
Friday, August 12, 2022

Will you support women and the LBGTQ community?

 Samuel and William James were twin flames who loved each other and were very happy until the rumors and grumblings started about their relationship. Margaret was the mastermind behind her and George’s cons. They traveled the world romancing others out of fortunes. Samuel married Margaret to shield his relationship with William James. She accepted, believing that he, like the others, would be an easy mark. When Margaret’s business acumen started the rumors that she wore the pants in the family, Samuel looked for a way to put her back in her place. He couldn’t let her go without exposing his secret. Instead, he tried to force George to leave. It was the mistake that cost him his life. Yet, even in death, Samuel continued to control Margaret. The terms of his will bound her to the estate and William James. Heartbroken, Williams James was forced to stay silent. He couldn’t expose the murder without their relationship being revealed. Stuck with each other, they agree to work together. When William James meets Lennette and Gary, he sees a way to free himself and get revenge.


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