
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Corporate Sponsorship to Help Veterans

People have asked me what we need for Horses and Heroes. What they are really asking is how would helping us benefit them. The answer is very simple. We are offering excellent opportunities to embed products/services in a family friendly documentary.

Horses and Heroes is a documentary, which will help military personnel and veterans find a new way to cope with the physical and emotional challenges brought into their lives by war. Equine Therapy doesn't not involve drugs nor lying on a couch and spilling their guts. What it does do is help them find new ways to see and react to their emotional triggers. It helps their bodies remember how it used to work. It can't replace what was lost, but it can give them the confidence to see that they are more than the sum of their body parts.

We are offering ten second acknowledging spots at the open and close of the show as well as three thirty second show bumpers at the half hour marks. Additionally, sponsors logos in the form of banners will appear in the background, much like at sporting events. If the sponsor has promotional material, such as jackets, hats, mugs, etc, we can arrange for them to receive positive placement within the documentary. We will also be thanking the sponsor in the credits and have an active link on our website to their site.

Horses and Heroes will be formatted for cable networks, such as the Military Channel, other Discovery networks, History Channel, AMC, and A & E. We also have a foreign television distributor interested in presenting Horses and Heroes to their European networks. However, we will also be sponsoring a very limited theatrical release, which will act as fundraisers for veterans’ organizations such as Wounded Warrior Project, Military Warriors Support Foundation, Coming Home Project, and Operation Second Chance etc. Documentaries and films, which are shown in theatres and in film festivals, receive better network leasing contracts as well as greater DVD/download sales. In addition, the expenses connected to fund raising events would be considered a donation to the non-profit group and thereby they will be tax deductible.

For one sponsor this package would cost approximately the same as one national ad.

To learn more about Horses and Heroes as well as our team visit our website at

 If you would like to know more contact Theresa Chaze at 231-943-3298.