
Friday, September 25, 2009

Until You Walk the Path: Julie McNulty

Until You Walk the Path, You Won’t know Where it Goes will be once again hosting Intuitive Healer and Medium, Julie McNulty on September 27 at 5 pm eastern.

Julie McNulty loves being an Intuitive Healer. In these healing sessions she provides healing modalities that cater to her clients personal needs. The modalities that Julie offers are Reiki Treatments which help balance the bodies energy system. Another method that Julie uses for healing is called Angel Therapy® where Julie opens herself up to her the messages from your Angels. While working with your Angels Julie can hear and see any messages that the Angels are trying to give you about your past, present or future. The third healing mechanism that Julie offers is a Mediumship Reading. This mechanism is close to Julie's heart as she loves to help people hear healing messages from their loved ones that have passed over to the other side. Julie has a background in Counseling and went to Cal Poly where she attained a BS Degree in Human Development. Julie soon found that the counseling she was offering was not enough. She wanted to offer more to people to help them but didn't know what that missing piece was.

Then in 2001 Julie had an amazing awakening. She was going through a major life change. Her Father died of cancer, she and her husband where going through hard times, she was betrayed by her close friends and she felt alone. Laying down on the bathroom floor at a hotel in Hawaii Julie called out for help. She then heard a voice telling her that everything was going to be okay. Julie tells about how she heard the voice give her directions of how to heal her life. At one point she asked the voice who they were and she heard, "We are your Angels." Then Julie received what she calls "signs" that this voice was indeed a voice from the Angelic Realm.

Tune at on September 13 at 5 pm eastern to learn more about Intuitive Healing and for the opportunity for a reading. Those who wish to speak to Julie McNulty may call in at (347) 324-3745 or participate in the interactive chat room, which is available on the show’s page.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mabon: A Prosperity Ritual

Mabon: Prosperity Ritual

Mabon or Autumn Equinox is one of the eight solar holidays and is celebrated on approximately September 21. Also called Harvest Home, Feast of gathering, and Harvest Gift, it is not an official ancient festival in name or date. Mabon is one of
the newer holidays and is considered the second harvest festival, which celebrates the bringing of the fruits, nuts and berries that would grow wild. Although the spirit of the holiday is agricultural related, spiritually it is also the harvesting of the sweeter rewards and receiving of unearned blessings. As the Divine has provide the wild harvest, so does she/he/it bestow miracles on those whose words and deeds have been blessings in others lives. It is a time when unexpected gifts are given to the loved ones in your life and the receiving of unpetitioned blessings from the Divine

With the day and night having equal power, so are the feminine and masculine energies evenly balanced. Both female and male deities are honored equally. Although the Sabbath is named for Mabon, the Welsh God who symbolized the male fertilizing principle, Persephone is also honored as she makes her return visit to the underworld, signally the upcoming close to the yearly harvest. On this day, rituals of thanksgiving for blessings already received and prayers for protection during the up coming winter months are performed. As the cycle of the year continues so hours of daylight shrink as will the influence of the masculine energy until Yule or Winter Solstice when the Sun God is again reborn.

This is also a day when life is brought back into balance on all levels. With the current financial challenges most people are facing, many forget that prosperity involves both give and take. Many are asking for blessings, yet they forget to be the blessing for others. In order for prosperity to flourish for all, each has to be willing to give as well as receive. Lately it seems the same people are doing the giving, while the same people expect only to receive, which is why so many people’s finances have become stagnant or are now written in red. It is not noble to be so self-sacrificing that you deprive yourself of the help you need; in fact by denying others the opportunity to help, you do harm to both. By always expecting to receive without reciprocating, you not only dam the flow of energy, but you also create bad karma for yourself. In many cases, we don’t always receive directly from those we have helped. In fact, more often than not, it will be another who will come to our aid. But as long as we remain open to both giving and receiving, abundance will flow for all.

Mabon Prosperity Ritual

You will need:
Six long pieces of paper
Glue or tape
A pen
A White candle
A fire safe container

Divide the six pieces of paper into two piles. On three write the blessing you are asking for. On the remaining three, just write gift. Using the glue or tape to make the loops create a chain by alternating the blessing and gifts. Light the white candle and say:

Goddesses both dark and light
Bless this ritual with your might.
Three times three
Let this chain of prosperity come to be.
As I have asked to receive
So will I be the blessing for those you bring to me.

Light the chain and let it burn out in the fire safe container. You can extinguish the candle or let it burn out; it doesn’t matter one way or the other.

Afterwards, you will need to be more aware of the people who come into your life. You never know when you will be asked to give aid. By helping others freely, you will draw your own blessing to you more quickly.

To learn more about Wicca and Paganism, please buy my Ebook of Shadows, Out of the Shadows and Into the Light. It is available at for 7.00 through paypal.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Operation Home Base


Operation Home Base is a military drama about a fictional non profit organization that gives support to military personnel and their families. Staffed with unique characters, each of which has their own reasons for wanting to help military personnel, OHB is designed to build a bridge between the civilian population and the military. OHB is a combination between NCIS and Army Wives with the potential for a therapist drama as well. There is a wide range of potential stories that can be spun from this set-up, from domestic drama, hospital/therapist drama, legal drama, crime drama, adventure, even the occasional comedic episode. Though fictional, this is a story of real people, and the situations could have been ripped from the day’s headlines. OHB has a bit of everything; war and suspense, action and adventure, romance and betrayal. Fully formed characters who are flawed, but working for redemption; edge of the seat suspense as the action zips along at warp speed.

To read the treatment go to

Suggested Cast:
Deacon (Deek) Williams: Tom Selleck
Martin Flying Crow: Graham Greene
Randi Cullen: Alyssa Milano
Michael Woodsman: Drake Hogeston
Lorelei Stewart: Gloria Loring
Elaine Reynolds: Deidre Hall
Walter Hummel: Alan Alda

Operation Home Base Pilot Episode:
Acting as a representative for the branches of the military and the federal government, Walter Hummel approaches the founders of Operation Home Base with an offer of economic and logistic support as well as political influence. Although Martin Flying Crow doesn’t trust Hummel, he is unwilling to deprive the armed service personnel and their families of the badly needed support. However, once the paperwork has been signed, the committee realizes that they may have gotten more than they bargained for. Immediately they are called to service. Dishonorably discharged and accused of raping a local teenager, ex marine, Ken Thompson, is found dead in his parents home. The deputy sheriff in charge suspects the Gunnery Sergeant and his wife are responsible for the murder of their son The OHB’s new legal adviser and the government advocate with the help of the NCIS team not only exposes the ulterior motives of the deputy, but also truth behind the death of the much hated man

To read the pilot episode script please email me at

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Seeking Investors

I am looking for investors for my military series Operation Home Base. OHB intertwines the challenges military personnel face with those of their families. This is not an Army Wives or reality show, but an accurate portrayal of military life. The show intertwines drama and suspense with comedy to tell the stories of active duty, vets, and wounded warriors along with those who love them. It is designed to build a bridge between the civilian population and the military.

Operation Home Base is fictional non profit organization that gives support to military families, veterans, wounded warriors, and active duty military personnel by working with existing programs and organizations. OHB works in partnership with the bases’ Dependent Centers to give aid and comfort to military personal and their families while acting as intermediary not only with other military agencies but with the civilian services. Staffed with active duty and retired military personnel along with civilians, OHB was created by the combined branches of the services to take care of their own. It is pilot program, which is designed to build a bridge between the civilian population and the military. Their single goal is to fill the voids left by governmental agencies who are unable provide the necessary services and support for all branches of the military.

It will be shot in Michigan, which will qualify it for the 40-42% incentives offered by the state. Those who are interested may call me at 231-943-3298.

Until You Walk the Path: Julie McNulty

Until You Walk the Path, You Won’t know Where it Goes will be hosting Intuitive Healer and Medium, Julie McNulty on September 13 at 5 pm eastern.

Julie McNulty loves being an Intuitive Healer. In these healing sessions she provides healing modalities that cater to her clients personal needs. The modalities that Julie offers are Reiki Treatments which help balance the bodies energy system. Another method that Julie uses for healing is called Angel Therapy® where Julie opens herself up to her the messages from your Angels. While working with your Angels Julie can hear and see any messages that the Angels are trying to give you about your past, present or future. The third healing mechanism that Julie offers is a Mediumship Reading. This mechanism is close to Julie's heart as she loves to help people hear healing messages from their loved ones that have passed over to the other side. Julie has a background in Counseling and went to Cal Poly where she attained a BS Degree in Human Development. Julie soon found that the counseling she was offering was not enough. She wanted to offer more to people to help them but didn't know what that missing piece was.

Then in 2001 Julie had an amazing awakening. She was going through a major life change. Her Father died of cancer, she and her husband where going through hard times, she was betrayed by her close friends and she felt alone. Laying down on the bathroom floor at a hotel in Hawaii Julie called out for help. She then heard a voice telling her that everything was going to be okay. Julie tells about how she heard the voice give her directions of how to heal her life. At one point she asked the voice who they were and she heard, "We are your Angels." Then Julie received what she calls "signs" that this voice was indeed a voice from the Angelic Realm.

Tune at on September 13 at 5 pm eastern to learn more about Intuitive Healing and for the opportunity for a reading. Those who wish to speak to Julie McNulty may call in at (347) 324-3745 or participate in the interactive chat room, which is available on the show’s page.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Book Trailers: How to Successfully Market Your Book

Book Trailer: An Effective Promotional and Marketing Tool
Theresa Chaze

Book trailers are more than images set to music, nor do they just a recap of the book synopsis. In fact, they are an effect promotional tool that will create interest by going beyond the synopsis to the "heart of the book. Although, book trailers are considered promotional material, they are in reality an advertisement. The difference lies in the length and basic format.

Most book trailers are much longer than most conventional ads, running 1-5 minutes long, while currently most broadcast ad are 30 seconds. It would be too costly to run longer ads in prime time on the local or national level. Even well know writers such as Stephen King, only run 15 second national ads. They are quick in-out ad, which do little more than announce a new book However, book trailers are designed for the internet, where the venues are either free or low cost. Length is not a consideration; therefore, they can be more detailed both in content and style. The quality both in the writing and production can make the trailer an asset or a major liability. Being clever and unique can create a buzz about the trailer, which will in turn increase sales. However, if the trailer is merely random images set to music, it will make the author look amateurish.

The message has to do more than recap the synopsis. It has to be in itself a creative work that creates layers of interest. Whether as text or a voiceover, the message needs to tantalize the readers into buying the book. In the case of fiction, the trailer is a vignette with a beginning and middle, but the end is left hanging as a question. Its purpose is to introduce the lead characters and plot, while building up the conflict of the story, so that the readers will want to answer the question--what happens next? In non-fiction, most books have more of a targeted audience. The text will want not only to provide the author’s credentials, but also put forth her or his thesis, while hinting why it is different from ever other expert in the field. Both formats will want to provide reviews, ordering information, and run credits back to any person or site that provided resources for the trailer.

Multi-sensory devices such as videos, still pictures and voiceovers, all coordinated with music as the video trailer create layers of information that combine into a single effective ad. The video transitions and effects have to be appropriate for the message and match the audio portion of the piece. Both can create a sense of movement in still photographs, making them look more movie like. The availability of digit cameras makes adding live action shots easy and inexpensive. In addition, there are sites on the net that inexpensively offer video clips. There are also sites that music can be download for free, if they are given credit and a link back. The music needs to create a sense of the book beyond the words. It can add drama, intensity or humor depending the style of the music. It is just one more way to enhance the feel and add depth to the trailer.

By coordinating the whole package to roll out in a logical, concise format, the trailer becomes a thought provoking, interest creating marketing tool. However, if written and produced well, it doesn’t have to be elaborate or highly technical; sometimes the simple direct approach is the most effective, if done professionally and with creative thought.

I have produced the following trailers not no only for my books, but for others authors as well. I am available for hire by emailing: Tirgana (at) yahoo (dot) com. Here are some examples of my work can be found on my site at


Theresa Chaze

Affirmations are more than just new age mumbo jumbo. They are declarations or assertions of truth that a person wishes to create. They can be either positive or negative depending on how a person focuses their attention. Affirmations are the repetitive focusing of the mind, will and spiritual energy on a specific outcome.
However, not all affirmations are formal or conscious. Sometimes the most powerful are the ones that are created when a person is daydreaming. Repetition is what energized the statements and clarifies the desire in the person’s mind. Whatever a person repeatedly thinks, feels or fantasizes about becomes a personal affirmation.
Frequently used for healing or manifestation, affirmations focus the person's energy on the results they would like to achieve. The simpler and more direct the statement is, the more effective it will be. A popular one for prosperity is "Money comes to me quickly, easily and frequently." It is short, sweet and to the point. By focusing on what you want instead of what you are trying to eliminate, you open the door for financial prosperity to enter your life. Many people put their energy in the form of worry into their bills; they don’t realize they are asking for more of the same. The universe is more than willing to provide anything we ask for, we just have to know how to ask. In the case of illness, instead of asking for the disease to disappear, you should put your energy into being healthy and strong. As an example: “In every way and every day, I become healthier and stronger.”
However, negative thoughts and feelings can just as easily diminish the positive outcome if the person chooses to put energy into their fears and doubts. By focusing on a negative outcome, you can delay or even prevent yourself from receiving the blessing you are asking for. It takes practice and control to be able to release past negative behaviors and open the doors to the miracles life has to offer.