
Monday, April 10, 2006

Theresa Chaze is a fully dedicated Wiccan Priestess who uses the Fantasy genre to explore the universe and our spiritual challenges. Her new novels Awakening the Dragon and Dragon Domain will be available in May, 2006. Her free ebook Sisters, Mothers, Daughters is available by going to her site at
Awakening the Dragon
To protect herself and her loved ones from the violent cult, Rachael risks everything by awakening her dragon spirit prematurely. As the dragon rises within her, the cult surround her home with the intent on killing the new witch who lives inside and burning the evidence of the murder of the previous owner.
Dragon Domain
Dragon magic intertwines with the Old Ones and Hopi tradition, as Cheyenne fights to save those she loves and her home from a one time friend, who has turned to dark magic to steal back her youth and get revenge on those she feels have betrayed her.
Sisters Mothers Daughters
Sisters, Mothers, Daughter is a collection of short stories that explore the complicated and ever changing relationships between women. Other worlds, differing religions, life paths and political points of view come together in the fantasy genre as women explore themselves and their life’s path.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for commenting on my blog Theresa, I just dropped by and saw what you have writted here. I like the idea of using fantasy to explore spituality.

    I used to run a guild within an online game for roleplaying, and we performed several rituals there with good results. I love the dragon magic theme also. I still have my notes with all the rituals we performed translated into a form of draconic, that was fun to do and worked very well indeed.

    I will try and make some time to read your stories too, when I get a quiet moment. Once again thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
