
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Saving Our National Treasures: Protecting the Yellowstone National Park Wolves

Timber wolves were hunted into extinction They no longer exist in the wild. Gray Wolves are the nearest species in size and temperament that is available. They are also native to the North American continent. The Canadian subspecies became known for the colder climates. The same people who are claiming the Gray wolves are invading the country are saying the same thing about the wild horses and they are genetically the same as the horses who lived here before man arrived.

Wolves were reintroduced to recreate ecological balance. Wolves and other predators kill only the sick, old and weak, leaving the resources for the healthy and strong. They also keep the herds moving, which also also strengthens the individual animals and keeps them from over grazing an area. Keeping the herds moving makes the environment stronger and more able to feed more animals. Unlike hunters, they kill only what they need to survive. The only thrill killers are trophy hunters.
You talk about families depending on hunting to survive. That is the 50-50 of living off the land. It makes you no different than the wolves. You have a 50 percent chance of eating and 50 percent chance of going hungry. Don't like it, then change your lifestyle.

Hunters take the biggest and best, which genetically weakens the species. They also prefer an easy kill, which means they don't want the herds to moving. As I said they are the thrill killers, who are more interested in bragging than actually hunting.

Some people claim that the reintroduction has hurt the local  economy, They say that the wolves have reduced the income from hunting, thereby costing people jobs and businesses income.   Eco-tourism is a hundred times more profitable than hunting. Tourism has increased by 30% since the reintroduction of wolves. The study done on Ontario proved that hunting was a 2 million dollar a year industry. Eco-tourism brought in 70 million. As a whole a families spend more and have a tendency to return from generation to generation because the experience is positive. An endless number of people can enjoy watching the wolves and the other animals. But only one person can kill and then it's over forever.

The herds have not declined as much as hunters claim. They are just spread out over a larger area. Hunters actually have to hunt, instead of going out for a quick kill so they can get back to the bar to brag.

From 1995 to 2009, there was also a dramatic increase of Elk licenses sold and animals killed, which doesn't include those illegally taken off season. The increases of elk killed causes a drop in the breeding stock. It takes time for the numbers to recover.

Ranchers have also been increasing their usage of public lands. Cattle and sheep are in direct competition for the same food as the herd. Since their teeth are so far back in their jaw, cattle rip and tear the plants up, which destroys the root base of the plants and limits the herds ability to feed.
The oil and gas companies have also been given access to public lands. Their pipelines have contaminated the waterways and altered the migration patterns.

Nation wide predators, not just wolves but all predators, kill less than 1% of the livestock. Ranchers are compensated for the loss of their animals, so there isn't a financial hardship for the ranchers.
There has been more disease spread by abandoned dogs, than wolves. Domesticated dogs don't survive well in the wild, because they can't take care of themselves. like wolves can. They are more likely to attack livestock and people. There has not been one substantiated case of a wolf attacking a human in the entire history of this country.

All these negatives were caused by man, not the wolves. Wolves are part of nature. If you want to live in the wild, they come with the turf. By hiring themselves as  out as eco-guides, locals would create income by showing people the wonder of their area that only a native would know. A math question. What adds up to more income? Taking one hunter out to kill that can only be done once or taking families out repeatedly?

" Instant Karma is going to get you."
                                       John Lennon

Have you ever met someone and suddenly  felt love or hate? Yet for the life of you couldn't remember  them.  Would you want to  remember? Would you want to know if it could save  your life?

Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller  feature film with the  logline love and hate survives death

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  Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the ability to set it aside and  focus on what is truly important


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Airspeed Oxford: A novel of International Intrigue


Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes will be chatting with Producer and writer Erna Cooper July 20 at 1 pm eastern as she talks about her international suspense novel, Airspeed Oxford.

Studying both in the United States as well as Europe, Cooper best know as a writer,editor, and producer. She worked closely with Irwin Yablans to develop his a memoir about his career in Hollywood, as Executive Producer of the "Halloween" film series and his relationship with his brother, Frank Yablans. As an editor she has worked with universities and publishing houses. Her production company Chiaroscuro Productions Ltd. has several projects in development.

Through Coopers involvement with the Oxford University Society of Paris she met a number of individuals in politics, research and public service, including Bill Barry, who, at the time, was the former European Representative for NASA. He is also an Oxford graduate, and former US Air Force pilot. Her best friend, at Oxford, Dr. Paul Collier and had been in the RAF until an accident that left him a quadriplegic. Airspeed is partly dedicated to Paul. Airspeed Oxford was inspired by talks with Collier, over the years, regarding WWII and secret aircraft that was never used, as well as technologies we have today, including those that were de-classified military developments.

As a translator for the Queen's Secret Service, Joan Yu suddenly finds herself out of her league as her language skill whisk her away from proper diplomatic events and on to a path of terror. An dear friend develops a new aircraft that will change the world. In doing so, he puts his and everyone in his life at risk. Unwilling to leave his side, they go underground, Can her international contacts protect them? Or will they give into to greed and the need for power?

Coopers website:

Tune into on July 420at 1 pm eastern to listen to learn more about international intrigue from author and producer Erna Cooper. The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to ask questions. The phone number is (347) 838-9927.

The interview will be available in the archives at

" Instant Karma is going to get you."
                                       John Lennon

Have you ever met someone and suddenly  felt love or hate? Yet for the life of you couldn't remember  them.  Would you want to  remember? Would you want to know if it could save  your life?

Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller  feature film with the  logline love and hate survives death

Please like our Facebook page:
Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the ability to set it aside and  focus on what is truly important

Friday, July 19, 2013

John Engler on Jansing & Co: The Republican Agenda to Destroy Detroit

John Engler appeared on the Jansing and Co. Show on the MSNBC Network as part of a panel, discussing Governor Snyder's decision to put Detroit into bankruptcy. In my opinion, Engler was just following the party line, which attacks the middle class and openly supports the upper 2%. These policies and the bad press that have result from them have made the people from Michigan look like ignorant Rednecks and drugged up gang bangers. .

The Emergency Manager is a prime example. Upon taking office. Snyder increased the scope of the position and activity started usurping the voters' rights. So far none of the cities with managers have recovered; however Snyder did give the public park land that the Ann Arbor City Council was protecting to the Whirlpool family for their golf course. During the last election, the people of the state voted to eliminate the Emergency Manager legislation. Within weeks, Snyder and the Republicans circumvented the public's will and reinstated the Emergency Manager legislation in such a way that that the citizens could not once again vote it away.

Snyder has made claims of creating jobs. It is an exaggeration. What few jobs his policies are responsible for creating are low paying without benefits. At the same time he has does his best to chase away two industries that bring with them new money and good paying jobs. The Entertainment and the Green Industries can't be out sourced and they pay living wages with benefits.

Within two years, the film industry went from a 2 million a year industry to over 600 million, It created thousands of good paying jobs not only for actors and tech people, but also for electricians, carpenters, drivers and office support staff along with all the jobs created by the production companies renting locations, rooms, car rentals, and buying meals for their cast and crew. This list doesn't include the jobs created by shopping the cast and crew did on their off time. Nor does it take into account the increase tourism that the films provided when their work was seen by the national and international audiences. Snyder attacked the film incentive when he came into office and within a week the state lost four big budget films, equaling hundreds of millions of new money and thousands of good paying jobs.

But more than just the money and the jobs, Snyder cost Michigan its reputation. The original agreement with the film industry was that it would have five years to establish itself. It actually had only two. Breaking the agreement make the state look unreliable as a place to do business. What industry would risk bring their business into a state that will not honor its contracts and obligations? What investor would risk their funds on such a state? Not many and the list is getting shorter all the time. Who would be willing to trust a person, company, or state once she or he had seen she, he or it screw over another?

On the last state ballet, the voters were given the opportunity of supporting green technology. However, the well funded misinformation campaign defeated the proposal, which would have held down the utility costs to a 2% increase a year and activity supporting wind, solar, geothermal technologies. Not only would it have lowered costs in the long run, but the industry also immediately created good paying jobs. Most new industries have start up costs, The misinformation campaign focused on how much a kilowatt hour would cost using only the start up figures. It ignorant the fact that once the systems were in place the wind and the sun supplied unlimited, healthy, and clean energy for free.

Republicans say can't afford to subsidize private industries, The oil and gas companies continually make billions of profits a year, yet they still receive billions in state and federal subsidies. What's the difference? Oil and gas primary support Republicans candidates. Therefore the Republicans protect their cash cows by suppressing industries that create competition in the marketplace and present alternative ideas. The Entertainment Industry leans is more likely to support progressive thinking and causes, by supporting change and innovation. Green Industries threaten the fossil fuel companies' bottom line. Back in the 1970's there was a cartoon in the local paper, which had five panels. The first three panels proclaimed the profitability of oil, natural gas, and coal. Each time the man bragged that he owned them. In the fourth, he said solar power. In the fifth, instead of saying and we own the sun, he declared that solar power was impossible.

Today Snyder started the bankruptcy process for Detroit. Although there have been great stride in the area, Snyder and his Emergency Manager made the area sound like a lost cause. It is in their best interest to do so. By devaluing the area and the people, they reinforce their power over them. It also opens the door for quick, cheap land deals, low paying jobs, and the displacement of the current population. The film industry could been a major saving grace for Detroit. It brings in new money and good paying jobs, while keeping the innovated people here and helping those who left to return. The wind, solar, and geothermal industries also could have brought new money and new jobs that could not be outsourced. Yet they were both activity attacked because they interfere with Snyder's and many other Republicans' agendas.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

How to save our wild horses

Our nation's wild life are national treasures, not private trophies.  They need to be protected from the special interest groups.

  " Instant Karma is going to get you."
                                       John Lennon

Have you ever met someone and suddenly  felt love or hate? Yet for the life of you couldn't remember  them.  Would you want to  remember? Would you want to know if it could save  your life?

Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller  feature film with the  logline love and hate survives death

Please like our Facebook page:
Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the ability to set it aside and  focus on what is truly important

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Interview With Ginger Kathrens

Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes will be chatting with Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation, Ginger Kathrens July 4 at 1 pm eastern as she talks about her work with the wild horses as well as her work with the The Cloud Foundation. 

Ginger Kathrens is an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, an award-winning author, and the Executive Director of the Cloud Foundation, a non-profit organization named for the newborn colt she documented tottering out of the trees in front of her camera over 18 years ago. Her revealing journey with Cloud and the rest of the Pryor Mountain wild horses of Montana is told in three acclaimed PBS: NATURE documentaries: Cloud: Wild Stallion of the Rockies, Cloud’s Legacy: The Wild Stallion Returns, and Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions. She has written three companion books about Cloud and dozens of magazine articles about wild horses and the struggle to them in the wild.  Cloud’s story represents the only continuing documentation of a wild animal from birth in our Hemisphere and Kathrens’ work has been compared to J protect ane Goodall’s experiences with Chimpanzees. Ginger lives on her ranch in southern Colorado with her Spanish mustangs Flint and Sky, as well as her Pryor mustangs Trace and Sax. Coming soon is the bay colt she documented at the February, 2013 Swasey Mountains Roundup in central Utah.

Ginger Kathrens met a wild, black stallion named Raven in the low country of the Pryor Wild Horse Range in March of 1994. She never imagined that their chance meeting would change her life. When two of Raven’s three foals were killed in a disastrous BLM roundup that fall, she pledged to change the “business as usual” behavior of an agency unwisely chosen to protect wild horses on our public lands.  A year into her journey with Raven, his pale palomino son was born. She named the tottering newborn, Cloud. Through her PBS/Nature documentaries and books about his exciting life, Cloud has become an international celebrity and a symbol for the struggles of all wild horses in the West—a struggle to live in freedom with their families. Cloud and Kathrens continue to educate people of all ages and to inspire them to join in the campaign to preserve America’s native mustangs. It is my pleasure to introduce Emmy award-winning filmmaker, and executive director of the Cloud Foundation, Ginger Kathrens

The Cloud Foundation website:

Tune into on July 4 at 1 pm eastern to listen to Ginger Kathrens share her experiences with the wild horses and to learn more about The Cloud Foundation. The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to ask questions. The phone number is (347) 838-9927.

The interview will be available in the archives at

" Instant Karma is going to get you."
                                       John Lennon

Have you ever met someone and suddenly  felt love or hate? Yet for the life of you couldn't remember  them.  Would you want to  remember? Would you want to know if it could save  your life?

Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller  feature film with the  logline love and hate survives death

Please like our Facebook page:

Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the ability to set it aside and  focus on what is truly important

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Wolves are National Treasures not Private Trophies

Wildlife are national treasures, not private trophies.  It is time to stand up to the greed and selfishness  special interest groups.

  " Instant Karma is going to get you."
                                       John Lennon

Have you ever met someone and suddenly  felt love or hate? Yet for the life of you couldn't remember  them.  Would you want to  remember? Would you want to know if it could save  your life?

Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller  feature film with the  logline love and hate survives death

Please like our Facebook page:
Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the ability to set it aside and  focus on what is truly important