goals.
February is represented by the Queen of Pentacles. Creativity, independence, and thinking outside the box will become the norm as individuals break away from the corporate world. No longer working in the best interest of the individual, corporations will find their best and brightest leaving to start their own enterprises. Only they will not only be loosing talent individuals, but they will be gaining competitors who know what their weaknesses are. February will be the month that more individuals will be willing to have the courage to find other options and have the courage to follow through. It is a month of breaking away from the herd. Only they will not be running solo for long. As more find their freedom, they will create a new herd based more on equality, honor and equitable distribution of resources.
The energy we will take with us is the Death card. Although it will be a jumping off point for many, this card talks more about the transformation and the radical changes that will be happening both within and without. Just like the sword, which has been shaped and strengthened by the forge, the trial by fire has tempered those who have walked through it, making them stronger, wiser and more capable of standing up for their rights, beliefs and those who are less capable. The death will come as the power shifts and the old guard finally topples. It will not be an easy, peaceful ending, but one of betrayal, lies, dishonor, and pain for many. But their attempts to retain control will only hasten their exposure and defeat.
The energy we will all be challenged with is the Star. In this case, the Star represents courage in spite of the odds, honor when it would be easy to sink to lower levels and faith when there is no reason to have it. By focusing on our goals and the path we have set before us, we will find the strength, courage and wisdom to follow through to the end. As we continue on our individual path, we will soon find that the paths start to merge; we are not alone. Together we are stronger exponentially. Together we can tear down the darkness that subdued us with fear and manipulation. Together we can rebuild and restore the balance that was taken from us by the empty souls who sought power for power sake and selfish who tried filling the emptiness within by stealing the light of others.

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