Sunday, December 31, 2006
January Issue of Messages of the Universe
An Ezine of Diversity of Wisdom and View Points
Theresa Chaze--Wiccan Writer
Here is the January Messages from the Universe. As always the individual articles remain copyrighted by the authors, but you are more than welcome to share the ezine with others.
You many have to cut and paste the address into your browser.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Free Wiccan Fantasy Ebook
I'm just testing to see if anyone is actually reading my blog. So I'm offering the first five people who comment to this message a free ebook copy of my novel, Awakening the Dragon. The catch is you have to write a 200 word review for me. Anyone interested? Anyone reading this?
If you enjoy a good magical fantasy in the style of Marion Zimmer Bradley, Anne McCaffrey and Harry Potter, you will enjoy Theresa Chaze's novels, Awakening the Dragon and Dragon Domain Filled with magic, suspense and romance, the residents of Coyote Springs will entice and frighten you as they face challenges that come from within and without.
Magic, suspense and romance intertwine in Awakening the Dragon--Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (ISBN 1-58961-432-3) as Rachael moves to Coyote Springs to follow her dream; instead of finding peace with her new store and new home, she becomes the catalyst in exposing a murderer and the target of a violent cult. To protect herself and her loved ones, Rachael risks everything by awakening her dragon spirit prematurely. As the dragon rises within her, the cult surround her home with the intent on killing the new witch who lives inside and burning the evidence of the murder of the previous owner.
Dragon Domain--Book Two of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (ISBN 1-58961-463-1) picks up the story a few months later as the Dragon Clan begins to reassemble at the safe haven Cheyenne has created on the Northern Michigan farm. Cheyenne was happy until an old love from Celeste‘s past appeared at their door. Rapidly the darkness of the night brought terror as sacrificial blood was shed. Cheyenne tried to warn her. Celeste refused to listen. She let him in. No one was safe from his darkness. Cheyenne called the dragons. They drove him back. Then they joined together in an old evil. Alone Cheyenne was barely able to defeated him, but now with Celeste’s help and knowledge of all her weakness, how could she possibly stop them from stealing her very soul and all those she loves?
Wiccan Ritual: Uniting Prayer For All Souls of Light
Theresa Chaze
In the challenging and divisive times we live in, where politicians and spiritual leaders use fear to gain supremacy, it is time we take back our own power and come together on common grounds. Every faith promotes truth, honor, love and wisdom; it is the dogma that divides us. By returning to the basics, we can again find the true spirituality of the Divine as each of us knows it. Whether you call it a ritual or mass, this prayer/spell was designed to bring our energy together to open our souls and minds to the realization that no one faith holds all the truths; it’s only by coming together and sharing what the Divine has taught each that we can follow the true path of spiritual growth. In addition, by sharing our wisdom, we build bridges of understanding, which fight the fear and bigotry others have cultivated to gain power.
Many have prayed for peace, yet war continues. But like a house that is build on quick sand, peace is only as good as the foundation on which it is built. It is only by praying for wisdom, justice and truth for all can peace be created. They are the strong foundations on which peace and respect between peoples, religions, and cultures will be created.
The following is a ritual to be performed on Winter solstice. Its purpose is to bring all the religions together in one voice. The more participants involved the more energy we will be raised and send out. It can be done online or in person. Souls know no time or space; if the intention is to be together, nothing will keep us apart.
For those who chose to be Guardians of light, your commitment to light a white candle and say the appropriate prayer last a year and a day. After such time, you are release to either recommit or not. For all other, the commitment is as deep as you wish it to be.
Opening Speaker:
Representing the will of each and every one of all
I light this candle to begin the call.
(Light a tall while pillar candle)
As this flame dances becoming a beacon in the night
I call you forth to be Guardians of Light.
In free choice and self determining will
come forth now and allow your spirit to prevail.
As this single candle turns darkness into light,
so may our spirits end the blight.
Where ignorance and hate now prevail
let wisdom, truth and justice be unveiled.
Come now forth to state your claim
to become pillars of the Divine flame.
Calling the Divine as you see
Let their presence come forth now and be.
Ask for their Divine might
to make justice a true right.
As you come forth for this year and a day
you proclaim yourself to be an anchoring ray.
As your wick meets the flame
Call the Divine using a familiar name.
(Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Earth Based or the multitude of the other religions, all are welcome to participate equally and freely. Each religion sends one person to call the primary deity or deities to attend. These representatives agree to light a white candle once a day for a year and one day and say the following prayer.)
In the name of the (Divine name--Jesus, Allah, Goddesses, etc), I do proclaim
that wisdom, truth and justice will remain.
Let this candle be a beacon on the darkness night
to fight back the fear with the hope of light.
(After all the religions, who wish be represented, call forth the Divine as they know it, they turn to those behind them and say in unison.)
From one light comes the hope
that goes beyond any one faith’s scope.
As it was shared with me without limit or shame
I pass it on now for all to claim.
(The second tier, no matter what faith, lights their candle from the nearest pillar candle and repeats)
From one light comes one hope
that goes beyond any one faith’s scope.
As it was shared with me without limit or shame
I pass it on now for all to claim.
(The sharing of the flame and the prayer continues until everyone participated.)
Closing speaker:
As we have to come together to become one
let our voices not be shunned.
Like a home that is build on solid ground,
so shall the Divine wisdom, justice and truth help the path to peace be found.
Releasing our egos and fears to the higher powers
we allow our souls to become spiritual towers.
When the darkness threatens our belief,
we only have to relight the flame to find relief.
For as we have lighted our candles to become one,
so we have touched each other and our separateness is undone.
Flame to flame, soul to soul
so our power has begun to unfold.
As these flames now are extinguished and no longer burn bright,
so we now become the pillars of light.
(The candles are extinguished and taken home to be relit later.)
Even though the ritual has concluded, the energy connection between the participates remains. Just as all the flames came from one, so we all come from the same source of love and wisdom no matter by what name it is called.
This ritual is meant to be freely shared and practiced. It’s in the sharing that creates the connect between us all.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Police Abuse: Wiccans Beware--
Your Civil Rights are not guaranteed
Theresa Chaze
Police ignoring civil rights has become a harsh reality for not only Wiccans and Pagans, but also every other minority. No longer does the First Amendment provide freedom of religion, speech, to gather and engage in peaceful demonstration. No longer does the Fourth Amendment guarantee your home, car or business will not be searched without a warrant signed by a judge. Instead, there are a growing number of law enforcement officers who believe they are above the law; they see themselves not as public servants, but public masters who should not be questioned or criticized. Instead, they should be blindly and meekly obeyed. To do otherwise is to risk being harassed, physically attacked and jailed with little cause.
Under the banner of self-defense, police have used traffic stops to justify warrant less searches. Such was the case of a northern Michigan Wiccan Priestess. Returning home from work, she was stopped. The Deputy initially refused to disclose why she was pulled over. Instead, he ordered her from her vehicle and searched it without her consent. In the bottom of her purse, he found a small athame set--the largest knife was under three inches, but it had a double edged blade. He arrested her; however, he refused to notify her of the reason for the stop or the arrest until they reached the jail. At that time, she was informed she was stopped for swerving twice in the several miles he had followed her, but she arrested and charged for felony-concealed weapon for having daggers in her purse. She did not threaten him, nor was she given an opportunity to explain why she had the athames. Several attempts were made a paying her bond, however the deputies on duty misrepresented the facts and she was held for over fifteen hours. During such time, she was denied medication for her asthma and proper nutrition for her hypoglycemia. Instead, the wheels of justice rolled over her civil rights. Although she had a clean record and the officer had a history of alcohol abuse, lying on the stand and violence against women, her court appointed attorney informed her that she would not win in spite of the illegal search and her religious path. In Michigan, double edge knifes, no matter what size are illegal. The attorney’s stance was that nothing else was pertinent to the case. Eventually the case was settled and the charges dropped to much lesser charge. But justice was far from being served.
Physically an athame is usually a double edge blade of varying sized, frequently with a black handle and a dull blade. However, its magical definition is ritual knife that is use only for the direction of energy. It is used in ritual for creating protective circles and calling the elements. Using it for a mundane purpose would contaminate it and make it unsuitable for ritual work until it had been cleansed and reblessed. A Boline is used for cutting and all other ritual needs. Kitchen witches are an exception to this rule; they believe that by using their tools daily increases their connection to them. Whether an athame or Boline, neither are to be used as a physical weapon. To do so would destroy their positive spiritual quality and attract the negative aspects of the universe.
In the case of the northern Michigan Priestess, if it hadn’t been for the illegal search of her purse, the athames wouldn’t have been an issue. They could have not been produce or used to threaten the officer or anyone else without destroying their religious power. The District Attorney’s office was informed of their religious significance; initially they agreed she had a defense under the First Amendment, however their stance changed without reason, claiming the Priestess told the officer they were for self-defense. By sheer definition of her spiritual beliefs, it is obvious that statement was untrue and the officer lied. Yet, even though he violated her First and Fourth Amendment rights, his word would carry more weigh by the court even though he had a history of deceit and violence against women.
Every state has their own laws pertaining to the legalities of what is considered a weapon. Before carrying your religious tools make you know what the specific requirements of your state are. In some cases, it would be wise to obtain a concealed weapons permit if you will be traveling with your Athame and Boline. By going to you can find an abridge listing of knife laws by state. It is only a starting point and should not be considered definitive legal advice.
Police Abuse: Simple Guidelines to Protect Yourself
Theresa Chaze
With the rapidly increasing occurrence of the police abusing individuals and ignoring their civil rights, everyone needs to be aware of what their rights are and how to protect them. No longer do the First and Fourth Amendments provide the freedoms and protection the founding fathers intended. Freedom of religion, speech, to gather and engage in peaceful demonstrations are no longer protected rights, nor is the right to be safe from unreasonable searches and seizures in our homes, cars, and places of business. The police no longer consider themselves pubic servants, but public masters who are above the laws. Their motto has been perverted from protect and serve to that of harass and intimate.
As in the cases of the UCLA student who was tazered multiple times by the police to the New York City undercover officers who turned a city street into a shooting gallery, these officers excuse their behavior under the banner of self-defense and expect the public to blindly accept their word in spite of valid physical evidence to the contrary. They are arrogant enough to believe that their word will not or should not be questioned. However, when they are confronted and complaints are filed, they harass and threaten their accusers into silence. Those who have the courage to follow through find the complaint system is skewed in the favor of the officers and against the individual. As with a Florida reporter, who exposed several law enforcement departs refusal accept complaints, was subject legal harassment and unlawful arrests, so it is across the country as law enforcement rallies to protect its own. The blue wall is not a myth or an illusion, but a force that protects renegade officers in shrouds of silence and sheer brutality. In addition, complaints are filed with the supervisor of the offender; it's like complaining to Don Corleone about one of his lieutenant’s behavior. The members of the Internal Affairs divisions are chosen by the chiefs or commissioners and answer to him or her not to the public. It is in their best interest to follow the lead set by their supervisors and not muddy the waters by questioning the officers or their departments' ethics. Civil complaint boards are only as effective as their members wish them to be. Going to the media and suing civilly have become the more effective means for victims of police abuse to receive justice. It is only when the public outrages becomes intense that the law enforcement agencies are forced to take appropriate action.
Although the abusive officers are only a small percentage of those on duty, the officers who know about the abuses and do nothing are just as bad. In ignoring, defending or protecting the abusers, they allow the behaviors to continue and to escalate. Their hands are just as bloody as those who do the actual harm. By keeping silent or excusing the abusive behavior, they betray the trust the public has consigned to them and placed themselves in the same category as those who do the harm. It would be in their own selfish best interest to expose the abusers and restore the honor of their departments. In doing so, they would make their jobs easier and safer as they would have the co-operation of the public, instead of the public seeing law enforcement as just another enemy.
The ACLU has released a list of what you should to do or not if you are stopped for questioning by the police. It is not a definitive list, but simple guidelines to help you safely deal with law enforcement.
Police Abuse: What to do if you are stopped while Driving
1. Think carefully. Choose your words and actions with care. Remain calm. Avoid quick movements.
2. Don't get into an argument or loose your temper. Anything you say or do can be held against you.
3. Don't run. Don't touch the officer. It can be used as a reason to arrest you.
4. Don't resist. Even if you are innocent, resisting alone is a reason to arrest you.
5. Don't complain. Making a scene or threatening to file a compliant only makes the situation escalate.
6. Do not make any statements regarding the incident. Ask for a lawyer.
7. Write everything down and remember the officer's name, badge number and patrol car number.
8. Try to find witnesses. Get their name and addresses.
9. If you are injured, document the injuries with medical reports and photographs.
10. If your rights have been violated, file a complaint with the police department’s internal affairs division or civilian complaint board.
If you are stopped in your car:
1. Upon request, show them your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. In certain cases, your car can be searched without a warrant as long as the police have probable cause. To protect yourself later, make it clear that you do not consent to the search. It is not lawful for police to arrest you for simply refusing to consent to a search. (From personal experience, I recommend that you drive with your information readily available. I used to drive with my purse in the back seat. When I was stopped, I told the officer that my information was in the back seat; he told me to get it, but when I tried to open the door, he used it as excuse to harass and arrest me. My purse is now on the passenger seat when I drive and all my information is easily accessible.)
2. If you're given a ticket, you should sign it; otherwise, you can be arrested. You can always fight it in court later.
3. If you are suspected of driving under the influence and refuse to take a blood, urine or breathe test, your driver’s license may be suspended.
If you are arrested and taken to the police station:
1. You have the right to remain silent and to talk to an attorney before you talk to the police. Tell the police nothing except your name and address. Don't give any explanations, excuses or stories. Make your defense later in court based on what you and your lawyer decides is the best course of action.
2. Ask to see a lawyer immediately. If you can't pay for one, you have right to free one and should ask the police how the lawyer can be contacted. Don't say anything without a lawyer.
3. Within a reasonable time after your arrest or booking, you have the right to make a local phone call. The police may not listen to the call to the lawyer.
4. Sometimes you can be released without bail or to have the bail lowered. Have your lawyer ask the judge. You must be taken before the judge on the next court day after the arrest.
If the police come to your home:
1. If the police knock and ask to enter your home, you don't have to admit them unless they have a warrant signed by a judge.
2. The exception is during an emergency situation. For example if a person is screaming for help inside or if the police are chasing someone and they enter.
3. If you are arrested, the police can search you and the area close to you. If you are in a building, close and mean up to the room you are in.
Everyone is entitled to courteous and respectful treatment by the police. If your rights have been violated, don't deal with it at the moment. Talk to a lawyer afterwards or file a complaint with the Civilian Complaint Board or Internal Affairs.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wiccan Uniting Ritual For All Souls of Light
Theresa Chaze
In the challenging and divisive times we live in, where politicians and spiritual leaders use fear to gain supremacy, it is time we take back our own power and come together on common grounds. Every faith promotes truth, honor, love and wisdom; it is the dogma that divides us. By returning to the basics, we can again find the true spirituality of the Divine as each of us knows it. Whether you call it a ritual or mass, this prayer/spell was designed to bring our energy together to open our souls and minds to the realization that no one faith holds all the truths; it’s only by coming together and sharing what the Divine has taught each that we can follow the true path of spiritual growth. In addition, by sharing our wisdom, we build bridges of understanding, which fight the fear and bigotry others have cultivated to gain power.
Many have prayed for peace, yet war continues. But like a house that is build on quick sand, peace is only as good as the foundation on which it is built. It is only by praying for wisdom, justice and truth for all can peace be created. They are the strong foundations on which peace and respect between peoples, religions, and cultures will be created.
The following is a ritual to be performed on Winter solstice. Its purpose is to bring all the religions together in one voice. The more participants involved the more energy we will be raised and send out. It can be done online or in person. Souls know no time or space; if the intention is to be together, nothing will keep us apart.
For those who chose to be Guardians of light, your commitment to light a white candle and say the appropriate prayer last a year and a day. After such time, you are release to either recommit or not. For all other, the commitment is as deep as you wish it to be.
Opening Speaker:
Representing the will of each and every one of all
I light this candle to begin the call.
(Light a tall while pillar candle)
As this flame dances becoming a beacon in the night
I call you forth to be Guardians of Light.
In free choice and self determining will
come forth now and allow your spirit to prevail.
As this single candle turns darkness into light,
so may our spirits end the blight.
Where ignorance and hate now prevail
let wisdom, truth and justice be unveiled.
Come now forth to state your claim
to become pillars of the Divine flame.
Calling the Divine as you see
Let their presence come forth now and be.
Ask for their Divine might
to make justice a true right.
As you come forth for this year and a day
you proclaim yourself to be an anchoring ray.
As your wick meets the flame
Call the Divine using a familiar name.
(Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Earth Based or the multitude of the other religions, all are welcome to participate equally and freely. Each religion sends one person to call the primary deity or deities to attend. These representatives agree to light a white candle once a day for a year and one day and say the following prayer.)
In the name of the (Divine name--Jesus, Allah, Goddesses, etc), I do proclaim
that wisdom, truth and justice will remain.
Let this candle be a beacon on the darkness night
to fight back the fear with the hope of light.
(After all the religions, who wish be represented, call forth the Divine as they know it, they turn to those behind them and say in unison.)
From one light comes the hope
that goes beyond any one faith’s scope.
As it was shared with me without limit or shame
I pass it on now for all to claim.
(The second tier, no matter what faith, lights their candle from the nearest pillar candle and repeats)
From one light comes one hope
that goes beyond any one faith’s scope.
As it was shared with me without limit or shame
I pass it on now for all to claim.
(The sharing of the flame and the prayer continues until everyone participated.)
Closing speaker:
As we have to come together to become one
let our voices not be shunned.
Like a home that is build on solid ground,
so shall the Divine wisdom, justice and truth help the path to peace be found.
Releasing our egos and fears to the higher powers
we allow our souls to become spiritual to towers.
When the darkness threatens our belief,
we only have to relight the flame to find relief.
For as we have lighted our candles to become one,
so we have touched each other and our separateness is undone.
Flame to flame, soul to soul
so our power has begun to unfold.
As these flames now are extinguished and no longer burn bright,
so we now become the pillars of light.
(The candles are extinguished and taken home to be relit later.)
Even though the ritual has concluded, the energy connection between the participates remains. Just as all the flames came from one, so we all come from the same source of love and wisdom no matter by what name it is called.
This ritual is meant to be freely shared and practiced. It’s in the sharing that creates the connect between us all.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Police Abuse:
Holding the Police Responsible for Their Actions
ByTheresa Chaze
The police are no longer harbingers of service and protection, but are a power driven force whose purpose is to intimate and humiliate the masses. Instead of good will and support, they are breeding resentment and anger in those they swore to protect. Increasingly civil rights are being whittled away and totally ignored by the police. They claim their actions are justified in the name of self-defense. It calls into question what came first, the attacks on the police or the brutality against the public? Yet the individual officers are not civilly or criminally held responsible for their actions. They can’t be sued by individuals they have been wrong and rarely are they prosecuted. Instead, the cities, counties and states are financially bearing the brunt of their ego driven rampages, which have caused great harm and sometimes death to individuals.
This needs to change. Officers need to be held responsible for when they have crossed the line. In every state of the union, here are examples of officers brutalizing the public but not being held responsible for their actions. The most recent and widely publicized event happened in New York City. Unarmed Sean Bell and two of his companions were leaving his bachelor party when the police turned a minor traffic accident into a shooting gallery. At least fifty shots were fired by five police officers into the car the three men occupied. Their vehicle was stuck by 21 bullets; Mr. Bell was killed and his companions severely wounded. But they were not the only victims. A neighborhood man had not only his car damaged by three bullets, but a fourth ripped through his front window, breaking a lamp in his living room. Two Port Authority Police Officers were injured by flying glass when a bullet shattered a window at the nearby AirTrain facility. All five officers involved have been put on paid administrative leave. Their names have been withheld as well as have any further details of the shooting. A Grand Jury will be convened to investigated the circumstances of the shootings; but like Patrick Dorismond and Amadou Diallo, can the Bell family expect justice from a system that as given free reign to officers to do as they will without consequences. Doing a Google search on “police abuse of power” brings up over seven million entries. From the Iran-American, Mostafa Tabatabainejad who was tasered by the UCLA police officers for now showing proper ID in the university library to the harassment WFOS TV-CBS reporter Mike Kirsch, who investigated the abuse of citizens who attempted to make complaints against officers, it quite apparent that law enforcement officers are out of control. In spite of witnesses and video evidence, the legal system continues to protect its own by persecuting innocent citizens. There were students in the library that used their cells to document the abuse of Mr. Tabatabainejad. On such video is at; be warned that it is very graphic. In Kirsch’s case, the Broward County Police Benevolent Association initiated a BOLO, giving out Kirsch personal information including phone number, license numbers and address to officers on a special alert. BOLO stands for “be on the look out.” This section is normally reserved for fugitives from justice and missing persons. Although the listing was temporarily withdrawn, it was back on the site March 17, along with the address and mobile phone number of Gregory Slate, one of the Police Complaint Center's volunteers.
With all the coverage, the abuse isn’t a secret. What is as easily apparent is what is being done. It is foolish for a complaint to have to go to the department that abused her or him to make complaint and expect that justice be done. But that is how the system is now set up. There are very few associations, which have the ability to effectively police the police. In many states, the Attorney General cannot get involved until after the local complaints have been filed, which means if the complaints are not accepted or denied, nothing will be done. Each state and county needs to have an independent association that the pubic can file complaints where they will be seriously investigated without complaint being harassed or intimated. There is a national database where complaints can be registered at This site has links to the FBI and Department of Justice tasks forces as well as to a civilian compliant center and the ACLU. It is a good resource, but none of them will prevent the abuse. The only way is insure the officers have personal as well as profession consequences. They can held responsible economically and legally for their actions. The only way this will be possible is for the public to step. As with the students who used their cell phones to document, the public needs to speak out not only on the local level but also on the state. They need to report abuses to the Attorney General of their state and not allow the office to hide behind protocol. Writing letters to the editor, giving details of the abuse will also force the police to obey the civil rights laws. Don’t be afraid to speak up for others; you never know when you will be the one who needs a witness. The more who speak out, the more power the public has to protect itself against police intimation and harassment. Legislation needs to be passed that allows individuals to sue officers. In addition, officers, who are accused of a crime, cannot be investigated by their own department, but by the next level in the chain of command.
Lastly know what your rights and responsibilities are. The ACLU ( has a list of what to do and not to do when approached by the police. It gives simple specific instructions what your rights are. Knowing what do to, will help you protect yourself and your loved ones.
Holding the Police Responsible for Their Actions
ByTheresa Chaze
The police are no longer harbingers of service and protection, but are a power driven force whose purpose is to intimate and humiliate the masses. Instead of good will and support, they are breeding resentment and anger in those they swore to protect. Increasingly civil rights are being whittled away and totally ignored by the police. They claim their actions are justified in the name of self-defense. It calls into question what came first, the attacks on the police or the brutality against the public? Yet the individual officers are not civilly or criminally held responsible for their actions. They can’t be sued by individuals they have been wrong and rarely are they prosecuted. Instead, the cities, counties and states are financially bearing the brunt of their ego driven rampages, which have caused great harm and sometimes death to individuals.
This needs to change. Officers need to be held responsible for when they have crossed the line. In every state of the union, here are examples of officers brutalizing the public but not being held responsible for their actions. The most recent and widely publicized event happened in New York City. Unarmed Sean Bell and two of his companions were leaving his bachelor party when the police turned a minor traffic accident into a shooting gallery. At least fifty shots were fired by five police officers into the car the three men occupied. Their vehicle was stuck by 21 bullets; Mr. Bell was killed and his companions severely wounded. But they were not the only victims. A neighborhood man had not only his car damaged by three bullets, but a fourth ripped through his front window, breaking a lamp in his living room. Two Port Authority Police Officers were injured by flying glass when a bullet shattered a window at the nearby AirTrain facility. All five officers involved have been put on paid administrative leave. Their names have been withheld as well as have any further details of the shooting. A Grand Jury will be convened to investigated the circumstances of the shootings; but like Patrick Dorismond and Amadou Diallo, can the Bell family expect justice from a system that as given free reign to officers to do as they will without consequences. Doing a Google search on “police abuse of power” brings up over seven million entries. From the Iran-American, Mostafa Tabatabainejad who was tasered by the UCLA police officers for now showing proper ID in the university library to the harassment WFOS TV-CBS reporter Mike Kirsch, who investigated the abuse of citizens who attempted to make complaints against officers, it quite apparent that law enforcement officers are out of control. In spite of witnesses and video evidence, the legal system continues to protect its own by persecuting innocent citizens. There were students in the library that used their cells to document the abuse of Mr. Tabatabainejad. On such video is at; be warned that it is very graphic. In Kirsch’s case, the Broward County Police Benevolent Association initiated a BOLO, giving out Kirsch personal information including phone number, license numbers and address to officers on a special alert. BOLO stands for “be on the look out.” This section is normally reserved for fugitives from justice and missing persons. Although the listing was temporarily withdrawn, it was back on the site March 17, along with the address and mobile phone number of Gregory Slate, one of the Police Complaint Center's volunteers.
With all the coverage, the abuse isn’t a secret. What is as easily apparent is what is being done. It is foolish for a complaint to have to go to the department that abused her or him to make complaint and expect that justice be done. But that is how the system is now set up. There are very few associations, which have the ability to effectively police the police. In many states, the Attorney General cannot get involved until after the local complaints have been filed, which means if the complaints are not accepted or denied, nothing will be done. Each state and county needs to have an independent association that the pubic can file complaints where they will be seriously investigated without complaint being harassed or intimated. There is a national database where complaints can be registered at This site has links to the FBI and Department of Justice tasks forces as well as to a civilian compliant center and the ACLU. It is a good resource, but none of them will prevent the abuse. The only way is insure the officers have personal as well as profession consequences. They can held responsible economically and legally for their actions. The only way this will be possible is for the public to step. As with the students who used their cell phones to document, the public needs to speak out not only on the local level but also on the state. They need to report abuses to the Attorney General of their state and not allow the office to hide behind protocol. Writing letters to the editor, giving details of the abuse will also force the police to obey the civil rights laws. Don’t be afraid to speak up for others; you never know when you will be the one who needs a witness. The more who speak out, the more power the public has to protect itself against police intimation and harassment. Legislation needs to be passed that allows individuals to sue officers. In addition, officers, who are accused of a crime, cannot be investigated by their own department, but by the next level in the chain of command.
Lastly know what your rights and responsibilities are. The ACLU ( has a list of what to do and not to do when approached by the police. It gives simple specific instructions what your rights are. Knowing what do to, will help you protect yourself and your loved ones.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
On Monday December 4, I will be appearing on Missy Brown Writers Jamboree at It's an interactive chat about my work and writing in general; you are invited to join to listen or ask questions. Theresa
New Magical Fantasy Author--Theresa Chaze
Theresa Chaze is a fully dedicated Wiccan Priestess who leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can live together in peace as long as we come from respect, not only for ourselves but those who follow different paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an adult version of Harry Potter mixed in.
Her resume is as diverse as her interests. On the mundane level, she graduated from Michigan State University with Bachelor Degrees in English and Video Production; after which she worked for several years at local TV stations. However the politics in the stations burned her out and she moved on to various jobs finally ending up at a small factory. On a more spiritual level, she is a Tarot Reader and a Reiki Healer. In the summer of 1981, she initiated on the Wiccan path. Samhain of 1997, she fully dedicated to the path of the Goddess. She is a natural born intuitive and empath with an instinctive connection to animals and nature spirits.
Her major works so far include the first two novels of the Dragon Clan Trilogy and a free fantasy ebook called, Sisters, Mother, Daughters. Her screenplay, Never Can Say Good-bye, is one of the 2006 winners of the Gloria Film Festival. Additional non-fiction articles and observations can be found in her newsletter; the link can be found on her site at Readers are welcome to visit site to download her free ebook and join her newsletter list.
Theresa Chaze is a fully dedicated Wiccan Priestess who leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can live together in peace as long as we come from respect, not only for ourselves but those who follow different paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an adult version of Harry Potter mixed in.
Her resume is as diverse as her interests. On the mundane level, she graduated from Michigan State University with Bachelor Degrees in English and Video Production; after which she worked for several years at local TV stations. However the politics in the stations burned her out and she moved on to various jobs finally ending up at a small factory. On a more spiritual level, she is a Tarot Reader and a Reiki Healer. In the summer of 1981, she initiated on the Wiccan path. Samhain of 1997, she fully dedicated to the path of the Goddess. She is a natural born intuitive and empath with an instinctive connection to animals and nature spirits.
Her major works so far include the first two novels of the Dragon Clan Trilogy and a free fantasy ebook called, Sisters, Mother, Daughters. Her screenplay, Never Can Say Good-bye, is one of the 2006 winners of the Gloria Film Festival. Additional non-fiction articles and observations can be found in her newsletter; the link can be found on her site at Readers are welcome to visit site to download her free ebook and join her newsletter list.
New conversion Service
Theresa Chaze
Valkyrie Publishing provides a formatting conversion service, which translates word documents into PDF files and creates unique graphics for those who are time and technically challenged. Not only for Ebooks, PDF files can be useful for newsletters, ezines, or any document that will be needed to be easily opened by many computers.
As many have already realized using the free online service to convert their document into a PDF file doesn't always happen easily. Sometimes the formatting process moves paragraphs and chapters so they no longer properly aligned on the page. Valkyrie Publishing checks the placement before returning it to the author for formatting errors. In addition, the documents are ad free. Since the author is hiring a service, all rights are retained by the author. This service will provide a way for more authors to publish their work while maintaining total control over the distribution and sales.
Graphics will be composed using Photoshop by using of both royalty free components as well as original art. The image will be returned in a jpeg format in the best quality possible. From ebook covers to ezines, Valkyrie Publishing will provide unique art that will make your project look professional.
There are also other uses for PDF files. Newsletters and ezines are becoming more technically advanced as they become more popular. By converting to a PDF file, the publisher has the option of either sending the file out in the body of an email or uploading the file onto their server and sending out the address. By doing the later, it increases readership possibilities as it makes the smaller email and removes the need for an attachment. It's a simple and easy way of distributing newsletters and press releases. However, any documents that are going to shared or read on many different computers will benefit from being converted. For more information go to
Theresa Chaze
Valkyrie Publishing provides a formatting conversion service, which translates word documents into PDF files and creates unique graphics for those who are time and technically challenged. Not only for Ebooks, PDF files can be useful for newsletters, ezines, or any document that will be needed to be easily opened by many computers.
As many have already realized using the free online service to convert their document into a PDF file doesn't always happen easily. Sometimes the formatting process moves paragraphs and chapters so they no longer properly aligned on the page. Valkyrie Publishing checks the placement before returning it to the author for formatting errors. In addition, the documents are ad free. Since the author is hiring a service, all rights are retained by the author. This service will provide a way for more authors to publish their work while maintaining total control over the distribution and sales.
Graphics will be composed using Photoshop by using of both royalty free components as well as original art. The image will be returned in a jpeg format in the best quality possible. From ebook covers to ezines, Valkyrie Publishing will provide unique art that will make your project look professional.
There are also other uses for PDF files. Newsletters and ezines are becoming more technically advanced as they become more popular. By converting to a PDF file, the publisher has the option of either sending the file out in the body of an email or uploading the file onto their server and sending out the address. By doing the later, it increases readership possibilities as it makes the smaller email and removes the need for an attachment. It's a simple and easy way of distributing newsletters and press releases. However, any documents that are going to shared or read on many different computers will benefit from being converted. For more information go to
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Greetings,Here is the December issue of Messages From the Universe. As always the authors maintain copyright to the individual articles, however you are welcome to share the ezine.The address is http://www.geocitie MessagesDec. pdfYou may have to cut and paste it into your browser.I am always looking for good article with unique wisdom and points of view. If you are interested, email me at Theresa@theresachaz
Thursday, October 19, 2006
After working a ten hour shift at Normic that started at 3:30 pm Tuesday October 17th and ending 2 am on the 18th, I was driving home on South Airport Road. A few minutes after I turned off Park Drive on to South Airport, a car drove up very close behind me. The headlights were lighting the interior of my car and it was making me very uncomfortable because it simply wasn't safe. If I suddenly had to stop, the other car would have rear-ended me. I turned on my signal and moved into the left lane. The car advanced and I saw it was a police car. I thought he was in a hurry and would pass. Instead, he turned his flashers on. Confused, I turned on my signal and pulled over back in to the right lane, then off to the side of the road, turning off my car and rolling down the window. The officer walked up and I asked "What? What did I do?" He asked me for my driver's license and registration. I told him it was in my purse and pointed to the backseat. He told me to get it, so I started opening the door. He got angry and slammed it shut. He demanded that I get it by reaching around the other way. There was no way I could reach it. He yanked open the door and ordered me to get out and go to the back of my car. I did what I was told, asking what did I do. He refused to answer. Moments later, he walked around riffling through my purse. He asked me if I had anything sharp that would cut him or a weapon. I have a small atheme that I carry for when I do ritual in the woods. It's a set of two knives--two inches and one inch. Since most people don't know what an athame is, I called them knives. I bought them on Ebay for 99 cents. He dug to the bottom of the outside pocket and found them. He again looked through the main pocket, then gave me my purse back and demanded I give him my license and registration. I asked him to hold his flashlight over my purse while I looked for them; it was even a bigger mess than when I gave it to him. After I gave him the forms, I was handcuff and put in the back of the squad car. I kept asking why and neither officer would answer me. I asked to talk to a supervisor and was told he knew, but he was too busy to talk to me. Where the second officer came from I don't know. I was so overhelmed, I didn't see if there was a second car. They searched my car without my permission and arranged to have my car towed. They took my keys and drove me to the jail. The handcuffs were so tightened they make my hands numb. Wednesday I woke up with my right wrist hurt and swollen.
After we got to the jail, I was informed that my car was swerving and that is why I was stopped. They arrested me because of my carrying a concealed weapon. I was totally amazed. They took off the handcuffs and I was processed. They took all my jewelry, including my pentacle necklace, and I was searched. During the processing, I was searched twice more, which I didn't understand. Except for going to the bathroom, I was always in their sight, so why would they continually have to search me? Another person was being given a breathizer test. I asked to be given one as well. I wanted it as evidence that was sober and I had never done it before. I asked to talk to a supervisor and again was denied. I asked for an attorney and was denied. They placed me in a hallway. There was a payphone, but I didn't know who to call and I no longer had any money. The longer I waited, the more nervous, I became. Stress is the main trigger for my asthma. As the attack started, I asked for my inhaler; they refused to give it to me. It turned into a major attack to the point of throwing up and peeing on myself. An officer walked in and told me to stop making myself sick. I told him the best that I could that I have asthma and needed my inhaler. A few minutes later, he allowed me to use it, but it took a little while before I was able to talk. During that time a dark haired officer with a mustache, who claimed he was a supervisor came it. I told him that I could talk yet and to come back in a few minutes. He never came back, but another one did. He said he was the shift sergeant who arrest me and that the other was the supervisor for the jail. I explain to him what had happened and the actual size of the knifes. He didn't understand why the officer decided to arrest me--that he had the option of not. He also said that the officer contacted him and told him that the knife was three inches long; it was at that point he gave the officer the option of arresting or not. He said at this point there was nothing he could do, but at the 9 am, I would be given my bond hearing and that I would most likely be let go without having to pay a bond. I told him about my asthma, allergies, and hypoglycemia. He said he would make sure that I had access to my inhaler and given something to eat. I told him I would be missing two dozes of my allergy medication because I didn't carry them with me. There was nothing he could do. I asked for an attorney and why my rights hadn't been read to me. He said my rights didn't have to be read to me because they hadn't asked about the knife, but ignored my request for an attorney. Before he left, he again said he didn't understand why I was arrested and was sorry that he couldn't help.
Later I was put into a holding room and bagged lunch with two sandwiches, cookie, juice and an apple were given to me. The juice was high in sugar so it helped bring my blood sugar left back up. The sandwich tasted strange and the bread was all dry. It made me sick. I forced myself to eat half of it because I needed to eat and nibbled on the stale cookie. It was so bad I didn't know what kind it was. I rationed out the juice to keep my blood sugar up. For the rest of the night, I sat on the mattress and walked the parade of people. Every few hours my chest would start to get tight and I would ask for my inhaler. It was hard to get their attention, but eventually it would be provided. Each time the officers were getting nastier about it. Breakfast was served to the other inmates but I didn't receive any, nor was I asked if I wanted any. There weren't any clocks so I lost track of time.
Eventually I was let out to talk to the "magistrate"--the woman who set my bail. I tried to tell her my side; she wouldn't listen. No one would. She was more interested in my income and what property I owned, than finding out what my history was. I tried to tell her that I had never been arrested; like everyone else, she ignored me. She told me I was to go before the judge at 2pm. My bond was set at five thousand dollars with ten percent down. The only person I could think to call who would have access to that kind of money was my employer. I called him and he said he would see what he could do. Later, I was able to use the phone twice more to get bond. My sister-in-law wasn't home; my credit card wouldn't increase my limit. I didn't know what I was going to do. No one would give me any information nor help me understand the process.
For most of the morning, I sat with my back against the wall, crying. Lunch was served, but by that time I had waited to long to eat. Looking at it make me feel nauseous, eating would only make me vomit. Instead, I curled back up in my corner and drank the Kool-Aid type drink they gave me. I continue to ask for my inhaler regularly. The officers were getting hostile. At one point, they nearly refused, but they gave it to me and told me it was the last time. Another officer mentioned that they should send me to the nurse to be checked out. However that wasn't done.
It seemed to be getting late. I started asking about the time. I was told I had to appear before the judge at 2pm. I was already in enough trouble already; I didn't need more by being late. The officers told me not to worry about it; the paperwork wasn't filled out yet, but it would be soon. There was an announcement made for something at three o'clock. I again told an officer about the 2 pm appointment, he told me the paperwork still wasn't ready. Later I asked again about the time, the officer said it was nearly four. Another person and I would be arranged before five. The was a problem with the transfer of a person and there was chaos for about 10-15 minutes. The officers had a good time beating up a young man who was being difficult. They laughed and joked about how they wanted to punch him bloody. After things had calmed down, my court appearance had been pushed back to Thursday at 9:45 am but my bond had been posted. They were just waiting to get the receipt.
After dinner had been service, I was finally let out of the cell and my paperwork processed. They had taken all the cash I had on hand and deducted cost of my stay, returning the rest in a check. They wouldn't give me copies of anything bond the receipt of my bond being paid and the check. They allowed me to use the phone. I called my employer to tell him that I had been released. He told me that he had tried to pay the bond earlier, but was told that I would be arraigned at two and that it would be reduced. When he called before three and he found out that I hadn't been, he made arrangements to pay it before 4. I wasn't released until after 5pm. It was too late to contact an attorney.
By the time, the cab picked me up and the tow driver returned to the lot, it was after 6:30pm. Neither of them would accept a check and I ended up going over my limit on my credit card in order to get myself and my car home. On Wednesday, I arrived at the courthouse at 9:30. I asked where I need to be and for my paperwork. I was told I didn't need any and was directed to the courtroom. While I was waiting, I talked to a man who also had been in jail at the same time. He heard the officers joking that my paperwork had been ready for a while, but since I had been a pain they were going to teach me a lesson. It was after 11:30 before I was called before the judge. He finally read me my rights and gave me a phone number to call the next day to get an attorney. I told him I had never been arrested before and he agreed to give me back the ten percent my employer paid. I was able to leave. I was cooperative from the beginning and through the whole ordeal. I keep asking why, because I wasn’t being given answers. The couple of times in the past, when I had been stopped the first words the officer said was did you know you were speeding. The arresting officer wouldn’t tell me anything. It was as if he was looking for a reason to arrest me and wouldn’t stop until he found one. I didn’t know him and don’t know why he would want to hurt me. I lost two days of work, cost me money I couldn't afford, and has made me physically ill. I didn't do anything wrong.
After we got to the jail, I was informed that my car was swerving and that is why I was stopped. They arrested me because of my carrying a concealed weapon. I was totally amazed. They took off the handcuffs and I was processed. They took all my jewelry, including my pentacle necklace, and I was searched. During the processing, I was searched twice more, which I didn't understand. Except for going to the bathroom, I was always in their sight, so why would they continually have to search me? Another person was being given a breathizer test. I asked to be given one as well. I wanted it as evidence that was sober and I had never done it before. I asked to talk to a supervisor and again was denied. I asked for an attorney and was denied. They placed me in a hallway. There was a payphone, but I didn't know who to call and I no longer had any money. The longer I waited, the more nervous, I became. Stress is the main trigger for my asthma. As the attack started, I asked for my inhaler; they refused to give it to me. It turned into a major attack to the point of throwing up and peeing on myself. An officer walked in and told me to stop making myself sick. I told him the best that I could that I have asthma and needed my inhaler. A few minutes later, he allowed me to use it, but it took a little while before I was able to talk. During that time a dark haired officer with a mustache, who claimed he was a supervisor came it. I told him that I could talk yet and to come back in a few minutes. He never came back, but another one did. He said he was the shift sergeant who arrest me and that the other was the supervisor for the jail. I explain to him what had happened and the actual size of the knifes. He didn't understand why the officer decided to arrest me--that he had the option of not. He also said that the officer contacted him and told him that the knife was three inches long; it was at that point he gave the officer the option of arresting or not. He said at this point there was nothing he could do, but at the 9 am, I would be given my bond hearing and that I would most likely be let go without having to pay a bond. I told him about my asthma, allergies, and hypoglycemia. He said he would make sure that I had access to my inhaler and given something to eat. I told him I would be missing two dozes of my allergy medication because I didn't carry them with me. There was nothing he could do. I asked for an attorney and why my rights hadn't been read to me. He said my rights didn't have to be read to me because they hadn't asked about the knife, but ignored my request for an attorney. Before he left, he again said he didn't understand why I was arrested and was sorry that he couldn't help.
Later I was put into a holding room and bagged lunch with two sandwiches, cookie, juice and an apple were given to me. The juice was high in sugar so it helped bring my blood sugar left back up. The sandwich tasted strange and the bread was all dry. It made me sick. I forced myself to eat half of it because I needed to eat and nibbled on the stale cookie. It was so bad I didn't know what kind it was. I rationed out the juice to keep my blood sugar up. For the rest of the night, I sat on the mattress and walked the parade of people. Every few hours my chest would start to get tight and I would ask for my inhaler. It was hard to get their attention, but eventually it would be provided. Each time the officers were getting nastier about it. Breakfast was served to the other inmates but I didn't receive any, nor was I asked if I wanted any. There weren't any clocks so I lost track of time.
Eventually I was let out to talk to the "magistrate"--the woman who set my bail. I tried to tell her my side; she wouldn't listen. No one would. She was more interested in my income and what property I owned, than finding out what my history was. I tried to tell her that I had never been arrested; like everyone else, she ignored me. She told me I was to go before the judge at 2pm. My bond was set at five thousand dollars with ten percent down. The only person I could think to call who would have access to that kind of money was my employer. I called him and he said he would see what he could do. Later, I was able to use the phone twice more to get bond. My sister-in-law wasn't home; my credit card wouldn't increase my limit. I didn't know what I was going to do. No one would give me any information nor help me understand the process.
For most of the morning, I sat with my back against the wall, crying. Lunch was served, but by that time I had waited to long to eat. Looking at it make me feel nauseous, eating would only make me vomit. Instead, I curled back up in my corner and drank the Kool-Aid type drink they gave me. I continue to ask for my inhaler regularly. The officers were getting hostile. At one point, they nearly refused, but they gave it to me and told me it was the last time. Another officer mentioned that they should send me to the nurse to be checked out. However that wasn't done.
It seemed to be getting late. I started asking about the time. I was told I had to appear before the judge at 2pm. I was already in enough trouble already; I didn't need more by being late. The officers told me not to worry about it; the paperwork wasn't filled out yet, but it would be soon. There was an announcement made for something at three o'clock. I again told an officer about the 2 pm appointment, he told me the paperwork still wasn't ready. Later I asked again about the time, the officer said it was nearly four. Another person and I would be arranged before five. The was a problem with the transfer of a person and there was chaos for about 10-15 minutes. The officers had a good time beating up a young man who was being difficult. They laughed and joked about how they wanted to punch him bloody. After things had calmed down, my court appearance had been pushed back to Thursday at 9:45 am but my bond had been posted. They were just waiting to get the receipt.
After dinner had been service, I was finally let out of the cell and my paperwork processed. They had taken all the cash I had on hand and deducted cost of my stay, returning the rest in a check. They wouldn't give me copies of anything bond the receipt of my bond being paid and the check. They allowed me to use the phone. I called my employer to tell him that I had been released. He told me that he had tried to pay the bond earlier, but was told that I would be arraigned at two and that it would be reduced. When he called before three and he found out that I hadn't been, he made arrangements to pay it before 4. I wasn't released until after 5pm. It was too late to contact an attorney.
By the time, the cab picked me up and the tow driver returned to the lot, it was after 6:30pm. Neither of them would accept a check and I ended up going over my limit on my credit card in order to get myself and my car home. On Wednesday, I arrived at the courthouse at 9:30. I asked where I need to be and for my paperwork. I was told I didn't need any and was directed to the courtroom. While I was waiting, I talked to a man who also had been in jail at the same time. He heard the officers joking that my paperwork had been ready for a while, but since I had been a pain they were going to teach me a lesson. It was after 11:30 before I was called before the judge. He finally read me my rights and gave me a phone number to call the next day to get an attorney. I told him I had never been arrested before and he agreed to give me back the ten percent my employer paid. I was able to leave. I was cooperative from the beginning and through the whole ordeal. I keep asking why, because I wasn’t being given answers. The couple of times in the past, when I had been stopped the first words the officer said was did you know you were speeding. The arresting officer wouldn’t tell me anything. It was as if he was looking for a reason to arrest me and wouldn’t stop until he found one. I didn’t know him and don’t know why he would want to hurt me. I lost two days of work, cost me money I couldn't afford, and has made me physically ill. I didn't do anything wrong.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Magic, suspense and romance intertwine in Awakening the Dragon--Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (ISBN 1-58961-432-3) as Rachael moves to Coyote Springs to follow her dream; instead of finding peace with her new store and new home, she becomes the catalyst in exposing a murderer and the target of a violent cult. To protect herself and her loved ones, Rachael risks everything by awakening her dragon spirit prematurely. As the dragon rises within her, the cult surround her home with the intent on killing the new witch who lives inside and burning the evidence of the murder of the previous owner.
Dragon Domain--Book Two of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (ISBN 1-58961-463-1) picks up the story a few months later as the Dragon Clan begins to reassemble at the safe haven Cheyenne has created on the Northern Michigan farm. Cheyenne was happy until an old love from Celeste‘s past appeared at their door. Rapidly the darkness of the night brought terror as sacrificial blood was shed. Cheyenne tried to warn her. Celeste refused to listen. She let him in. No one was safe from his darkness. Cheyenne called the dragons. They drove him back. Then they joined together in an old evil. Alone Cheyenne was barely able to defeated him, but now with Celeste’s help and knowledge of all her weakness, how could she possibly stop them from stealing her very soul and all those she loves?
Theresa Chaze announces the release of the first two novels of her Dragon Clan series. In the style of Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mercedes Lackey, Theresa Chaze brings a new magic to fantasy fiction. Intertwining real magic with modern day life, she promotes her belief that all people can live together in peace as long as differences are respected and tolerance is paramount. Released through Pagefree Publishing, both novels will be available June 9, 2006 through Amazon and bookstores. Excerpts can be read at In addition, her free ebook Sisters, Mothers, Daughters can be downloaded. Readers are encouraged to sign up for her newsletter and to sign her guestbook.
Dragon Domain--Book Two of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (ISBN 1-58961-463-1) picks up the story a few months later as the Dragon Clan begins to reassemble at the safe haven Cheyenne has created on the Northern Michigan farm. Cheyenne was happy until an old love from Celeste‘s past appeared at their door. Rapidly the darkness of the night brought terror as sacrificial blood was shed. Cheyenne tried to warn her. Celeste refused to listen. She let him in. No one was safe from his darkness. Cheyenne called the dragons. They drove him back. Then they joined together in an old evil. Alone Cheyenne was barely able to defeated him, but now with Celeste’s help and knowledge of all her weakness, how could she possibly stop them from stealing her very soul and all those she loves?
Theresa Chaze announces the release of the first two novels of her Dragon Clan series. In the style of Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mercedes Lackey, Theresa Chaze brings a new magic to fantasy fiction. Intertwining real magic with modern day life, she promotes her belief that all people can live together in peace as long as differences are respected and tolerance is paramount. Released through Pagefree Publishing, both novels will be available June 9, 2006 through Amazon and bookstores. Excerpts can be read at In addition, her free ebook Sisters, Mothers, Daughters can be downloaded. Readers are encouraged to sign up for her newsletter and to sign her guestbook.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Theresa Chaze is a fully dedicated Wiccan Priestess who uses the Fantasy genre to explore the universe and our spiritual challenges. Her new novels Awakening the Dragon and Dragon Domain will be available in May, 2006. Her free ebook Sisters, Mothers, Daughters is available by going to her site at
Awakening the Dragon
To protect herself and her loved ones from the violent cult, Rachael risks everything by awakening her dragon spirit prematurely. As the dragon rises within her, the cult surround her home with the intent on killing the new witch who lives inside and burning the evidence of the murder of the previous owner.
Dragon Domain
Dragon magic intertwines with the Old Ones and Hopi tradition, as Cheyenne fights to save those she loves and her home from a one time friend, who has turned to dark magic to steal back her youth and get revenge on those she feels have betrayed her.
Sisters Mothers Daughters
Sisters, Mothers, Daughter is a collection of short stories that explore the complicated and ever changing relationships between women. Other worlds, differing religions, life paths and political points of view come together in the fantasy genre as women explore themselves and their life’s path.
Awakening the Dragon
To protect herself and her loved ones from the violent cult, Rachael risks everything by awakening her dragon spirit prematurely. As the dragon rises within her, the cult surround her home with the intent on killing the new witch who lives inside and burning the evidence of the murder of the previous owner.
Dragon Domain
Dragon magic intertwines with the Old Ones and Hopi tradition, as Cheyenne fights to save those she loves and her home from a one time friend, who has turned to dark magic to steal back her youth and get revenge on those she feels have betrayed her.
Sisters Mothers Daughters
Sisters, Mothers, Daughter is a collection of short stories that explore the complicated and ever changing relationships between women. Other worlds, differing religions, life paths and political points of view come together in the fantasy genre as women explore themselves and their life’s path.
Free Fantasy Ebook
Sisters, Mothers, Daughter is a collection of short stories that explore the complicated and ever changing relationships between women. Other worlds, differing religions, life paths and political points of view come together in the fantasy genre as women explore themselves and their life’s path. Resa confronts her family, forcing them to know her true self. With Melanie’s help, Daphne attempts to keep control over her own body by escaping the restrictive reproductive laws of another. Angie must face her past mistakes in order to grow past them and be able to make up for the damage she has done to others. Michelle meets with an old friend in attempt to save their friendship after she chose to take a non-traditional life path. With the help spirits, Shannon decided if she is to move forward in her life or remain in the safety of what she knows. Each of them must look to their own hearts and ask themselves--am I strong enough?To download your copy of Sisters Mothers Daugthers, please go to my site at It's on the second page of my site. Please join my newsletter.
Sisters, Mothers, Daughter is a collection of short stories that explore the complicated and ever changing relationships between women. Other worlds, differing religions, life paths and political points of view come together in the fantasy genre as women explore themselves and their life’s path. Resa confronts her family, forcing them to know her true self. With Melanie’s help, Daphne attempts to keep control over her own body by escaping the restrictive reproductive laws of another. Angie must face her past mistakes in order to grow past them and be able to make up for the damage she has done to others. Michelle meets with an old friend in attempt to save their friendship after she chose to take a non-traditional life path. With the help spirits, Shannon decided if she is to move forward in her life or remain in the safety of what she knows. Each of them must look to their own hearts and ask themselves--am I strong enough?To download your copy of Sisters Mothers Daugthers, please go to my site at It's on the second page of my site. Please join my newsletter.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
What’s Mine?
What’s Yours?
Theresa Chaze
It’s my belief that ever person you meet in your life is a lesson. Sometimes they are teachers; some times they are the lesson. The later sometimes appear in your life simply as a test of your ability to keep your boundaries. There are people, who for whatever reason, are incapable of taking responsibility for their lives. No matter what errors of judgment they make, it is never their fault. Instead they make excuses or place blame on outside influences, not in attempt to learn or grow from the experience but to elicit sympathy and pity. They don’t seek help because they don’t want it. They would prefer to host pity parties so they may lure others into their web. They are a unique kind of vampire. Not only do they steal energy, but they dump their emotional waste wherever they can find a person who will accept it. When dealing with this type of individual your challenge is to be able to strong enough not to get caught up in the game.
Through an acquaintance I was introduced to one online. She asked me to talk to her friend; I will call him Alvin. I had been involved in a discussion within an egroup that we both belong to. I didn’t understand why she and Alvin thought his AIDS meds were so dangerous that he quit taking them. She wanted me to talk to him; I was in the middle of lunch, but agreed, thinking it would be a short conversation. She connected us in an online chat with audio and video from his end only. His computer set up was bigger than I had seen. He had most of the bells and whistles available. He was definitely a computer geek. Which these days is a very good thing. He seemed intelligent and computer knowledgeable. Which confused me even more about his stance on the drugs which could not only extend his life but improve the quality.
The conversation started not with the AIDS meds but with how abused he was not only in his childhood but by the medical professionals in his area. He claimed the only AIDS doctor in town sexually abused him and the police refused to get involved. I don’t know if that is true or not. There are still many areas in the country who do not have the knowledge or wisdom to deal with alterative lifestyles or the challenges that come with them. I suggested he move to an area that would be medically beneficial for him. His brother, who was also HIV positive, visited with the idea of moving in, however he immediately returned San Francisco after investigating the health care of the area; the health standards were significantly better there. Although he said his brother invited him, Alvin didn’t want to move.
The topic suddenly jumped to his inability get a job because he couldn’t get a driver’s license due to a childhood incident. The accident caused him a brain injury which caused sudden and unexpected loss consciousness. I suggested he have the tests run again to prove that he was healthy.. He told me that the condition was still active and that is why the doctors wouldn’t medically approve him. Personally, I think that is a very good thing not to have someone behind the wheel who could pass out and lose control of the vehicle. I suggested buses or cabs for transportation. He didn’t to wait for a bus and cabs were too expensive. Okay, if transportation is limited--work inside your home. He’s a geek; do a geek job--computer programming or repair. He complained that they didn’t make as much as they used to. He also didn’t want to build a home based business. He didn’t say why, but changed the topic to how terrible his life is and all the medical symptoms that go with it. I pointed out that if he took his meds his life would improve and he could get a job, which would help build his self esteem and contribute to an over all healthier life. He told me I was a heartless bitch and I didn’t know what I was talking about. At his point, he got angry and cut his mic, but he continued to type.
You see where I am going with this. Every positive suggestion that was made he found an excuse to shoot it down. This short conversation was rapidly turning into a cold lunch and a pity party. I simply wasn’t interested, so I started turning it back on him. I accused him of giving up. His response was to get angrier. I knew nothing about him or his life so I had no right to judge. He was right. On the reverse, he knew nothing about me, so he had no reason to care what I thought. I didn’t know him and after our conversation I didn’t want to. At this point I blessed him and went to warm up my lunch so I could finish it. From the other room I could hear him instant messaging me, but I ignored him. I finished lunch, straightened three rooms, checked in on neighbor’s dog and took a shower. Every now and then I would look in. He alternated between accusing me of be cruel and asking me to help him. At one point, he declared he was going to block me from his system. He kept talking for almost an hour. After I dried my hair, I went back to the computer, but I only briefly read the garbage he was dumping before I blocked him from my system. A while later, the woman, who introduced us, contacted me to chastised me for upsetting him. Before she could go into the details of how badly I hurt him, I blessed her and blocked her from my system.
He wasn’t looking for help or support, but another person to feed off. When he didn’t gain what he wanted through pity, he tried guilt and anger to achieve access to my energy. He couldn’t succeed because he couldn’t engage me emotionally. By not allowing myself to be bonded to him by pity or angry, I escaped without being harmed. I was sorry that he was ill and that he had other terrible events in his life, but it wasn’t up to me to fix them. Sometimes the best way to help is to not get involved. For a while I asked why me he had contacted me? I’m not a medical professional; in fact I have very limited medical knowledge. The contact person and I only knew each other from the online group. It’s not like were are close friends. The only thing I could come up with was that he was a boundary lesson for me. Alvin didn’t want to be healthy, he wanted lunch. Sympathy, pity, guilt and anger were his way of leaching on to others.
A friend of mine was not so lucky. Myriam met a vampire through her work. The woman was having difficulty starting her business. Myriam, being the kind hearted woman she is, offered to help her build a website. It was a mistake. Over the next few weeks, her unreasonable demands and expectations were enough to stir Myriam’s anger. But being an honorable women, she felt the need to keep her word and finish the site. However this was not as easy as it sounds. The women kept changing her mind about what she wanted. Instead of immediately confronting her, Myriam became emotionally engaged; the woman caught her in her vampire web. Soon after Myriam started to become physically and emotionally ill. Existing challenges with depression flared and was magnified by exhaustion and physical pain she couldn’t account for. Even after she ended the relationship with the vampire the symptoms continued. It was only after seeking help from a psychic healer was Myriam able to free herself. The cords were removed and Myriam set new shields. . However the vampire moved on to others in the company. Since the attacks are on a non physical level and can’t be proven, she can not be dismissed from the company without legal ramifications. Instead Myriam is helping others to release and shield themselves from the vampire’s tentacles.
Once she was free, Myriam could look at the relationship and the person with a little more objectivity. There was more involved than just the energy drain; in fact the vampirism was merely a symptom of other personality and emotional problems. Myriam believes that the vampire might not even be aware of what she is doing to others, but instead it is coping defense she developed over the years to deal with other challenges in her life. Many times vampires have physical, emotional or personality disorders that have not be addressed therefore go untreated. Instability in hormone levels, physical or sexual abuse, and addiction are only a few examples of what could lead to a person to become a vampire. Anytime a person loses the ability to restore themselves they risk becoming an energy leach. In my case, I would not be emotionally connected either by pity or guilt so he could not tap into me. Myriam, on the other hand, knew the person before the attack began therefore she was a level of trust that the vampire used to gain entry. This doesn’t mean that you should barrier yourself behind high walls and be afraid to trust, but that you should be select in what kinds of relationships you will allow in your life. It the relationship is not positive and healthy, it should be terminated.
What is a vampire? Normally there is a free exchange of energy between people; however when the energy moves in only one direction and is taken without permission that is vampirism. Frequently during healings, energy flows in one direction, however it is shared with the full knowledge and free will of both parties. To steal another’s energy is detrimental to all involved. Although the initial rush is wonderful for the vampire, it keeps him or her from dealing with the reasons behind their inability to restore themselves. Eventually they will no longer be capable of rebuilding themselves and will be completely dependant on others. As long as the attacks are temporary, the victims can recover; however long term relationships will lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual illness as the person becomes drained beyond their own capacity to heal themselves. The more frequently the person is fed upon, the more open they become, making it more difficult for them to escape as they sink to the same level as the vampire.
So how do you know if there is a vampire in your mist? They don’t have a “V” stamped on their forehead, nor do they have long canine teeth. You can’t point them out of a crowd by just looking, unless you are a very gifted psychic and know what you are looking for. Instead you see them by the wake they leave behind. Chaos, anger, illness, and exhaustion is what follows them. They create drama to heighten the emotions and connect as may people as possible. They don’t look or present themselves the same. But the results are similar. They walk away energized, while everyone else is tired, depressed or ill.
The old saying once bitten, twice shy is how you should deal with a vampire. Until you have bitten, you can’t for sure know that is what you are dealing with. However once you have the encounter there are steps you can take to protect yourself. If at all possible, distance yourself from the person. In Myriam’s case, it was more difficult; they both work for the same company. In mine, there was no problem at all: I simply blocked him from my computer--end of story. The best defense is to take care of yourself--eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and respect your own boundaries. If it feels icky, it probably is and it’s time to hit the road jack. Openly confronting the vampire will only lead to defensive and angry behaviors. Many of which will give the vampire another reason to attack you. However if you don’t allow yourself to become emotionally involved either through compassion or anger, you should be able to walk away without renaming yourself “lunch”. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel compassion for others, but be honest about the situation. At one time or another everyone feels sorry for themselves, but they don’t get stuck there. Everyone has their personal challenges and they look for solutions both inside and outside the box. Vampires don’t want solutions; they don’t want their situation to change. The bottom line is they do not want to take responsibility for themselves for whatever reason. Instead they blame others and expect them to fix the problem. However the reality is that the only ones we can fix or change is ourselves. We can offer support and encourage others, but we can not solve their challenges for them. When we cross the line and try to fix them, we deprive ourselves and the other of the life’s lesson. So the best way to deal with a vampire is to play the cards we are dealt and let others do the same. You can give advise on the game, but in the end we are only responsible for the cards in our own hand.
What’s Yours?
Theresa Chaze
It’s my belief that ever person you meet in your life is a lesson. Sometimes they are teachers; some times they are the lesson. The later sometimes appear in your life simply as a test of your ability to keep your boundaries. There are people, who for whatever reason, are incapable of taking responsibility for their lives. No matter what errors of judgment they make, it is never their fault. Instead they make excuses or place blame on outside influences, not in attempt to learn or grow from the experience but to elicit sympathy and pity. They don’t seek help because they don’t want it. They would prefer to host pity parties so they may lure others into their web. They are a unique kind of vampire. Not only do they steal energy, but they dump their emotional waste wherever they can find a person who will accept it. When dealing with this type of individual your challenge is to be able to strong enough not to get caught up in the game.
Through an acquaintance I was introduced to one online. She asked me to talk to her friend; I will call him Alvin. I had been involved in a discussion within an egroup that we both belong to. I didn’t understand why she and Alvin thought his AIDS meds were so dangerous that he quit taking them. She wanted me to talk to him; I was in the middle of lunch, but agreed, thinking it would be a short conversation. She connected us in an online chat with audio and video from his end only. His computer set up was bigger than I had seen. He had most of the bells and whistles available. He was definitely a computer geek. Which these days is a very good thing. He seemed intelligent and computer knowledgeable. Which confused me even more about his stance on the drugs which could not only extend his life but improve the quality.
The conversation started not with the AIDS meds but with how abused he was not only in his childhood but by the medical professionals in his area. He claimed the only AIDS doctor in town sexually abused him and the police refused to get involved. I don’t know if that is true or not. There are still many areas in the country who do not have the knowledge or wisdom to deal with alterative lifestyles or the challenges that come with them. I suggested he move to an area that would be medically beneficial for him. His brother, who was also HIV positive, visited with the idea of moving in, however he immediately returned San Francisco after investigating the health care of the area; the health standards were significantly better there. Although he said his brother invited him, Alvin didn’t want to move.
The topic suddenly jumped to his inability get a job because he couldn’t get a driver’s license due to a childhood incident. The accident caused him a brain injury which caused sudden and unexpected loss consciousness. I suggested he have the tests run again to prove that he was healthy.. He told me that the condition was still active and that is why the doctors wouldn’t medically approve him. Personally, I think that is a very good thing not to have someone behind the wheel who could pass out and lose control of the vehicle. I suggested buses or cabs for transportation. He didn’t to wait for a bus and cabs were too expensive. Okay, if transportation is limited--work inside your home. He’s a geek; do a geek job--computer programming or repair. He complained that they didn’t make as much as they used to. He also didn’t want to build a home based business. He didn’t say why, but changed the topic to how terrible his life is and all the medical symptoms that go with it. I pointed out that if he took his meds his life would improve and he could get a job, which would help build his self esteem and contribute to an over all healthier life. He told me I was a heartless bitch and I didn’t know what I was talking about. At his point, he got angry and cut his mic, but he continued to type.
You see where I am going with this. Every positive suggestion that was made he found an excuse to shoot it down. This short conversation was rapidly turning into a cold lunch and a pity party. I simply wasn’t interested, so I started turning it back on him. I accused him of giving up. His response was to get angrier. I knew nothing about him or his life so I had no right to judge. He was right. On the reverse, he knew nothing about me, so he had no reason to care what I thought. I didn’t know him and after our conversation I didn’t want to. At this point I blessed him and went to warm up my lunch so I could finish it. From the other room I could hear him instant messaging me, but I ignored him. I finished lunch, straightened three rooms, checked in on neighbor’s dog and took a shower. Every now and then I would look in. He alternated between accusing me of be cruel and asking me to help him. At one point, he declared he was going to block me from his system. He kept talking for almost an hour. After I dried my hair, I went back to the computer, but I only briefly read the garbage he was dumping before I blocked him from my system. A while later, the woman, who introduced us, contacted me to chastised me for upsetting him. Before she could go into the details of how badly I hurt him, I blessed her and blocked her from my system.
He wasn’t looking for help or support, but another person to feed off. When he didn’t gain what he wanted through pity, he tried guilt and anger to achieve access to my energy. He couldn’t succeed because he couldn’t engage me emotionally. By not allowing myself to be bonded to him by pity or angry, I escaped without being harmed. I was sorry that he was ill and that he had other terrible events in his life, but it wasn’t up to me to fix them. Sometimes the best way to help is to not get involved. For a while I asked why me he had contacted me? I’m not a medical professional; in fact I have very limited medical knowledge. The contact person and I only knew each other from the online group. It’s not like were are close friends. The only thing I could come up with was that he was a boundary lesson for me. Alvin didn’t want to be healthy, he wanted lunch. Sympathy, pity, guilt and anger were his way of leaching on to others.
A friend of mine was not so lucky. Myriam met a vampire through her work. The woman was having difficulty starting her business. Myriam, being the kind hearted woman she is, offered to help her build a website. It was a mistake. Over the next few weeks, her unreasonable demands and expectations were enough to stir Myriam’s anger. But being an honorable women, she felt the need to keep her word and finish the site. However this was not as easy as it sounds. The women kept changing her mind about what she wanted. Instead of immediately confronting her, Myriam became emotionally engaged; the woman caught her in her vampire web. Soon after Myriam started to become physically and emotionally ill. Existing challenges with depression flared and was magnified by exhaustion and physical pain she couldn’t account for. Even after she ended the relationship with the vampire the symptoms continued. It was only after seeking help from a psychic healer was Myriam able to free herself. The cords were removed and Myriam set new shields. . However the vampire moved on to others in the company. Since the attacks are on a non physical level and can’t be proven, she can not be dismissed from the company without legal ramifications. Instead Myriam is helping others to release and shield themselves from the vampire’s tentacles.
Once she was free, Myriam could look at the relationship and the person with a little more objectivity. There was more involved than just the energy drain; in fact the vampirism was merely a symptom of other personality and emotional problems. Myriam believes that the vampire might not even be aware of what she is doing to others, but instead it is coping defense she developed over the years to deal with other challenges in her life. Many times vampires have physical, emotional or personality disorders that have not be addressed therefore go untreated. Instability in hormone levels, physical or sexual abuse, and addiction are only a few examples of what could lead to a person to become a vampire. Anytime a person loses the ability to restore themselves they risk becoming an energy leach. In my case, I would not be emotionally connected either by pity or guilt so he could not tap into me. Myriam, on the other hand, knew the person before the attack began therefore she was a level of trust that the vampire used to gain entry. This doesn’t mean that you should barrier yourself behind high walls and be afraid to trust, but that you should be select in what kinds of relationships you will allow in your life. It the relationship is not positive and healthy, it should be terminated.
What is a vampire? Normally there is a free exchange of energy between people; however when the energy moves in only one direction and is taken without permission that is vampirism. Frequently during healings, energy flows in one direction, however it is shared with the full knowledge and free will of both parties. To steal another’s energy is detrimental to all involved. Although the initial rush is wonderful for the vampire, it keeps him or her from dealing with the reasons behind their inability to restore themselves. Eventually they will no longer be capable of rebuilding themselves and will be completely dependant on others. As long as the attacks are temporary, the victims can recover; however long term relationships will lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual illness as the person becomes drained beyond their own capacity to heal themselves. The more frequently the person is fed upon, the more open they become, making it more difficult for them to escape as they sink to the same level as the vampire.
So how do you know if there is a vampire in your mist? They don’t have a “V” stamped on their forehead, nor do they have long canine teeth. You can’t point them out of a crowd by just looking, unless you are a very gifted psychic and know what you are looking for. Instead you see them by the wake they leave behind. Chaos, anger, illness, and exhaustion is what follows them. They create drama to heighten the emotions and connect as may people as possible. They don’t look or present themselves the same. But the results are similar. They walk away energized, while everyone else is tired, depressed or ill.
The old saying once bitten, twice shy is how you should deal with a vampire. Until you have bitten, you can’t for sure know that is what you are dealing with. However once you have the encounter there are steps you can take to protect yourself. If at all possible, distance yourself from the person. In Myriam’s case, it was more difficult; they both work for the same company. In mine, there was no problem at all: I simply blocked him from my computer--end of story. The best defense is to take care of yourself--eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and respect your own boundaries. If it feels icky, it probably is and it’s time to hit the road jack. Openly confronting the vampire will only lead to defensive and angry behaviors. Many of which will give the vampire another reason to attack you. However if you don’t allow yourself to become emotionally involved either through compassion or anger, you should be able to walk away without renaming yourself “lunch”. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel compassion for others, but be honest about the situation. At one time or another everyone feels sorry for themselves, but they don’t get stuck there. Everyone has their personal challenges and they look for solutions both inside and outside the box. Vampires don’t want solutions; they don’t want their situation to change. The bottom line is they do not want to take responsibility for themselves for whatever reason. Instead they blame others and expect them to fix the problem. However the reality is that the only ones we can fix or change is ourselves. We can offer support and encourage others, but we can not solve their challenges for them. When we cross the line and try to fix them, we deprive ourselves and the other of the life’s lesson. So the best way to deal with a vampire is to play the cards we are dealt and let others do the same. You can give advise on the game, but in the end we are only responsible for the cards in our own hand.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
My Mother’s Daughter
Theresa Chaze
The women in the young girls lives become the template for who they will be as they grow into adulthood. Whether they intends to or not mothers, grandmothers, aunts--any woman who plays an important role it the girl’s life will be her teacher and mentor. It’s the older women’s example that teaches the girl how to deal with life’s challenges. In this case the old saying, do what I say, not as I do doesn’t apply. Girls watch and mimic the actions of the women in their lives, therefore it’s essential that they present themselves to be capable and strong individuals.
Independent and strong women are more likely to teach their daughters to take control over their lives and to honor themselves. In doing so, they learn to expect to be valued by others and are more willing to walk away from situations or people who do not respect them. They are also more likely to defend themselves and others from people who would deliberately due harm. These girls grow into self-reliant women who take control over all aspects of their lives. They are able to depending on themselves to meet their needs and able to develop healthy relationships that are based on equality. It is true that no person is an island. But if a woman has learned to be self-reliant, it is easier for her to ask for help without thinking less of herself. It’s not they do not make mistakes or have challenges in their lives, but they are more able to cope with them without giving into despair or depression. Strong women meet life head on without excuses or blame. Taking responsibility for her actions, she chooses to learn from her mistakes instead passing on the guilt to others. It’s easier for her heal emotionally because she is able to release the injury and move on. Sometimes frustrated, sometimes angry, sometimes every other emotion that can be named, she still finds the lessons behind every challenge and expects the best out of life.
On the other hand, those women, who fail to stand up for their rights and are continually subjugated by others, teach their daughters that they also don’t deserve to be respected. By not standing up for themselves, they teach by example that women don’t have value and deserve the harsh treatment. Allowing their daughters to grow up in this environment, they help erode the girl’s self-esteem even before she has a chance to build a strong emotional foundation. They don’t know how to respect themselves so they have a tendency to draw people into their lives who will reinforce that self image. They quickly learn to be safe or to get what they want, they have to be the “good girl” or the “obedient daughter. She is never to have her own opinion or ask for what she wants because that would make her bad and she would deserve to be punished. Fear of disapproval and of physical harm keeps her from expressing her true desires. Girls who grow up in such situations frequently are unable to care for themselves and will be continually needy. No matter how much healthy support she is given, it will never be enough. She will always think the worse of herself, because she never learned how to depend on herself. Instead of being strong from within, they look to others for their self worth and will do anything to keep their approval. It is an self-supporting cycle. The more a she needs to be supported, the less she is able to do so for herself. Eventually she becomes totally dependant others for all the necessities of life. It is also a way for her not to take responsibility for how her life unfolds; if others are in control, then she can not be blamed. When others hurt her, she excuses them and ignores her pain; to confront it could mean dealing with the source and risk facing the realities of her life. Instead she will burying the pain, leaving it to fester and poison the rest of her life. Being unable to deal with the pain makes it impossible for her to heal. When she looks toward the future, she expects the worse for it is all she known. Until she finds the strength or is forced to stop denying her pain and deal with the root cause, she will never truly find peace or love.
Both situations are generational with the level of self worth and independence being passed from mother to daughter because they know nothing else. In the first case, this beneficial. Each generation opens the door to the next to reach higher and loftier goals. However in the second, the spiral continues downward until a woman has the strength and courage to break the cycle. By doing so she heals herself and clears away the emotional debris for the next generations by provide an alternative way of life. There are no quick fixes--no magic pills or wands that will suddenly great positive self-image. The only cure is the long, hard work of peeling back the layers of pain, anger, and fear until you reach back to the root cause and begin to rebuild by facing old beliefs and ways of life. It’s like stripping the layers of an onion to reach the core. Sure you can use a knife and cut away, but then you have pieces. So is it when the treatment doesn’t work with all aspects of the personality. Drugs are not a cure all. Nor is psychological therapy. Prayer is helpful, but so is group therapy. It took years and in many cases generations to create the behaviors . No one remedy will be a cure all, nor will it be done over night. In addition, the individual’s healing process is unique. There is no one path that leads to salvation. Every person must take the journey themselves. Loved ones and professionals can help, but until the woman admits there is a problem and finds the courage to face, she can not heal her self-esteem and become the wonderful woman she was born to be.
Theresa Chaze
The women in the young girls lives become the template for who they will be as they grow into adulthood. Whether they intends to or not mothers, grandmothers, aunts--any woman who plays an important role it the girl’s life will be her teacher and mentor. It’s the older women’s example that teaches the girl how to deal with life’s challenges. In this case the old saying, do what I say, not as I do doesn’t apply. Girls watch and mimic the actions of the women in their lives, therefore it’s essential that they present themselves to be capable and strong individuals.
Independent and strong women are more likely to teach their daughters to take control over their lives and to honor themselves. In doing so, they learn to expect to be valued by others and are more willing to walk away from situations or people who do not respect them. They are also more likely to defend themselves and others from people who would deliberately due harm. These girls grow into self-reliant women who take control over all aspects of their lives. They are able to depending on themselves to meet their needs and able to develop healthy relationships that are based on equality. It is true that no person is an island. But if a woman has learned to be self-reliant, it is easier for her to ask for help without thinking less of herself. It’s not they do not make mistakes or have challenges in their lives, but they are more able to cope with them without giving into despair or depression. Strong women meet life head on without excuses or blame. Taking responsibility for her actions, she chooses to learn from her mistakes instead passing on the guilt to others. It’s easier for her heal emotionally because she is able to release the injury and move on. Sometimes frustrated, sometimes angry, sometimes every other emotion that can be named, she still finds the lessons behind every challenge and expects the best out of life.
On the other hand, those women, who fail to stand up for their rights and are continually subjugated by others, teach their daughters that they also don’t deserve to be respected. By not standing up for themselves, they teach by example that women don’t have value and deserve the harsh treatment. Allowing their daughters to grow up in this environment, they help erode the girl’s self-esteem even before she has a chance to build a strong emotional foundation. They don’t know how to respect themselves so they have a tendency to draw people into their lives who will reinforce that self image. They quickly learn to be safe or to get what they want, they have to be the “good girl” or the “obedient daughter. She is never to have her own opinion or ask for what she wants because that would make her bad and she would deserve to be punished. Fear of disapproval and of physical harm keeps her from expressing her true desires. Girls who grow up in such situations frequently are unable to care for themselves and will be continually needy. No matter how much healthy support she is given, it will never be enough. She will always think the worse of herself, because she never learned how to depend on herself. Instead of being strong from within, they look to others for their self worth and will do anything to keep their approval. It is an self-supporting cycle. The more a she needs to be supported, the less she is able to do so for herself. Eventually she becomes totally dependant others for all the necessities of life. It is also a way for her not to take responsibility for how her life unfolds; if others are in control, then she can not be blamed. When others hurt her, she excuses them and ignores her pain; to confront it could mean dealing with the source and risk facing the realities of her life. Instead she will burying the pain, leaving it to fester and poison the rest of her life. Being unable to deal with the pain makes it impossible for her to heal. When she looks toward the future, she expects the worse for it is all she known. Until she finds the strength or is forced to stop denying her pain and deal with the root cause, she will never truly find peace or love.
Both situations are generational with the level of self worth and independence being passed from mother to daughter because they know nothing else. In the first case, this beneficial. Each generation opens the door to the next to reach higher and loftier goals. However in the second, the spiral continues downward until a woman has the strength and courage to break the cycle. By doing so she heals herself and clears away the emotional debris for the next generations by provide an alternative way of life. There are no quick fixes--no magic pills or wands that will suddenly great positive self-image. The only cure is the long, hard work of peeling back the layers of pain, anger, and fear until you reach back to the root cause and begin to rebuild by facing old beliefs and ways of life. It’s like stripping the layers of an onion to reach the core. Sure you can use a knife and cut away, but then you have pieces. So is it when the treatment doesn’t work with all aspects of the personality. Drugs are not a cure all. Nor is psychological therapy. Prayer is helpful, but so is group therapy. It took years and in many cases generations to create the behaviors . No one remedy will be a cure all, nor will it be done over night. In addition, the individual’s healing process is unique. There is no one path that leads to salvation. Every person must take the journey themselves. Loved ones and professionals can help, but until the woman admits there is a problem and finds the courage to face, she can not heal her self-esteem and become the wonderful woman she was born to be.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
What Have They Lost?
Theresa Chaze
So called Christian leaders, traditionalists and conservative talk show hosts continue to stirred up the old bigotries and unfounded fears in the ignorant. Their message is that Christianity is under attack therefore they have to fight back to save their religion. Increasingly they blame secular progressives for all the troubles and woes in the world. They claim that if the world followed Christian morals there wouldn’t be as much violence or hatred in the world; as if only Christians were capable of having good values. But in reality is that true? Is Christianity under attack? Or are other religions and ways of life just being included in society? What have Christians lost? They are still free to worship, however they no longer able to force others to pray the same or live their lives by the same doctrine. But is that so wrong? Are Christians the loving people they claim to be? Or they just as fallible as the rest of the population?
While some talk show hosts were stopping short of calling for a boycott of stores that didn’t stay the magic words, “Merry Christmas’ they over looked the fact that many people couldn’t afford to celebrate it. Many areas hit by Katrina still aren’t receiving the necessary resources needed for them to recover. Many are without power. Homes remain unlivable, while access to temporary shelters will soon be withdrawn. Most businesses remained closed, thereby limiting employment possibilities. But the gulf states are not the only ones. The increases in gas prices has raised havoc with most family’s budgets by not only increasing the cost of heating homes but also transportation, which in turn raises the costs of all products and services. Two car manufactures have terminated thousand of jobs and closed of many of their factories. Other companies have scaled back, those that continue to hire do so with lower paying jobs with fewer benefits. The cost for health care, food, shelter--all the necessities of life continue to increase in price, yet a family should determine where they spend their dollars on the whether or not the magic words are used. Bill O’Reilly said all they need to do is hang banners for each of the holidays; banners cost money, especially for smaller businesses, which in turn raise the prices of products without adding any extra value. He was so quick to make unreasonable demands, yet didn’t volunteer to cover the added expenses. While he and others are quick point fingers at businesses who are inclusive, they continually ignore or excuse Christian organizations, which do harm.
Are Christians morals and value superior to other religions’. Pat Robertson is a good example. He is an accepted Christian leader, yet he calls for the assignation of other country’s leaders. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez regained power after an attempted coup. Roberts claimed it would be easier and cheaper to send a covert operatives to kill Chavez than starting a war. He believes that Chavez is dangerous to the United States because he controls a great “pool of oil”. So much for “Thou shall not kill.” His latest commits about Israel’s prime minister, Ariel Sharon’s illness being send by God to punish him for dividing Israel is just another example of the Christian mind set. Robertson only apologized for his commits after he was excluded from the fifty million dollar Christian Heritage Center that he had been negotiating to build with the Israel government in northern Galileo. Abraham Huchson, Israel’s Tourism Minister said, Robertson’s help is no longer welcomed for the proposed center. Although his comments have been criticized by many, he has been never sanctioned or censored. He has been freely able to share his views not only on his Christian Broadcast Network, but his message has been carried in many other media outlets. What has he lost? His message is sent out, but instead of receiving approval, he is condemned for his bigotry. That is the only difference. Instead of receiving praise, he became the poster boy for intolerance.
The end of January, 2006 four late teen boys were sentenced for aggravated assault and battery and second degree lynching of an African American teen. Yes, in the twenty-first century lynching is still a reality in South Carolina. In the dictionary, lynching is defined as seizing somebody believed to have committed a crime and putting him or her to death immediately and without trial, usually by hanging. But in South Carolina lynching is defined as a mob attack against an individual where the victim survives. However 17 year old Isaiah Clyburn was not guilty or even accused of a crime nor was he out looking for a fight; on July 7, 2005 he was simply walking home on a country road when pickup trucks containing, Justin Ashley Phillips, 18; Kenneth Eugene Miller Jr., 18, Jerry Christopher Toney, 18, Christopher Scott Cates, 17, and Lucas Grice, 17 intercepted him.. The teens shouted racial slurs and challenged him to fight. But instead Clyburn chose to run. His attackers followed and beat him as he tried to escape to a friend’s home. The attack only ended through the intervention by others. Afterwards, the teens were proud of their behavior and bragged to friends. They were charged and plead guilty. As reported in CNN, one defense attorney repeatedly tried to excuse his client by calling the attack a fight. While another attempted to lesson the sentencing “by claiming his client was a good churchgoing boy who made a foolish mistake” Judge Doyet Early was unimpressed and handed down sentences from 2 ½ to six years. He condemned the teens as cowards and embarrassment to their community. As in the past, there was no boys will be boys slap on the wrist excuses accepted nor did the religious path of the defendants sway the judge. Although they could have received up to twenty years, the sentences are more severe than they would have been given in previous times. Instead they were held responsible for their actions, much to their surprise.
Once again Christians are pushing to require creationism to be taught in public schools; Only now it has been renamed to intelligent design. New name. Old belief. Intelligent design states that life is not the consequences of events as explained by Darwin, but life was created by an intelligent designer. Although in public schools the designer isn’t named, it is still implied that God is the creator of life. Ignoring the separation of church and state, they continue to try to force their beliefs on others in the by renaming their beliefs science even though there isn’t any legitimate science in their theories. Singing because the Bible tells me so, is not scientific proof; it is a faith based belief not a fact. DNA, archeological discoveries, and chemical evidence is proof. Christians claim it is their first amendment right to have their beliefs presented in the public schools because other religions are freely discussed. Yes, they are discussed, but not in the science classes, but as way to bringing a clearer understanding between cultures. Discussing religion in the context of a philosophy or social science is much different than promotion it as a scientific fact. In many cases when the Christian beliefs are promoted without restriction, it is made to be superior to all other religions; instead of promoting tolerance and understanding, the opposite becomes true. What they teach in their private schools is another matter, but they can not legally promote their beliefs as scientific fact in the public schools. In spite of the continuing legal losses, some Christians continue to try to force their beliefs into the public school system. The Dover Area School District in Pennsylvania tried to be the first in the nation to require Intelligent Design be taught as an alternative to Evolution. On October 4, 2005 by a vote to 6-3 the school board approved the decision. In December of that same year, it was challenged. After a six week trial, the school board lost, not only the court battle but their seats on the board. Again in Kansas, Intelligent Design was forced in the scientific curriculum; it prompted controversy and sarcastic responses, including a letter to the Kansas School board from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, demanding that their view of creationism also be included in the curriculum. Printed nation wide, letter brought more attention to the issue. Again the school board was changed and Intelligent Design was removed from the science classes.
The talk show hosts and so called “Christian leaders” claim that Christianity is under attack. That their rights are being whittled away by secular progressives who are working to undermine their religion. They claim they can no longer practice in public without being discriminated against. This is not true. They can practice their religion, however they can no longer force it on others. The Christian religion is not under attack; the only thing they have lost is a protected status and exclusive control over the spirituality of the nation. Others religions have been raised to equal status by giving equal rights and protection under the law. No longer can the Christians attack those that are different without being held legally responsible for their actions. This doesn’t mean they haven’t given up trying to covert others--no. They persist in trying to force their beliefs on others by whatever means necessary. The only difference is that they are being arrested and convicted for the damage they do. If the secular progressives are the root of all society’s evils, why are they promoting tolerance and inclusion. Christians claim they are they prohibited from practicing their religion. Is there a penalty for wishing others a Merry Christmas? No. According to some, Christian values include promoting assassination, lynching and ignoring of scientific facts that doesn’t support your specific belief. Do we as a society really want to promote violence and ignorance? Or do we want our people to have equal protection under the law? So after all the legal battles and debates, what have Christians lost? Nothing.
Theresa Chaze
So called Christian leaders, traditionalists and conservative talk show hosts continue to stirred up the old bigotries and unfounded fears in the ignorant. Their message is that Christianity is under attack therefore they have to fight back to save their religion. Increasingly they blame secular progressives for all the troubles and woes in the world. They claim that if the world followed Christian morals there wouldn’t be as much violence or hatred in the world; as if only Christians were capable of having good values. But in reality is that true? Is Christianity under attack? Or are other religions and ways of life just being included in society? What have Christians lost? They are still free to worship, however they no longer able to force others to pray the same or live their lives by the same doctrine. But is that so wrong? Are Christians the loving people they claim to be? Or they just as fallible as the rest of the population?
While some talk show hosts were stopping short of calling for a boycott of stores that didn’t stay the magic words, “Merry Christmas’ they over looked the fact that many people couldn’t afford to celebrate it. Many areas hit by Katrina still aren’t receiving the necessary resources needed for them to recover. Many are without power. Homes remain unlivable, while access to temporary shelters will soon be withdrawn. Most businesses remained closed, thereby limiting employment possibilities. But the gulf states are not the only ones. The increases in gas prices has raised havoc with most family’s budgets by not only increasing the cost of heating homes but also transportation, which in turn raises the costs of all products and services. Two car manufactures have terminated thousand of jobs and closed of many of their factories. Other companies have scaled back, those that continue to hire do so with lower paying jobs with fewer benefits. The cost for health care, food, shelter--all the necessities of life continue to increase in price, yet a family should determine where they spend their dollars on the whether or not the magic words are used. Bill O’Reilly said all they need to do is hang banners for each of the holidays; banners cost money, especially for smaller businesses, which in turn raise the prices of products without adding any extra value. He was so quick to make unreasonable demands, yet didn’t volunteer to cover the added expenses. While he and others are quick point fingers at businesses who are inclusive, they continually ignore or excuse Christian organizations, which do harm.
Are Christians morals and value superior to other religions’. Pat Robertson is a good example. He is an accepted Christian leader, yet he calls for the assignation of other country’s leaders. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez regained power after an attempted coup. Roberts claimed it would be easier and cheaper to send a covert operatives to kill Chavez than starting a war. He believes that Chavez is dangerous to the United States because he controls a great “pool of oil”. So much for “Thou shall not kill.” His latest commits about Israel’s prime minister, Ariel Sharon’s illness being send by God to punish him for dividing Israel is just another example of the Christian mind set. Robertson only apologized for his commits after he was excluded from the fifty million dollar Christian Heritage Center that he had been negotiating to build with the Israel government in northern Galileo. Abraham Huchson, Israel’s Tourism Minister said, Robertson’s help is no longer welcomed for the proposed center. Although his comments have been criticized by many, he has been never sanctioned or censored. He has been freely able to share his views not only on his Christian Broadcast Network, but his message has been carried in many other media outlets. What has he lost? His message is sent out, but instead of receiving approval, he is condemned for his bigotry. That is the only difference. Instead of receiving praise, he became the poster boy for intolerance.
The end of January, 2006 four late teen boys were sentenced for aggravated assault and battery and second degree lynching of an African American teen. Yes, in the twenty-first century lynching is still a reality in South Carolina. In the dictionary, lynching is defined as seizing somebody believed to have committed a crime and putting him or her to death immediately and without trial, usually by hanging. But in South Carolina lynching is defined as a mob attack against an individual where the victim survives. However 17 year old Isaiah Clyburn was not guilty or even accused of a crime nor was he out looking for a fight; on July 7, 2005 he was simply walking home on a country road when pickup trucks containing, Justin Ashley Phillips, 18; Kenneth Eugene Miller Jr., 18, Jerry Christopher Toney, 18, Christopher Scott Cates, 17, and Lucas Grice, 17 intercepted him.. The teens shouted racial slurs and challenged him to fight. But instead Clyburn chose to run. His attackers followed and beat him as he tried to escape to a friend’s home. The attack only ended through the intervention by others. Afterwards, the teens were proud of their behavior and bragged to friends. They were charged and plead guilty. As reported in CNN, one defense attorney repeatedly tried to excuse his client by calling the attack a fight. While another attempted to lesson the sentencing “by claiming his client was a good churchgoing boy who made a foolish mistake” Judge Doyet Early was unimpressed and handed down sentences from 2 ½ to six years. He condemned the teens as cowards and embarrassment to their community. As in the past, there was no boys will be boys slap on the wrist excuses accepted nor did the religious path of the defendants sway the judge. Although they could have received up to twenty years, the sentences are more severe than they would have been given in previous times. Instead they were held responsible for their actions, much to their surprise.
Once again Christians are pushing to require creationism to be taught in public schools; Only now it has been renamed to intelligent design. New name. Old belief. Intelligent design states that life is not the consequences of events as explained by Darwin, but life was created by an intelligent designer. Although in public schools the designer isn’t named, it is still implied that God is the creator of life. Ignoring the separation of church and state, they continue to try to force their beliefs on others in the by renaming their beliefs science even though there isn’t any legitimate science in their theories. Singing because the Bible tells me so, is not scientific proof; it is a faith based belief not a fact. DNA, archeological discoveries, and chemical evidence is proof. Christians claim it is their first amendment right to have their beliefs presented in the public schools because other religions are freely discussed. Yes, they are discussed, but not in the science classes, but as way to bringing a clearer understanding between cultures. Discussing religion in the context of a philosophy or social science is much different than promotion it as a scientific fact. In many cases when the Christian beliefs are promoted without restriction, it is made to be superior to all other religions; instead of promoting tolerance and understanding, the opposite becomes true. What they teach in their private schools is another matter, but they can not legally promote their beliefs as scientific fact in the public schools. In spite of the continuing legal losses, some Christians continue to try to force their beliefs into the public school system. The Dover Area School District in Pennsylvania tried to be the first in the nation to require Intelligent Design be taught as an alternative to Evolution. On October 4, 2005 by a vote to 6-3 the school board approved the decision. In December of that same year, it was challenged. After a six week trial, the school board lost, not only the court battle but their seats on the board. Again in Kansas, Intelligent Design was forced in the scientific curriculum; it prompted controversy and sarcastic responses, including a letter to the Kansas School board from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, demanding that their view of creationism also be included in the curriculum. Printed nation wide, letter brought more attention to the issue. Again the school board was changed and Intelligent Design was removed from the science classes.
The talk show hosts and so called “Christian leaders” claim that Christianity is under attack. That their rights are being whittled away by secular progressives who are working to undermine their religion. They claim they can no longer practice in public without being discriminated against. This is not true. They can practice their religion, however they can no longer force it on others. The Christian religion is not under attack; the only thing they have lost is a protected status and exclusive control over the spirituality of the nation. Others religions have been raised to equal status by giving equal rights and protection under the law. No longer can the Christians attack those that are different without being held legally responsible for their actions. This doesn’t mean they haven’t given up trying to covert others--no. They persist in trying to force their beliefs on others by whatever means necessary. The only difference is that they are being arrested and convicted for the damage they do. If the secular progressives are the root of all society’s evils, why are they promoting tolerance and inclusion. Christians claim they are they prohibited from practicing their religion. Is there a penalty for wishing others a Merry Christmas? No. According to some, Christian values include promoting assassination, lynching and ignoring of scientific facts that doesn’t support your specific belief. Do we as a society really want to promote violence and ignorance? Or do we want our people to have equal protection under the law? So after all the legal battles and debates, what have Christians lost? Nothing.
Monday, January 02, 2006
What I would do if I were President
Theresa Chaze
If suddenly I were elected President of the United States by some strange quirk of fate, I would immediately triple the Secret Service, while doubling their pay, and would stay far away from grassy nodes. However before the election, I would arrange to have Bill O’Reilly as my Vice President, however the two of us will never be in the same place at the same time. He is traditional enough to offend the left, while being free willed and independent enough to piss off the right. By his sitting in the second chair waiting to take over, assassins would have to pause and think before they pulled the trigger. Why, you would ask would I take such drastic measures right away? To survive more than six months, I would answer. My broad changes in domestic and international policy are guaranteed to annoy the fanatics of this country as well as around the world.
Domestically I would make sweeping changes on every level. Policies dealing with the economy, environment, security, and the government’s role in individuals lives would be changed to not only protect all the citizens of the US but to keep the government out of personal decisions. The government’s role should be limited to the issues that impact the whole of society but not include peeping in people’s bedrooms.
The days of complicated taxes would be over. Instead there would be a flat personal income tax. Twenty per cent of every dollar over thirty thousand would go to the federal government. There would be no deductions, no loopholes to squirm through. Just a simple form with name, amount that was made, subtracting thirty thousand, leaving the taxable amount and the tax owed. Each person would be taxed individually, which would be a bonus for married persons. A household could earn up to sixty thousand with both people working and still not owe any taxes. This would drastically cut the need for the Internal Revenue Service. But never fear they wouldn’t be unemployed. Instead I would move them over to Homeland Security. Unlike the current bureaucrats in charge of the national security, the agents in the Internal Revenue know how to track down individuals and make them pay. In addition, companies would have several opportunities for tax rebates. Companies, that provide good health care, would be rewarded with tax incentives. But the key word is “good”. Many companies provide health care, which is very expensive and provides limited coverage. This is unacceptable. Health care needs to be not only available, but also inexpensive enough to be useable. A fifteen hundred dollar deductible for an individual leaves them not only paying for the insurance, but all of their medical costs as well. Businesses, who use at least fifty per cent of their energy from alternative energy sources, would receive a rebate on their taxes, while companies who insist on sticking to the old fossil fuels would be forced to pay the full amount. In addition, if a company provides scholarships or grants to their employees to update their skills and increase their marketability all moneys used would be fully deductible.
Energy alternatives would not only be supported but activity encouraged by the tax incentives and grants to help switch over to alternative fuel sources. The technology is available, however the use has been actively discouraged in the favor of petroleum products. This policy would also include homeowners. New homes would be expected to meet standards of insulation, which would lower heating and cooling costs. Those with existing homes would be given the opportunity to update their home to become more energy efficient. In addition, those who wished to work partially or fully off the grid would be helped to set up both solar and wind powered systems in their home. New cars would again be forced to meet mileage requirements, which would increase every year. It wouldn’t be legal to ban the gas hogs, however the government could set standards forcing the car manufacturers to produce more energy efficient vehicles. The standard would start at thirty miles per gallon. Vehicles, whose mileage was over, would receive a sales tax break of whatever the overage was. However, vehicles that didn’t meet the standard would have the same amount of tax added onto the price. For example, a car whose mileage was thirty-five miles per gallon would receive a five per cent tax break. A SUV, which only got twenty miles per gallon, would pay an extra ten per cent in sales tax. Every year the baseline mileage would go up five miles per gallon. The government would activity support research into more efficient and environmentally responsible energy sources with grants and tax incentives. No longer would the oil companies be given elite status to hold the country hostage with unreasonable gas prices, which give them record breaking profits.
Environment standards again would be restored. In the long run it is good business to be environmentally responsible. Whether done accidentally or deliberately, polluters would be held responsible for the full clean up. No longer would the public be force to pay for environmental pollution caused by bad decisions made by companies. In additional, all people involved from the CEO down would be criminal liable. Our environment is a national treasure, which need to be protected and preserved. Our forests are just one target, which have been continually threatened by unethical business practices. Clear cut harvesting and indiscriminate cutting has cost this country most of its old growth forests. There are other methods including tree farming, which can provide the lumber this country needs. With other energy sources being developed and promoted, the need to search for and develop oil sites would be eliminated. In addition, the wind and solar power is totally renewable and environmentally responsible. The level of pollution from manufacturing would drop.
My stand on social issues is one of mind your own business. Same sex marriage, abortion, religious affinity is none of the government’s business. Marriage licenses would be totally abolished in favor a marriage contract. The contract would include who is involved and what is expected of each person. It would be legal in every state and give the participates legal status. The religious ceremony would be totally optional. With the number of religions and churches now present in this country, there is enough diversity available to include everyone. Medical decisions are to be decided by the individual and their doctor, not a third party who has no rights or responsibilities in the matter. However I would create a National Right to Life list. Those who insist that every fetus have the right to life will be added to the list. As each right to lifer name comes to the top of the list, they will be given the next unwanted child. No matter their age, their financial ability, plans for the future or personal health or the health of the child, they are now responsible for the care and maintenance of it for the next eighteen years; failing to provide will constitute neglect or abuse and will be followed by the appropriate jail term. The right to lifer’s name will then be placed at the bottom of the list, when it again comes to the top they will again go through the process. Religion and life style are personal decisions. Those, who through violence or harassment, try to force their beliefs on others will be treated as domestic terrorists. To fire a person or deny housing based on their belief or life style is contrary to the constitution. This country is based on diversity. It is where we get our strength.
My international policy would be just as controversial. The new energy policies would change our definition of national security. With the alternative sources we wouldn’t need the oil producing countries. We could pull out and leave them to their own devices. Not only would it give many of them what they want, but it would also cut the financial resources they could use against us. It is not this county’s job to be the watchdog of the world, nor do many of the other countries want us involved. It is one of the reasons Americans are disliked so much; there are a variety of others, but this is one we can do something about. By no means am I saying that we can make everyone like us; we can’t. But we can lessen their impact on our country while reinforcing and stabilizing other national relationships. With the economic and technological connections we must learn to get along with others without giving up our right to protect ourselves or forcing our will on them.
I believe the best offense is a good defense. There is no way to completely lock down the borders. It’s a physical impossibility. But there are ways to make them more secure. On the physical borders between Mexico and Canada, there would be two fold defense, which would include both stationary outposts and mobile patrols. Stationary outposts would be very much like most fire stations with live in alternating crews. The posts themselves would be mini forts with the most advanced protective and observation equipment. They would be in two layers; each outpost would be twenty miles apart with the second layer being ten miles further within the borders and staggered between the first layer. Each outpost would have independent energy and communication capability. The mobile patrols would commute between the outposts and be responsibly for first contact. The National Guard would be responsible for the borders, while the coast guard would protect the coasts with the help of satellite surveillance. Again there is too much coast to simply have ships sailing back and forth. However satellites could cover the territory and spot prospective targets, while the coast guard evaluated the actual threat. Airport and shipping ports would also have more security both as a physical presence and electronic surveillance.
Money is a major motivator. By using our economic clout we could promote behavior which is more peaceful and cooperative. What we buy and whom we buy it from can hurt another country’s economy. However, the same can be used against us. Boycotts need to be used with much fore thought and consideration. It should not be used to force another country to bend to our will. Countries can agree or agree to disagree on issues, but each must be self-determinating. It is the only way that respect can be maintained.
There has been much controversy over the preemptive strike on Iraq. I would not have attacked. It was unnecessary and unwarranted. Instead of cursing the darkness, I would light a candle. Afghanistan was entirely different matter. It was both their official and unofficial government, which attacked us. We had the legal and moral right to defend ourselves. If we had stopped there, much of the hatred that is now directed at our country wouldn’t exist. However instead of attacking Iraq, if we had focused our attention and resources on creating a government in Afghanistan that not only was a democracy but also supported their culture it would be more powerful than ten thousand bombs. To prove to the Muslims people that they can be self-determining while keeping their culture and religion would dispel the most of the false notions. Their government needn’t be exactly like ours. It can be their own brand with their own rules. Once the new Afghanistan became stable, prosperous and self-supporting it would nearly eliminate the possibility of fanatics taking over. In addition it would be a shining example to the other Middle Eastern countries what could be accomplished. It would be a positive, non-threatening way to promote change. As for Iraq, I’d watch it with satellites and more traditional methods, making decisions as they became necessary.
The United States started out as an experiment--a search for a better way of life, which ended tyranny and promoted individual freedoms. It has had some shining moments, but it has also been responsible for some inexcusable cruelties. Over all the citizens are generous, creative and independent with the adventurous souls who reached for the stars and found the moon, but there are also some that have been a source of bigotry and intolerance. If we continually reach for our highest good, by respecting our differences and rejoicing in our similarities, we could be a more effective peace makers and leaders in the twenty first century.
Theresa Chaze
If suddenly I were elected President of the United States by some strange quirk of fate, I would immediately triple the Secret Service, while doubling their pay, and would stay far away from grassy nodes. However before the election, I would arrange to have Bill O’Reilly as my Vice President, however the two of us will never be in the same place at the same time. He is traditional enough to offend the left, while being free willed and independent enough to piss off the right. By his sitting in the second chair waiting to take over, assassins would have to pause and think before they pulled the trigger. Why, you would ask would I take such drastic measures right away? To survive more than six months, I would answer. My broad changes in domestic and international policy are guaranteed to annoy the fanatics of this country as well as around the world.
Domestically I would make sweeping changes on every level. Policies dealing with the economy, environment, security, and the government’s role in individuals lives would be changed to not only protect all the citizens of the US but to keep the government out of personal decisions. The government’s role should be limited to the issues that impact the whole of society but not include peeping in people’s bedrooms.
The days of complicated taxes would be over. Instead there would be a flat personal income tax. Twenty per cent of every dollar over thirty thousand would go to the federal government. There would be no deductions, no loopholes to squirm through. Just a simple form with name, amount that was made, subtracting thirty thousand, leaving the taxable amount and the tax owed. Each person would be taxed individually, which would be a bonus for married persons. A household could earn up to sixty thousand with both people working and still not owe any taxes. This would drastically cut the need for the Internal Revenue Service. But never fear they wouldn’t be unemployed. Instead I would move them over to Homeland Security. Unlike the current bureaucrats in charge of the national security, the agents in the Internal Revenue know how to track down individuals and make them pay. In addition, companies would have several opportunities for tax rebates. Companies, that provide good health care, would be rewarded with tax incentives. But the key word is “good”. Many companies provide health care, which is very expensive and provides limited coverage. This is unacceptable. Health care needs to be not only available, but also inexpensive enough to be useable. A fifteen hundred dollar deductible for an individual leaves them not only paying for the insurance, but all of their medical costs as well. Businesses, who use at least fifty per cent of their energy from alternative energy sources, would receive a rebate on their taxes, while companies who insist on sticking to the old fossil fuels would be forced to pay the full amount. In addition, if a company provides scholarships or grants to their employees to update their skills and increase their marketability all moneys used would be fully deductible.
Energy alternatives would not only be supported but activity encouraged by the tax incentives and grants to help switch over to alternative fuel sources. The technology is available, however the use has been actively discouraged in the favor of petroleum products. This policy would also include homeowners. New homes would be expected to meet standards of insulation, which would lower heating and cooling costs. Those with existing homes would be given the opportunity to update their home to become more energy efficient. In addition, those who wished to work partially or fully off the grid would be helped to set up both solar and wind powered systems in their home. New cars would again be forced to meet mileage requirements, which would increase every year. It wouldn’t be legal to ban the gas hogs, however the government could set standards forcing the car manufacturers to produce more energy efficient vehicles. The standard would start at thirty miles per gallon. Vehicles, whose mileage was over, would receive a sales tax break of whatever the overage was. However, vehicles that didn’t meet the standard would have the same amount of tax added onto the price. For example, a car whose mileage was thirty-five miles per gallon would receive a five per cent tax break. A SUV, which only got twenty miles per gallon, would pay an extra ten per cent in sales tax. Every year the baseline mileage would go up five miles per gallon. The government would activity support research into more efficient and environmentally responsible energy sources with grants and tax incentives. No longer would the oil companies be given elite status to hold the country hostage with unreasonable gas prices, which give them record breaking profits.
Environment standards again would be restored. In the long run it is good business to be environmentally responsible. Whether done accidentally or deliberately, polluters would be held responsible for the full clean up. No longer would the public be force to pay for environmental pollution caused by bad decisions made by companies. In additional, all people involved from the CEO down would be criminal liable. Our environment is a national treasure, which need to be protected and preserved. Our forests are just one target, which have been continually threatened by unethical business practices. Clear cut harvesting and indiscriminate cutting has cost this country most of its old growth forests. There are other methods including tree farming, which can provide the lumber this country needs. With other energy sources being developed and promoted, the need to search for and develop oil sites would be eliminated. In addition, the wind and solar power is totally renewable and environmentally responsible. The level of pollution from manufacturing would drop.
My stand on social issues is one of mind your own business. Same sex marriage, abortion, religious affinity is none of the government’s business. Marriage licenses would be totally abolished in favor a marriage contract. The contract would include who is involved and what is expected of each person. It would be legal in every state and give the participates legal status. The religious ceremony would be totally optional. With the number of religions and churches now present in this country, there is enough diversity available to include everyone. Medical decisions are to be decided by the individual and their doctor, not a third party who has no rights or responsibilities in the matter. However I would create a National Right to Life list. Those who insist that every fetus have the right to life will be added to the list. As each right to lifer name comes to the top of the list, they will be given the next unwanted child. No matter their age, their financial ability, plans for the future or personal health or the health of the child, they are now responsible for the care and maintenance of it for the next eighteen years; failing to provide will constitute neglect or abuse and will be followed by the appropriate jail term. The right to lifer’s name will then be placed at the bottom of the list, when it again comes to the top they will again go through the process. Religion and life style are personal decisions. Those, who through violence or harassment, try to force their beliefs on others will be treated as domestic terrorists. To fire a person or deny housing based on their belief or life style is contrary to the constitution. This country is based on diversity. It is where we get our strength.
My international policy would be just as controversial. The new energy policies would change our definition of national security. With the alternative sources we wouldn’t need the oil producing countries. We could pull out and leave them to their own devices. Not only would it give many of them what they want, but it would also cut the financial resources they could use against us. It is not this county’s job to be the watchdog of the world, nor do many of the other countries want us involved. It is one of the reasons Americans are disliked so much; there are a variety of others, but this is one we can do something about. By no means am I saying that we can make everyone like us; we can’t. But we can lessen their impact on our country while reinforcing and stabilizing other national relationships. With the economic and technological connections we must learn to get along with others without giving up our right to protect ourselves or forcing our will on them.
I believe the best offense is a good defense. There is no way to completely lock down the borders. It’s a physical impossibility. But there are ways to make them more secure. On the physical borders between Mexico and Canada, there would be two fold defense, which would include both stationary outposts and mobile patrols. Stationary outposts would be very much like most fire stations with live in alternating crews. The posts themselves would be mini forts with the most advanced protective and observation equipment. They would be in two layers; each outpost would be twenty miles apart with the second layer being ten miles further within the borders and staggered between the first layer. Each outpost would have independent energy and communication capability. The mobile patrols would commute between the outposts and be responsibly for first contact. The National Guard would be responsible for the borders, while the coast guard would protect the coasts with the help of satellite surveillance. Again there is too much coast to simply have ships sailing back and forth. However satellites could cover the territory and spot prospective targets, while the coast guard evaluated the actual threat. Airport and shipping ports would also have more security both as a physical presence and electronic surveillance.
Money is a major motivator. By using our economic clout we could promote behavior which is more peaceful and cooperative. What we buy and whom we buy it from can hurt another country’s economy. However, the same can be used against us. Boycotts need to be used with much fore thought and consideration. It should not be used to force another country to bend to our will. Countries can agree or agree to disagree on issues, but each must be self-determinating. It is the only way that respect can be maintained.
There has been much controversy over the preemptive strike on Iraq. I would not have attacked. It was unnecessary and unwarranted. Instead of cursing the darkness, I would light a candle. Afghanistan was entirely different matter. It was both their official and unofficial government, which attacked us. We had the legal and moral right to defend ourselves. If we had stopped there, much of the hatred that is now directed at our country wouldn’t exist. However instead of attacking Iraq, if we had focused our attention and resources on creating a government in Afghanistan that not only was a democracy but also supported their culture it would be more powerful than ten thousand bombs. To prove to the Muslims people that they can be self-determining while keeping their culture and religion would dispel the most of the false notions. Their government needn’t be exactly like ours. It can be their own brand with their own rules. Once the new Afghanistan became stable, prosperous and self-supporting it would nearly eliminate the possibility of fanatics taking over. In addition it would be a shining example to the other Middle Eastern countries what could be accomplished. It would be a positive, non-threatening way to promote change. As for Iraq, I’d watch it with satellites and more traditional methods, making decisions as they became necessary.
The United States started out as an experiment--a search for a better way of life, which ended tyranny and promoted individual freedoms. It has had some shining moments, but it has also been responsible for some inexcusable cruelties. Over all the citizens are generous, creative and independent with the adventurous souls who reached for the stars and found the moon, but there are also some that have been a source of bigotry and intolerance. If we continually reach for our highest good, by respecting our differences and rejoicing in our similarities, we could be a more effective peace makers and leaders in the twenty first century.
Theresa Chaze
Censorship an ugly word, that everyone denies but so many practice in subtle ways. It could be as simple as telling another to shut up or going to the extreme of physically preventing the person from speaking. In either case and on every level in-between, one person or group has imposed their expectations and values on others. By silencing even one voice, not only do you limit the information and wisdom they could share, but also you hinder others’ ability to be comfortable sharing their experience.
The uniqueness of every individual gives them a perspective that is all their own. It is the old adage of the three blind men describing an elephant. The one at the head thinks it’s a long muscular hose that‘s attached to a mouth with a wet tongue. The one in the middle feels a flat, rough sometimes moving surface on large pedestals. The one at the tail claims it’s narrow, hard rope that smelly lumps drop out of. With the information they have, all are correct, yet none of them have all the facts. It’s only by bringing all the pieces together that you are given a more accurate description of the elephant.
A society, which reinforces its known traditions without leaving room for questioning or re-examination, becomes inbred and stagnant. By closing their society, the members are limited to what they are able to experience or learn about themselves and their environment. When the society as a whole sees change or new ideas as a threat, they will use fear and intimidation to prevent others from bringing it into their society. It is the mental equivalent of limiting the genre pool. Just as inbreeding leads to negative, recessive traits becoming the norm, ideas that are recycled without being reexamined, degenerate into fanaticism or blind subservience. Individualism becomes a menace to society and those who chose to walk their own path are labeled blasphemers or traitors. Instead of embracing their uniqueness, their society harasses, threatens or silences by death. But it affects more than the one individual; others, who see the brutality, become less likely to share themselves and their wisdom, choosing instead they hide in the shadows and pretend to conform, which further closes off the society. It is an unending cycle, which spirals downward until the members of the society no longer have free will or the ability to make decisions on a personal level. It is at this point the society begins to die as a whole.
It is the challenge of ideas that make a society strong and allows it to grow. Galileo was threatened with death when he proposed that the world was round and not the center of the universe. For many decades, disease was blamed on curses or the ill will of the Gods. Even as late as the early nineteenth century, when dinosaur bones and evidence of early civilization became uncovered, many still refused to believe the human race was older than six thousand years old. They believed it was all a hoax, created to attack their religious beliefs. But the bones were real. Planet Earth is one planet in our solar system, which lies in the boondocks of our galaxy. Viruses and bacteria are treated with antibiotics, many of which were created with a combination of new and old wisdom. If Columbus hadn’t set sail in 1492 across the ocean blue, the Americas wouldn’t have been found and many of the wonderful creations wouldn’t exist today. Many of the modern toys that we take for granted were born from our reaching for the stars. These are all indisputable facts. When old beliefs and knowledge are challenged, room is made to learn and grow beyond what they are at this moment. By questioning, we are more able to find new wisdom and knowledge. We are also more capable of understanding what we do unearth.
A healthy, strong society starts with one voice, one new idea and the ability to share it with others. No one person or group has all the information or wisdom; it’s only by combining what we all know, suspect, or theorize that we can expand our ability to understand and know more of the ultimate truths. Each of the blind men could stubbornly stick to their truth about the elephant, ignoring the others findings, and be correct, but they wouldn’t have the whole elephant--only a part. Just like every country and religion has only part of the universal truth; by combining all our wisdom and knowledge will we finally reach a clearer understanding of who we all are and why we are here.
Theresa Chaze
Censorship an ugly word, that everyone denies but so many practice in subtle ways. It could be as simple as telling another to shut up or going to the extreme of physically preventing the person from speaking. In either case and on every level in-between, one person or group has imposed their expectations and values on others. By silencing even one voice, not only do you limit the information and wisdom they could share, but also you hinder others’ ability to be comfortable sharing their experience.
The uniqueness of every individual gives them a perspective that is all their own. It is the old adage of the three blind men describing an elephant. The one at the head thinks it’s a long muscular hose that‘s attached to a mouth with a wet tongue. The one in the middle feels a flat, rough sometimes moving surface on large pedestals. The one at the tail claims it’s narrow, hard rope that smelly lumps drop out of. With the information they have, all are correct, yet none of them have all the facts. It’s only by bringing all the pieces together that you are given a more accurate description of the elephant.
A society, which reinforces its known traditions without leaving room for questioning or re-examination, becomes inbred and stagnant. By closing their society, the members are limited to what they are able to experience or learn about themselves and their environment. When the society as a whole sees change or new ideas as a threat, they will use fear and intimidation to prevent others from bringing it into their society. It is the mental equivalent of limiting the genre pool. Just as inbreeding leads to negative, recessive traits becoming the norm, ideas that are recycled without being reexamined, degenerate into fanaticism or blind subservience. Individualism becomes a menace to society and those who chose to walk their own path are labeled blasphemers or traitors. Instead of embracing their uniqueness, their society harasses, threatens or silences by death. But it affects more than the one individual; others, who see the brutality, become less likely to share themselves and their wisdom, choosing instead they hide in the shadows and pretend to conform, which further closes off the society. It is an unending cycle, which spirals downward until the members of the society no longer have free will or the ability to make decisions on a personal level. It is at this point the society begins to die as a whole.
It is the challenge of ideas that make a society strong and allows it to grow. Galileo was threatened with death when he proposed that the world was round and not the center of the universe. For many decades, disease was blamed on curses or the ill will of the Gods. Even as late as the early nineteenth century, when dinosaur bones and evidence of early civilization became uncovered, many still refused to believe the human race was older than six thousand years old. They believed it was all a hoax, created to attack their religious beliefs. But the bones were real. Planet Earth is one planet in our solar system, which lies in the boondocks of our galaxy. Viruses and bacteria are treated with antibiotics, many of which were created with a combination of new and old wisdom. If Columbus hadn’t set sail in 1492 across the ocean blue, the Americas wouldn’t have been found and many of the wonderful creations wouldn’t exist today. Many of the modern toys that we take for granted were born from our reaching for the stars. These are all indisputable facts. When old beliefs and knowledge are challenged, room is made to learn and grow beyond what they are at this moment. By questioning, we are more able to find new wisdom and knowledge. We are also more capable of understanding what we do unearth.
A healthy, strong society starts with one voice, one new idea and the ability to share it with others. No one person or group has all the information or wisdom; it’s only by combining what we all know, suspect, or theorize that we can expand our ability to understand and know more of the ultimate truths. Each of the blind men could stubbornly stick to their truth about the elephant, ignoring the others findings, and be correct, but they wouldn’t have the whole elephant--only a part. Just like every country and religion has only part of the universal truth; by combining all our wisdom and knowledge will we finally reach a clearer understanding of who we all are and why we are here.