
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Horses and Heroes: Peer Support Saves Lives

Horses and Heroes is a reality TV series, which promotes healing rather than bad behavior. Although Equine Therapy will be the stage, the focus will remain on the veterans and how their lives as well as those of their families were changed by the physical and emotional challenges brought into their lives by war.

Veterans supporting veterans has always been more effective than working with civilian therapists. They have been there and done that, which is why they know when to cut slack and when to call the other on the BS.

Each season, Horses and Heroes will bring together eight veterans, who want to reclaim their lives from their physical and emotional challenges. They will support each other as they work with the horses and tell their stories.

Veterans can't go back and make a brand new start, but they can start from now and make a brand new end. Together they will give each other the strength and courage they need to change their directions of their lives toward the new end.