
Monday, February 27, 2012

Astrologer Elizabeth Hazel Talks About 2012

Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes is hosting Astrologer adn Tarot Reader Elizabeth Hazel on February 29 at 1 pm eastern. We will be talking about the Astrological forecast for 2012.

Elizabeth Hazel is a noted astrologer, Tarotist, and horoscope columnist; and author of the acclaimed book “Tarot Decoded.” Her “Whispering Tarot” deck and book were released in 2008, and a new book on astrology is anticipated in 2013. Liz has lectured around the US and in Britain. Her weekly horoscope column can be seen at the Kozmic Kitchen on Facebook every Sunday.

Elizabeth Hazel’s website is at

To learn more about what to expect from the energy currents from the cosmos from Astrologer and Tarot reader Elizabeth Hazel tune into at 1 pm eastern on February 29. The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to participate. The phone number is (347) 838-9927.

The show can be listened in the archives at

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Healing Through the Past to Find Oneness

Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes is hosting Payu Harris SEO and founder of Kimitsu Social Media on February 23 at 1 pm eastern. We will be talking about fear, bigotry and anger divides us, while love, compassion, and wisdom brings us together in a oneness that benefits all.

Harris is a enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne tribe in Lame Deer Montana and is active in Tribal Economic development and Strategic Policy developme for tribal states. Founded the Indigenous Tribal Union in order to help Emerging Indigenous states with Policy development. Harris is widely regarded as a example of how current techhnology and traditional beliefs. can and do work together.

His website is

Tune into at 1 pm eastern on February 23 to learn more about how we can create a oneness that will help us heal through the past to become our be and highest selves. The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to participate. The phone number is (347) 838-9927.

The show will be available in the archives at