Witch Trials Still Alive In South Carolina!
Please pass around to anyone you think might listen.
Thanks. We are unable to go home at the moment because it isn't safe
for us there. They are always watching what we are doing and we are
afraid of more Police retribution so are staying at my Mother in-
law's house, but this isn't home.....so I am trying to get on the
computer whenever possible so bear with me....My life is turned
inside out right now.
Witch Trials Continue In South Carolina!
My name is Rhonda Gruber AKA Wicked Lil Witch and I am a Proud Witch.
I am currently being persecuted as a Witch by a Lt. Kevin Duke of the
Horry County Police Dept. My life and the lives of my family and
friends are being threatened and destroyed by this man with the
backing of countless other officials. I was arrested Monday Sept
10th '07 by Lt Duke for Breach of Peace, Child Endangerment/ Neglect
and 1st degree Harrassement.
This all began around the end of May '07 from many false police
reports from a neighboring family, The Luisettis, who also seemed to
think I deserved to be arrested for my religious beliefs. They stated
such in their police reports. When this began to become a pattern of
filing false reports, we began seeking Police protection FROM them.
We were told numerous times that we had no reason to receive their
protection, just to ignore them. Yet they continued to file their
reports on us. We were told the only we could do is file a Civil
Suit. This wouldn't fix the problem for quite awhile if ever.The
Police Dept on numerous occasions, even refused to file any reports
for us. We had at one point searched out help from Magistrates in the
area. One told us that filing these reports was most definitely
something the Police could do something about and that they should
but he was fairly certain that they wouldn't. He went on a 10 min
rant about it to us. He even took the time to gives us copies of the
laws on filing false reports, which we took to this Lt Duke, who
after realizing we weren't going to leave his office too easily, Then
wrote us report stating that the report from the Luisettis was
investigated and the allegations were unfounded and seemed to be
stemming from harrassement from the neighbors.
Now Monday, my 16 yr old son was targeted for their harrassment . In
the morning the Luisetti's daughter had a young man assualt him at
the bus stop. We filed a report that morning. That afternoon another
allegation from their daughter that he beat her up Friday on school
property which led to his suspension since the school wouldn't
investigate it other than her statement and her 2 friend's
statements. She would have been getting on the bus at the time while
he was on the other side of the building getting a ride from one of
his friends. Then as we were sitting in my garage workshop working on
getting the suspension investigated by the school board, waiting to
see if the death threat my son received was going to take place. The
threat came from the Luisetti's daughter getting a young man
to "kill" my son due to the beating she received from him. He was
supposed to be coming to our house after school. We were then
visited by an irrational Lt. Duke as he whipped into our driveway
screaming that Spencer was reported to be brandishing and pointing an
assault rifle at the Luisettis. Which isn't even close to what he was
doing. Duke then stated that is is tired of all this and someone is
going to jail. He didn't care to hear anything we had to to say about
our side. Anytime I was trying to say something I was told to shut up
or be arrested. He was VERY aggressive and yelling. He seemed to
trying to provoke an altercation. I freely admit I was upset and a
little loud but I was trying to defend my son. I was never violent or
out of control. I was just pissed and trying to make some sense out
of the situation. When I was told to shut up I did which seemed to
further anger Duke. I was only arrested after they put the cuffs on
my son. I then told my Husband to find a f...ing attorney and quick.
This was when they arrested me.
I was never read my Miranda Rights to this day but the questions they
asked me were used in my arrest. Doesn't seem legal to me...
My charges of Child Endangerment were due to the fact that we have
several legal weapons around a minor. I must inform you my son is an
ROTC member with Marine Boot Camp training in weapons, can
disassemble/ reassemble an M16 on the field. He was also on the Rifle
Team last year and is Athletics Team Commander. He also knew our
weapons, from target shooting and cleaning. He even pointed out to
the Police Weapons Expert how to release the clip and open the bolt
chamber as they couldn't. He is very safe and well versed in weapons.
I must point point that is legally old enough to have a hunting
license. He is also looking to join the National Guard on his 17th B-
Day, Oct 3rd this yr. Upon his 18th B-Day he was planning a Military
career. We are proud of him and is a really good person. We are very
upset with all the things being alleged about him.
To summarize:
We are being persecuted because of my spiritual choices, not being
Christian. Lt. Duke has a web page stating his religious beliefs and
infertility and adoption problems which leads us to the belief that
he can no longer separate his personal feelings from his ability to
do his job in an objective manner. He seems to have appointed himself
as a personal victim's advocate for allegedly neglected and abused
children. The fact that I am a practicing witch is being noted in
complaints and warrants against me and my family. It has even been
voiced in court along with allegations stating I have cast spells on
2 cops and the luisetti family by the solicitor during proceedings.
My familiar pyewacket seems to have been mishandled during the search
of our home. She was running and flinching from us the day after. I
am very hurt by this. Though this can't be proven, I know my animal
and this is not her normal behavior.
We have always tried to help others and be good people, so this is
very hard for us to deal with. I am lucky to have a very strong
supportive circle of friends and family or we would still be in jail.
My in-laws had to take the majority of their retirement fund for some
20 thousand dollars to hire a powerful law firm to help us. Though I
will never be ashamed of being a witch, I am so very sorry for all
the trouble and loss of money it has cost them to stand up for us.
The reason for this letter is that we need all the help we can find
to fight this. Whether it is positive protective energy, advice, or
donations to help pay for this. I will not rest until I have made a
difference for all that believe in freedom of religion. I don't want
this to just disappear, I want to make a stand for all free thinkers
against persecution. We all know the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
For all that believe in freedom of choice, please stand behind me or
even beside me in court while I fight. I am not a quitter and I have
a loud voice. I always stand up for what I believe in, all I ask is
to not have to stand alone in this. It's time to fight for what we
all believe in, not just lie down and take it. I have enclosed the
papers that are in my possession to prove my claims. I will include
more as they come into my possession. I am not easily scared although
they are trying to intimidate us. Threatening phone calls have been
made to family and friends even now. In supporting us, you are also
supporting yourselves.
We are looking to get this story out to as many places as possible.
The more people who are aware the harder it will be for them to get
aware with it!
We NEED your help!!!
Blessed be.
Rhonda Gruber
AKA wickedlilwitch@gmail.com
843-997-7558 or 843-602-0160 (happy to answer questions)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Police Abuse: Jena 6 and a Tasering at a Kerry Speech
Jena 6-A Civil Rights Revolution
Theresa Chaze
The small town Jena Louisiana could very be the spark that ignites the new civil revolution that demands equal protection under the law. Justice in this country is no longer blind, but based on economics, ethnic background, gender and connections. From Bush commuting Scooter Libby sentence to the unpunished excessive violence by law enforcement, the judicial system is not base on guilt or innocence but on how much money the individual has, who he or she knows and how much media air time the issue acquires. Law enforcement no longer serves and protects, but follows its own agenda. Frequently including intimidation, harassment and prosecutorial misconduct, both district attorneys and police officers miss use their authority and power as they bully others who have differing political options, lifestyles or cultures.
The Jena situation began in September 2006 when three white students hung nooses from the "white tree" at the high school. The three students only received a three day suspension. As the school year progress, racial tensions increased. The main high school building was burn down. A white teenager attacked a black student who attended an all white party. Within a few days, another white man pulled a shotgun on three black students at a convenience store. Neither of the white attackers were punished for there actions. In protest of the unfair treatment, all the African American students stood peacefully beneath the tree. It has been rumored that the Jena Six were the organizers of the demonstration. After the protest, prosecutor came to the school and threatened the African American students, when he said, “Stop making trouble. I can make your lives disappear with a stroke of a pen.” December4, 2006, Justin Barker was beaten during a fight; he was temporarily knocked unconscious and suffered cuts and bruises. He was treated and released on the same day. The Jena Six were arrest. The five oldest were charged with attempted second degree murder. June 26, 2007 after public outcry, the district attorney reduces the Bell's charges to second degree battery and conspiracy. Eventually the charges against the other four are reduced as well. September 4, 2007, the District Court judge dismisses the conspiracy charge against Bell but the battery conviction remained. September 14, 2007, the Louisiana Third Circuit Court of Appeals over turns Bell's conviction on the grounds he was improperly tried as an adult; however, he was not released from custody. September 21, thousands of civil right advocates marched through Jena protesting the unequal treatment of the Jena 6. That evening two local white boys were arrested for driving past the protestors with nooses hanging from the back of their pickup and for driving under the influence.
In Jena, the prosecution of the white offenders was radically less than the Jena 6. Even the man, who pulled the weapon, received. no legal penalties. However, Bell’s past was infractions have been used to excuse the charges against him; it has been yet be asked if the previous charges were also blown out of proportion in relation to the incidences. When questioned by CNN reporters, many of the town’s folk refused to be interviewed. Those that had the courage resented the spotlight shining on their town and their business. Most of them saw the racial issues as being blown out of proportion. However, it was only after the situation started receiving national attention were the bigots’ finger pushed off the scales of justice. Even with all the media attention, justice still has come to the Jena Six.
On September 17, Andrew Meyer attended a speech given by John Kerry at the University of Florida. Meyer started by thanking Kerry for his public service; he then followed with several unpopular political questions. He was animated but not threatening to Kerry or the police present. He was simply trying to get his questions answered. His time ended, yet he continued. The police intervened without be asked or responding to a threat. On the videos, Kerry can be heard asking the police to stop and saying, "That's all right, let me answer his question." The police not only ignored Kerry, but Meyer’s attempts to leave. Instead, they restrained him. When he tried to free himself and leave, they became abusive. After he was handcuffed, he was tasered and forcibly carried off. He was arrested on charges of resisting an officer and disturbing the peace but the State Attorney's Office had yet to make the formal charging decision. There are many videos available from many different angles. The following are links to only two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqAVvlyVbag and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NWukZhsiBw.
Although, Myer is as known prankster who often posts practical jokes online, his questions were insightful and on topic. He was passionate about his questions, but not aggressive. The police were the one who were not only violent but caused the situation to escalate. No one asked them to intervene, yet they were increasing antagonistic toward Myer. They tasered him after he was already restrained. They didn’t like what he had to say about the Florida elections so they tried to shut up the messenger. Their actions were beyond their authority. No one was in danger until the police over reacted. It was their actions that caused the situation, not Myer’s questions.
In both cases, the rights of the individual were trampled by law enforcement. The Jena Six were victimized by a prosecutor whose motives were clearly racial. Myer claiming that Kerry had actually won the elections is what prompted the police to attack him. Until they interfered there was no issue. This country is based on we the people; as long as we back down, small minded individuals will continue to abuse their authority. However, by standing up and being counted, we the people take by our power and can rebalance the scales of Justice.
To contact the prosecutor:
J. Reed Walters
P.O. Box 1940
Jena, LA 71342-1940
Phone: (318) 992-8282
Fax: (318) 992-4731
Theresa Chaze
The small town Jena Louisiana could very be the spark that ignites the new civil revolution that demands equal protection under the law. Justice in this country is no longer blind, but based on economics, ethnic background, gender and connections. From Bush commuting Scooter Libby sentence to the unpunished excessive violence by law enforcement, the judicial system is not base on guilt or innocence but on how much money the individual has, who he or she knows and how much media air time the issue acquires. Law enforcement no longer serves and protects, but follows its own agenda. Frequently including intimidation, harassment and prosecutorial misconduct, both district attorneys and police officers miss use their authority and power as they bully others who have differing political options, lifestyles or cultures.
The Jena situation began in September 2006 when three white students hung nooses from the "white tree" at the high school. The three students only received a three day suspension. As the school year progress, racial tensions increased. The main high school building was burn down. A white teenager attacked a black student who attended an all white party. Within a few days, another white man pulled a shotgun on three black students at a convenience store. Neither of the white attackers were punished for there actions. In protest of the unfair treatment, all the African American students stood peacefully beneath the tree. It has been rumored that the Jena Six were the organizers of the demonstration. After the protest, prosecutor came to the school and threatened the African American students, when he said, “Stop making trouble. I can make your lives disappear with a stroke of a pen.” December4, 2006, Justin Barker was beaten during a fight; he was temporarily knocked unconscious and suffered cuts and bruises. He was treated and released on the same day. The Jena Six were arrest. The five oldest were charged with attempted second degree murder. June 26, 2007 after public outcry, the district attorney reduces the Bell's charges to second degree battery and conspiracy. Eventually the charges against the other four are reduced as well. September 4, 2007, the District Court judge dismisses the conspiracy charge against Bell but the battery conviction remained. September 14, 2007, the Louisiana Third Circuit Court of Appeals over turns Bell's conviction on the grounds he was improperly tried as an adult; however, he was not released from custody. September 21, thousands of civil right advocates marched through Jena protesting the unequal treatment of the Jena 6. That evening two local white boys were arrested for driving past the protestors with nooses hanging from the back of their pickup and for driving under the influence.
In Jena, the prosecution of the white offenders was radically less than the Jena 6. Even the man, who pulled the weapon, received. no legal penalties. However, Bell’s past was infractions have been used to excuse the charges against him; it has been yet be asked if the previous charges were also blown out of proportion in relation to the incidences. When questioned by CNN reporters, many of the town’s folk refused to be interviewed. Those that had the courage resented the spotlight shining on their town and their business. Most of them saw the racial issues as being blown out of proportion. However, it was only after the situation started receiving national attention were the bigots’ finger pushed off the scales of justice. Even with all the media attention, justice still has come to the Jena Six.
On September 17, Andrew Meyer attended a speech given by John Kerry at the University of Florida. Meyer started by thanking Kerry for his public service; he then followed with several unpopular political questions. He was animated but not threatening to Kerry or the police present. He was simply trying to get his questions answered. His time ended, yet he continued. The police intervened without be asked or responding to a threat. On the videos, Kerry can be heard asking the police to stop and saying, "That's all right, let me answer his question." The police not only ignored Kerry, but Meyer’s attempts to leave. Instead, they restrained him. When he tried to free himself and leave, they became abusive. After he was handcuffed, he was tasered and forcibly carried off. He was arrested on charges of resisting an officer and disturbing the peace but the State Attorney's Office had yet to make the formal charging decision. There are many videos available from many different angles. The following are links to only two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqAVvlyVbag and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NWukZhsiBw.
Although, Myer is as known prankster who often posts practical jokes online, his questions were insightful and on topic. He was passionate about his questions, but not aggressive. The police were the one who were not only violent but caused the situation to escalate. No one asked them to intervene, yet they were increasing antagonistic toward Myer. They tasered him after he was already restrained. They didn’t like what he had to say about the Florida elections so they tried to shut up the messenger. Their actions were beyond their authority. No one was in danger until the police over reacted. It was their actions that caused the situation, not Myer’s questions.
In both cases, the rights of the individual were trampled by law enforcement. The Jena Six were victimized by a prosecutor whose motives were clearly racial. Myer claiming that Kerry had actually won the elections is what prompted the police to attack him. Until they interfered there was no issue. This country is based on we the people; as long as we back down, small minded individuals will continue to abuse their authority. However, by standing up and being counted, we the people take by our power and can rebalance the scales of Justice.
To contact the prosecutor:
J. Reed Walters
P.O. Box 1940
Jena, LA 71342-1940
Phone: (318) 992-8282
Fax: (318) 992-4731
Thursday, September 20, 2007
You Say Halloween. We Say Samhain
You Say Halloween. We Say Samhain
Theresa Chaze
Many of the most popular religious and secular holidays have their roots in Pagan or Wiccan festivals. By absorbing the basic beliefs of the celebration and transforming them to conform to their religious doctrine, religious leaders hoped to lure away the followers of the Earth based religions and convert them.
Traditionally, Samhain is the ending of the Pagan and Wiccan year. The final harvests have been brought in and the finally preparations for winter have been made. Animals are slaughtered and their meat preserved. The death of a few insures life for others through the coming winter months.
It is the day when the veils between the realms are the thinnest. The dead and earth spirits are able to walk freely among the living. Whether dead loved ones or earth spirits, this time of year communication with them is the easiest. It is the time for honoring your ancestors and making amends with those who have crossed over. Many Wiccans and Pagans believe it is the most important day of the year as it is not only a time of honoring our ancestors, but is an accounting of our actions.
Ritually spirits are invited to attend festivals in their honor. Banquets are prepared with the choices meats and vegetables being set aside for those who have crossed over. Frequently these meals are silent as each participant remembers their loved one and looks for signs of their presence. The food on the spirits’ plates remains uneaten. Instead, after the dinner the ritual continues as the food is offered up outside and left behind. Deities, earth spirits and elementals are also petitioned for protection and for boons. Calls are more easily heard and answered during this time.
Spiritually, what we have sent out comes back for good or ill. Just as the harvest has been collected, so does the karmic debt come due. The thinning curtain only makes the Deities of Justice more active and powerful. Whether it is said as "What goes around, comes around" or "So share ye sow, so shall ye reap", what we have created shall manifest as a blessing or a challenge.
Many of the Halloween traditions come from the fear of spirits. The masks were designed to disguise identities and to scare away evil spirits. Treat or treating represents the offerings left out to honor the ancestors and tithes to the deities. Christians created All Saints Day on November 1 as a way to counter act the popularity of the Samhain festival.
Out of the Shadows and Into the Light is an ebook of shadows that not only explains more about the correlation between religions, but also give accurate information about the Wiccan and Pagan religions. It includes both old and new wisdom with rituals for protection, justice, healing, prosperity and love. For those who are interested in learning more about what Wiccans and Pagans, this ebook is an excellent resource that does not wish to convert, but only inform. The PDF download is only available at www.theresachaze.com.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Warm The Globe Through Friendship
Warm The Globe Through Friendship
Here's a new concept, started by fellow blogger, Vic Grace, from British Columbia.
As we are all aware, blogging does give us the opportunity to reach out and yes, "touch someone" by our words, pictures, links in our blogs and by our comments to fellow bloggers as well.
Think about this - in a world today that is too often filled with news of wars all over the world, fears about terrorism, following newspaper and tv news reports about crime, gangs, and you name it of all the bad things we hear about everyday, wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if we, each of us blogging in our own little space, could actually spread the word through friendship and help, through that little bit of effort, to bring people together, united in a common goal of international friendship?
If you like this concept - and who wouldn't, really - then add this badge to your sidebar, along with the link Vic has provided there. Then copy the text below and put this into a post on your blog. Follow that by tagging other bloggers to start sending this message around the world- hopefully, in less than 80 days too!
A good way for a blog to get established is to have backlinks.
All you have to do is copy this post with the list of links below and add your link at the end.
As others do the same we get the word out about a lot of great blogs. Eventually we may circumnavigate the globe.
That’s it, then just sit back, and watch the links grow, over time.
That's it folks! That's all you have to do to take part in the friendliest effort yet in the blogosphere!
Here now are the bloggers I am tagging to help get this movement on its way.
Vic Grace at "Cariboo Ponderer"
Me, my life, my garden
Author blog
A little piece of me
The BiPolar Diaries
Turning the Pages of Life
Debo Blue at "A Blue State of Mind"
Sasha at "A Day in the Life of Sasha Stinerova"
Maddie at "Whitterer on Autism"
Singing Owl at "Pastorette Ponderings"
Barb at "Skittles Place"
Mau at "It's About Time"
Jen at "Creatif"
The Meloncutter at "Meloncutter' s Musings"
Sognatrice in Calabria, Italy at "Bleeding Espresso"
Keith at "10 Years Running Blind"
Dave at "Rather Than Working"
Linda at "Are We There Yet?"
Dorothy at "Overthehill Boomer Chick"
Patois at "Whee! All The Way Home"
Stine at "Mother's Home"
Smalltown RN at "A Place I Call Home"
Shelby at "Time With Shelby"
Any Apples
BoggyWoggy's Cache
Erika Jean
My Dogs Keep Me Sane
Rambling Shan
Random Autumness
The Turtle Parade
Dottie's Place
Michael C at The Wonderful World of Nothing Worthwhile
OzLady’s Ramblings
Tinkerbell -
Chicken's Life-
Echos of Grace
Tales From a Former Michigander
A Purple Shade of Black
Dare to Get Organized
"And Miles to go Before We Sleep
Beth & Cory's Mom
The Middling Monettes
Twist & Skewer
A Day In The Life of Elle
Tea Time Ramblings
Bubba’s Sis
Jeni at "Down River Drivel"
Theresa Chaze http://theresachaze.blogspot.com/
Now, Everyone, go forth and spread the word!
warm the globe thru friendship
Here's a new concept, started by fellow blogger, Vic Grace, from British Columbia.
As we are all aware, blogging does give us the opportunity to reach out and yes, "touch someone" by our words, pictures, links in our blogs and by our comments to fellow bloggers as well.
Think about this - in a world today that is too often filled with news of wars all over the world, fears about terrorism, following newspaper and tv news reports about crime, gangs, and you name it of all the bad things we hear about everyday, wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if we, each of us blogging in our own little space, could actually spread the word through friendship and help, through that little bit of effort, to bring people together, united in a common goal of international friendship?
If you like this concept - and who wouldn't, really - then add this badge to your sidebar, along with the link Vic has provided there. Then copy the text below and put this into a post on your blog. Follow that by tagging other bloggers to start sending this message around the world- hopefully, in less than 80 days too!
A good way for a blog to get established is to have backlinks.
All you have to do is copy this post with the list of links below and add your link at the end.
As others do the same we get the word out about a lot of great blogs. Eventually we may circumnavigate the globe.
That’s it, then just sit back, and watch the links grow, over time.
That's it folks! That's all you have to do to take part in the friendliest effort yet in the blogosphere!
Here now are the bloggers I am tagging to help get this movement on its way.
Vic Grace at "Cariboo Ponderer"
Me, my life, my garden
Author blog
A little piece of me
The BiPolar Diaries
Turning the Pages of Life
Debo Blue at "A Blue State of Mind"
Sasha at "A Day in the Life of Sasha Stinerova"
Maddie at "Whitterer on Autism"
Singing Owl at "Pastorette Ponderings"
Barb at "Skittles Place"
Mau at "It's About Time"
Jen at "Creatif"
The Meloncutter at "Meloncutter' s Musings"
Sognatrice in Calabria, Italy at "Bleeding Espresso"
Keith at "10 Years Running Blind"
Dave at "Rather Than Working"
Linda at "Are We There Yet?"
Dorothy at "Overthehill Boomer Chick"
Patois at "Whee! All The Way Home"
Stine at "Mother's Home"
Smalltown RN at "A Place I Call Home"
Shelby at "Time With Shelby"
Any Apples
BoggyWoggy's Cache
Erika Jean
My Dogs Keep Me Sane
Rambling Shan
Random Autumness
The Turtle Parade
Dottie's Place
Michael C at The Wonderful World of Nothing Worthwhile
OzLady’s Ramblings
Tinkerbell -
Chicken's Life-
Echos of Grace
Tales From a Former Michigander
A Purple Shade of Black
Dare to Get Organized
"And Miles to go Before We Sleep
Beth & Cory's Mom
The Middling Monettes
Twist & Skewer
A Day In The Life of Elle
Tea Time Ramblings
Bubba’s Sis
Jeni at "Down River Drivel"
Theresa Chaze http://theresachaze.blogspot.com/
Now, Everyone, go forth and spread the word!
warm the globe thru friendship
Telecommuting Writing Jobs:
Telecommuting Writing Jobs:
Freelance Writer (rate negotiable)
Freelance Copywriter (rate not disclosed)
Experienced Article Writer NEEDED Using Content Composer ($10 Per
Weight Training Writer (rate not disclosed)
Know about technology? Write about technology. (rate not disclosed)
Read Books & Write Reviews ($5-$50)
Web content copy writer (rate not disclosed)
Blog writer (rate negotiable)
Write My Bio Please! ($50)
Manuscript editor needed ($600 flat fee)
Contributers needed (music writers) (rate not disclosed)
Project Assistant ($15 - 20 per hour)
I Need My Wedding Website Edit Spelling writing & Ideas and articles
(rate negotiable)
Web site copywriters needed (rate not disclosed)
Freelance ad copywriters needed (rate not disclosed)
Need articles for my site. Ready to pay! (rate negotiable)
Need writer for website text (rate negotiable)
For previously posted jobs, visit us online at:
Freelance Writer (rate negotiable)
Freelance Copywriter (rate not disclosed)
Experienced Article Writer NEEDED Using Content Composer ($10 Per
Weight Training Writer (rate not disclosed)
Know about technology? Write about technology. (rate not disclosed)
Read Books & Write Reviews ($5-$50)
Web content copy writer (rate not disclosed)
Blog writer (rate negotiable)
Write My Bio Please! ($50)
Manuscript editor needed ($600 flat fee)
Contributers needed (music writers) (rate not disclosed)
Project Assistant ($15 - 20 per hour)
I Need My Wedding Website Edit Spelling writing & Ideas and articles
(rate negotiable)
Web site copywriters needed (rate not disclosed)
Freelance ad copywriters needed (rate not disclosed)
Need articles for my site. Ready to pay! (rate negotiable)
Need writer for website text (rate negotiable)
For previously posted jobs, visit us online at:
Monday, September 10, 2007
What’s Mine? What’s Yours? Energy Vampires
What’s Mine? What’s Yours? Energy Vampires
Theresa Chaze
It’s my belief that ever person you meet in your life is a lesson. Sometimes they are teachers; some times they are the lesson. The later sometimes appear in your life simply as a test of your ability to keep your boundaries. There are people, who for whatever reason, are incapable of taking responsibility for their lives. No matter what errors of judgment they make, it is never their fault. Instead they make excuses or place blame on outside influences, not in attempt to learn or grow from the experience but to elicit sympathy and pity. They don’t seek help because they don’t want it. They would prefer to host pity parties so they may lure others into their web. They are a unique kind of vampire. Not only do they steal energy, but they dump their emotional waste wherever they can find a person who will accept it. When dealing with this type of individual your challenge is to be able to strong enough not to get caught up in the game.
Through an acquaintance I was introduced to one online. She asked me to talk to her friend; I will call him Alvin. I had been involved in a discussion within an egroup that we both belong to. I didn’t understand why she and Alvin thought his AIDS meds were so dangerous that he quit taking them. She wanted me to talk to him; I was in the middle of lunch, but agreed, thinking it would be a short conversation. She connected us in an online chat with audio and video from his end only. His computer set up was bigger than I had seen. He had most of the bells and whistles available. He was definitely a computer geek. Which these days is a very good thing. He seemed intelligent and computer knowledgeable. Which confused me even more about his stance on the drugs which could not only extend his life but improve the quality.
The conversation started not with the AIDS meds but with how abused he was not only in his childhood but by the medical professionals in his area. He claimed the only AIDS doctor in town sexually abused him and the police refused to get involved. I don’t know if that is true or not. There are still many areas in the country who do not have the knowledge or wisdom to deal with alterative lifestyles or the challenges that come with them. I suggested he move to an area that would be medically beneficial for him. His brother, who was also HIV positive, visited with the idea of moving in, however he immediately returned San Francisco after investigating the health care of the area; the health standards were significantly better there. Although he said his brother invited him, Alvin didn’t want to move.
The topic suddenly jumped to his inability get a job because he couldn’t get a driver’s license due to a childhood incident. The accident caused him a brain injury which caused sudden and unexpected loss consciousness. I suggested he have the tests run again to prove that he was healthy.. He told me that the condition was still active and that is why the doctors wouldn’t medically approve him. Personally, I think that is a very good thing not to have someone behind the wheel who could pass out and lose control of the vehicle. I suggested buses or cabs for transportation. He didn’t to wait for a bus and cabs were too expensive. Okay, if transportation is limited--work inside your home. He’s a geek; do a geek job--computer programming or repair. He complained that they didn’t make as much as they used to. He also didn’t want to build a home based business. He didn’t say why, but changed the topic to how terrible his life is and all the medical symptoms that go with it. I pointed out that if he took his meds his life would improve and he could get a job, which would help build his self esteem and contribute to an over all healthier life. He told me I was a heartless bitch and I didn’t know what I was talking about. At his point, he got angry and cut his mic, but he continued to type.
You see where I am going with this. Every positive suggestion that was made he found an excuse to shoot it down. This short conversation was rapidly turning into a cold lunch and a pity party. I simply wasn’t interested, so I started turning it back on him. I accused him of giving up. His response was to get angrier. I knew nothing about him or his life so I had no right to judge. He was right. On the reverse, he knew nothing about me, so he had no reason to care what I thought. I didn’t know him and after our conversation I didn’t want to. At this point I blessed him and went to warm up my lunch so I could finish it. From the other room I could hear him instant messaging me, but I ignored him. I finished lunch, straightened three rooms, checked in on neighbor’s dog and took a shower. Every now and then I would look in. He alternated between accusing me of be cruel and asking me to help him. At one point, he declared he was going to block me from his system. He kept talking for almost an hour. After I dried my hair, I went back to the computer, but I only briefly read the garbage he was dumping before I blocked him from my system. A while later, the woman, who introduced us, contacted me to chastised me for upsetting him. Before she could go into the details of how badly I hurt him, I blessed her and blocked her from my system.
He wasn’t looking for help or support, but another person to feed off. When he didn’t gain what he wanted through pity, he tried guilt and anger to achieve access to my energy. He couldn’t succeed because he couldn’t engage me emotionally. By not allowing myself to be bonded to him by pity or angry, I escaped without being harmed. I was sorry that he was ill and that he had other terrible events in his life, but it wasn’t up to me to fix them. Sometimes the best way to help is to not get involved. For a while I asked why me he had contacted me? I’m not a medical professional; in fact I have very limited medical knowledge. The contact person and I only knew each other from the online group. It’s not like were are close friends. The only thing I could come up with was that he was a boundary lesson for me. Alvin didn’t want to be healthy, he wanted lunch. Sympathy, pity, guilt and anger were his way of leaching on to others.
A friend of mine was not so lucky. Myriam met a vampire through her work. The woman was having difficulty starting her business. Myriam, being the kind hearted woman she is, offered to help her build a website. It was a mistake. Over the next few weeks, her unreasonable demands and expectations were enough to stir Myriam’s anger. But being an honorable women, she felt the need to keep her word and finish the site. However this was not as easy as it sounds. The women kept changing her mind about what she wanted. Instead of immediately confronting her, Myriam became emotionally engaged; the woman caught her in her vampire web. Soon after Myriam started to become physically and emotionally ill. Existing challenges with depression flared and was magnified by exhaustion and physical pain she couldn’t account for. Even after she ended the relationship with the vampire the symptoms continued. It was only after seeking help from a psychic healer was Myriam able to free herself. The cords were removed and Myriam set new shields. . However the vampire moved on to others in the company. Since the attacks are on a non physical level and can’t be proven, she can not be dismissed from the company without legal ramifications. Instead Myriam is helping others to release and shield themselves from the vampire’s tentacles.
Once she was free, Myriam could look at the relationship and the person with a little more objectivity. There was more involved than just the energy drain; in fact the vampirism was merely a symptom of other personality and emotional problems. Myriam believes that the vampire might not even be aware of what she is doing to others, but instead it is coping defense she developed over the years to deal with other challenges in her life. Many times vampires have physical, emotional or personality disorders that have not be addressed therefore go untreated. Instability in hormone levels, physical or sexual abuse, and addiction are only a few examples of what could lead to a person to become a vampire. Anytime a person loses the ability to restore themselves they risk becoming an energy leach. In my case, I would not be emotionally connected either by pity or guilt so he could not tap into me. Myriam, on the other hand, knew the person before the attack began therefore she was a level of trust that the vampire used to gain entry. This doesn’t mean that you should barrier yourself behind high walls and be afraid to trust, but that you should be select in what kinds of relationships you will allow in your life. It the relationship is not positive and healthy, it should be terminated.
What is a vampire? Normally there is a free exchange of energy between people; however when the energy moves in only one direction and is taken without permission that is vampirism. Frequently during healings, energy flows in one direction, however it is shared with the full knowledge and free will of both parties. To steal another’s energy is detrimental to all involved. Although the initial rush is wonderful for the vampire, it keeps him or her from dealing with the reasons behind their inability to restore themselves. Eventually they will no longer be capable of rebuilding themselves and will be completely dependant on others. As long as the attacks are temporary, the victims can recover; however long term relationships will lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual illness as the person becomes drained beyond their own capacity to heal themselves. The more frequently the person is fed upon, the more open they become, making it more difficult for them to escape as they sink to the same level as the vampire.
So how do you know if there is a vampire in your mist? They don’t have a “V” stamped on their forehead, nor do they have long canine teeth. You can’t point them out of a crowd by just looking, unless you are a very gifted psychic and know what you are looking for. Instead you see them by the wake they leave behind. Chaos, anger, illness, and exhaustion is what follows them. They create drama to heighten the emotions and connect as may people as possible. They don’t look or present themselves the same. But the results are similar. They walk away energized, while everyone else is tired, depressed or ill.
The old saying once bitten, twice shy is how you should deal with a vampire. Until you have bitten, you can’t for sure know that is what you are dealing with. However once you have the encounter there are steps you can take to protect yourself. If at all possible, distance yourself from the person. In Myriam’s case, it was more difficult; they both work for the same company. In mine, there was no problem at all: I simply blocked him from my computer--end of story. The best defense is to take care of yourself--eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and respect your own boundaries. If it feels icky, it probably is and it’s time to hit the road jack. Openly confronting the vampire will only lead to defensive and angry behaviors. Many of which will give the vampire another reason to attack you. However if you don’t allow yourself to become emotionally involved either through compassion or anger, you should be able to walk away without renaming yourself “lunch”. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel compassion for others, but be honest about the situation. At one time or another everyone feels sorry for themselves, but they don’t get stuck there. Everyone has their personal challenges and they look for solutions both inside and outside the box. Vampires don’t want solutions; they don’t want their situation to change. The bottom line is they do not want to take responsibility for themselves for whatever reason. Instead they blame others and expect them to fix the problem. However the reality is that the only ones we can fix or change is ourselves. We can offer support and encourage others, but we can not solve their challenges for them. When we cross the line and try to fix them, we deprive ourselves and the other of the life’s lesson. So the best way to deal with a vampire is to play the cards we are dealt and let others do the same. You can give advise on the game, but in the end we are only responsible for the cards in our own hand.
Theresa Chaze
It’s my belief that ever person you meet in your life is a lesson. Sometimes they are teachers; some times they are the lesson. The later sometimes appear in your life simply as a test of your ability to keep your boundaries. There are people, who for whatever reason, are incapable of taking responsibility for their lives. No matter what errors of judgment they make, it is never their fault. Instead they make excuses or place blame on outside influences, not in attempt to learn or grow from the experience but to elicit sympathy and pity. They don’t seek help because they don’t want it. They would prefer to host pity parties so they may lure others into their web. They are a unique kind of vampire. Not only do they steal energy, but they dump their emotional waste wherever they can find a person who will accept it. When dealing with this type of individual your challenge is to be able to strong enough not to get caught up in the game.
Through an acquaintance I was introduced to one online. She asked me to talk to her friend; I will call him Alvin. I had been involved in a discussion within an egroup that we both belong to. I didn’t understand why she and Alvin thought his AIDS meds were so dangerous that he quit taking them. She wanted me to talk to him; I was in the middle of lunch, but agreed, thinking it would be a short conversation. She connected us in an online chat with audio and video from his end only. His computer set up was bigger than I had seen. He had most of the bells and whistles available. He was definitely a computer geek. Which these days is a very good thing. He seemed intelligent and computer knowledgeable. Which confused me even more about his stance on the drugs which could not only extend his life but improve the quality.
The conversation started not with the AIDS meds but with how abused he was not only in his childhood but by the medical professionals in his area. He claimed the only AIDS doctor in town sexually abused him and the police refused to get involved. I don’t know if that is true or not. There are still many areas in the country who do not have the knowledge or wisdom to deal with alterative lifestyles or the challenges that come with them. I suggested he move to an area that would be medically beneficial for him. His brother, who was also HIV positive, visited with the idea of moving in, however he immediately returned San Francisco after investigating the health care of the area; the health standards were significantly better there. Although he said his brother invited him, Alvin didn’t want to move.
The topic suddenly jumped to his inability get a job because he couldn’t get a driver’s license due to a childhood incident. The accident caused him a brain injury which caused sudden and unexpected loss consciousness. I suggested he have the tests run again to prove that he was healthy.. He told me that the condition was still active and that is why the doctors wouldn’t medically approve him. Personally, I think that is a very good thing not to have someone behind the wheel who could pass out and lose control of the vehicle. I suggested buses or cabs for transportation. He didn’t to wait for a bus and cabs were too expensive. Okay, if transportation is limited--work inside your home. He’s a geek; do a geek job--computer programming or repair. He complained that they didn’t make as much as they used to. He also didn’t want to build a home based business. He didn’t say why, but changed the topic to how terrible his life is and all the medical symptoms that go with it. I pointed out that if he took his meds his life would improve and he could get a job, which would help build his self esteem and contribute to an over all healthier life. He told me I was a heartless bitch and I didn’t know what I was talking about. At his point, he got angry and cut his mic, but he continued to type.
You see where I am going with this. Every positive suggestion that was made he found an excuse to shoot it down. This short conversation was rapidly turning into a cold lunch and a pity party. I simply wasn’t interested, so I started turning it back on him. I accused him of giving up. His response was to get angrier. I knew nothing about him or his life so I had no right to judge. He was right. On the reverse, he knew nothing about me, so he had no reason to care what I thought. I didn’t know him and after our conversation I didn’t want to. At this point I blessed him and went to warm up my lunch so I could finish it. From the other room I could hear him instant messaging me, but I ignored him. I finished lunch, straightened three rooms, checked in on neighbor’s dog and took a shower. Every now and then I would look in. He alternated between accusing me of be cruel and asking me to help him. At one point, he declared he was going to block me from his system. He kept talking for almost an hour. After I dried my hair, I went back to the computer, but I only briefly read the garbage he was dumping before I blocked him from my system. A while later, the woman, who introduced us, contacted me to chastised me for upsetting him. Before she could go into the details of how badly I hurt him, I blessed her and blocked her from my system.
He wasn’t looking for help or support, but another person to feed off. When he didn’t gain what he wanted through pity, he tried guilt and anger to achieve access to my energy. He couldn’t succeed because he couldn’t engage me emotionally. By not allowing myself to be bonded to him by pity or angry, I escaped without being harmed. I was sorry that he was ill and that he had other terrible events in his life, but it wasn’t up to me to fix them. Sometimes the best way to help is to not get involved. For a while I asked why me he had contacted me? I’m not a medical professional; in fact I have very limited medical knowledge. The contact person and I only knew each other from the online group. It’s not like were are close friends. The only thing I could come up with was that he was a boundary lesson for me. Alvin didn’t want to be healthy, he wanted lunch. Sympathy, pity, guilt and anger were his way of leaching on to others.
A friend of mine was not so lucky. Myriam met a vampire through her work. The woman was having difficulty starting her business. Myriam, being the kind hearted woman she is, offered to help her build a website. It was a mistake. Over the next few weeks, her unreasonable demands and expectations were enough to stir Myriam’s anger. But being an honorable women, she felt the need to keep her word and finish the site. However this was not as easy as it sounds. The women kept changing her mind about what she wanted. Instead of immediately confronting her, Myriam became emotionally engaged; the woman caught her in her vampire web. Soon after Myriam started to become physically and emotionally ill. Existing challenges with depression flared and was magnified by exhaustion and physical pain she couldn’t account for. Even after she ended the relationship with the vampire the symptoms continued. It was only after seeking help from a psychic healer was Myriam able to free herself. The cords were removed and Myriam set new shields. . However the vampire moved on to others in the company. Since the attacks are on a non physical level and can’t be proven, she can not be dismissed from the company without legal ramifications. Instead Myriam is helping others to release and shield themselves from the vampire’s tentacles.
Once she was free, Myriam could look at the relationship and the person with a little more objectivity. There was more involved than just the energy drain; in fact the vampirism was merely a symptom of other personality and emotional problems. Myriam believes that the vampire might not even be aware of what she is doing to others, but instead it is coping defense she developed over the years to deal with other challenges in her life. Many times vampires have physical, emotional or personality disorders that have not be addressed therefore go untreated. Instability in hormone levels, physical or sexual abuse, and addiction are only a few examples of what could lead to a person to become a vampire. Anytime a person loses the ability to restore themselves they risk becoming an energy leach. In my case, I would not be emotionally connected either by pity or guilt so he could not tap into me. Myriam, on the other hand, knew the person before the attack began therefore she was a level of trust that the vampire used to gain entry. This doesn’t mean that you should barrier yourself behind high walls and be afraid to trust, but that you should be select in what kinds of relationships you will allow in your life. It the relationship is not positive and healthy, it should be terminated.
What is a vampire? Normally there is a free exchange of energy between people; however when the energy moves in only one direction and is taken without permission that is vampirism. Frequently during healings, energy flows in one direction, however it is shared with the full knowledge and free will of both parties. To steal another’s energy is detrimental to all involved. Although the initial rush is wonderful for the vampire, it keeps him or her from dealing with the reasons behind their inability to restore themselves. Eventually they will no longer be capable of rebuilding themselves and will be completely dependant on others. As long as the attacks are temporary, the victims can recover; however long term relationships will lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual illness as the person becomes drained beyond their own capacity to heal themselves. The more frequently the person is fed upon, the more open they become, making it more difficult for them to escape as they sink to the same level as the vampire.
So how do you know if there is a vampire in your mist? They don’t have a “V” stamped on their forehead, nor do they have long canine teeth. You can’t point them out of a crowd by just looking, unless you are a very gifted psychic and know what you are looking for. Instead you see them by the wake they leave behind. Chaos, anger, illness, and exhaustion is what follows them. They create drama to heighten the emotions and connect as may people as possible. They don’t look or present themselves the same. But the results are similar. They walk away energized, while everyone else is tired, depressed or ill.
The old saying once bitten, twice shy is how you should deal with a vampire. Until you have bitten, you can’t for sure know that is what you are dealing with. However once you have the encounter there are steps you can take to protect yourself. If at all possible, distance yourself from the person. In Myriam’s case, it was more difficult; they both work for the same company. In mine, there was no problem at all: I simply blocked him from my computer--end of story. The best defense is to take care of yourself--eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and respect your own boundaries. If it feels icky, it probably is and it’s time to hit the road jack. Openly confronting the vampire will only lead to defensive and angry behaviors. Many of which will give the vampire another reason to attack you. However if you don’t allow yourself to become emotionally involved either through compassion or anger, you should be able to walk away without renaming yourself “lunch”. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel compassion for others, but be honest about the situation. At one time or another everyone feels sorry for themselves, but they don’t get stuck there. Everyone has their personal challenges and they look for solutions both inside and outside the box. Vampires don’t want solutions; they don’t want their situation to change. The bottom line is they do not want to take responsibility for themselves for whatever reason. Instead they blame others and expect them to fix the problem. However the reality is that the only ones we can fix or change is ourselves. We can offer support and encourage others, but we can not solve their challenges for them. When we cross the line and try to fix them, we deprive ourselves and the other of the life’s lesson. So the best way to deal with a vampire is to play the cards we are dealt and let others do the same. You can give advise on the game, but in the end we are only responsible for the cards in our own hand.
Theresa Chaze
Affirmations are more than just new age mumbo jumbo. They are declarations or assertions of truth that a person wishes to create. They can be either positive or negative depending on how a person focuses their attention. Affirmations are the repetitive focusing of the mind, will and spiritual energy on a specific outcome.
However, not all affirmations are formal or conscious. Sometimes the most powerful are the ones that are created when a person is daydreaming. Repetition is what energized the statements and clarifies the desire in the person’s mind. Whatever a person repeatedly thinks, feels or fantasizes about becomes a personal affirmation.
Frequently used for healing or manifestation, affirmations focus the person's energy on the results they would like to achieve. The simpler and more direct the statement is, the more effective it will be. A popular one for prosperity is "Money comes to me quickly, easily and frequently." It is short, sweet and to the point. By focusing on what you want instead of what you are trying to eliminate, you open the door for financial prosperity to enter your life. Many people put their energy in the form of worry into their bills; they don’t realize they are asking for more of the same. The universe is more than willing to provide anything we ask for, we just have to know how to ask. In the case of illness, instead of asking for the disease to disappear, you should put your energy into being healthy and strong. As an example: “In every way and every day, I become healthier and stronger.”
However, negative thoughts and feelings can just as easily diminish the positive outcome if the person chooses to put energy into their fears and doubts. By focusing on a negative outcome, you can delay or even prevent yourself from receiving the blessing you are asking for. It takes practice and control to be able to release past negative behaviors and open the doors to the miracles life has to offer.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Craig or Karsnia? Police Abuse or Sexual Solicitation?
Craig or Karsnia? Police Abuse or Sexual Solicitation?
Is Senator Larry Craig gay? Don't know. Don't care. However, the more I hear and read about his arrest, the more I question the ethics of the Sgt Dave Karsnia, the arresting officer and the legalities of the arrest. There is nothing on the tape that could be considered a legitimate reason to arrest Craig. But there is evidence that the officer did mislead and bully the Senator.
According to an article by Steve Karnowski an Associated Press Writer, “Roll Call, citing the report, said Sgt. Dave Karsnia made the arrest after an encounter in which he was seated in a stall next to a stall occupied by Craig. Karsnia described Craig tapping his foot, which Karsnia said he "recognized as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct."
Karsnia claims that Craig deliberately caused their feet to bump. Craig claims it was accidental. In the past few years, bathroom stalls have shrunk in size to maximize the number of facilities, without increasing the size of the bathrooms. Even a moderately size person has difficulties with bumping their elbows on the walls these days. A larger person finds these accommodations even more confining. Since when are two feet touching a sexual act? Without any verbal confirmation of the Craig’s intent, how could the officer determine his motivation? Karsnia further states that the Senator reached under the divider to get his attention. Craig claims that he was picking up a piece of paper; on the tape, the officer called him liar. Again, Karsnia has no way of knowing what Craig’s motivation were, unless his claiming to be mind reader.
Craig’s critics claim there was more damning evidence in the police report. However, the report was written by the officer and contains only his perspective; it isn’t real evidence, merely his half of the he said-he said situation. There is no concrete evidence Craig actually solicited a sexual act. On the tape, Karsnia did become rude and borderline abusive when Craig refuse to admit the allegations were true. In an article, Joshua Freed an Associated Press Writer reported, “Just 29, his record has been that of a rising young officer. He joined the Minneapolis Airport Police in 2000 as a community services officer, just out of college. Three years later, he was named the department's Officer of the Year, and in 2005 he was promoted to sergeant. Last year, he finished his master's degree. The last time Karsnia was in the media spotlight, it was because of his efforts to get speeding electric carts carrying passengers and luggage at the airport to slow down. The issue came to light last year when a young boy was run over and dragged by a cart and suffered a second-degree carpet burn.” It makes one wonder what Karsnia motivations were. Was he actually trying to protect and serve the public or was he just ambitiously seeking more national attention? How many others did he bully or manipulate into pleading guilty in order to inflate his arrest statistics? Instead of solely focusing on Craig, maybe more attention should be focused on Karsnia’s actions.
Is Craig gay? Don’t know. Don’t care? Is there evidence that he solicited sex in the Minneapolis-St Paul Airport men’s room--not according to the tape. However, the tape does prove that once again a law enforcement officer jumped the gun and made arrest without cause or the evidence to back it up.
CNN -- The following is an unedited transcript of an interview between police Sgt. Dave Karsnia and police Detective Noel Nelson with Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, regarding a June 11 incident at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Audiotapes and a transcript of the interview were released today.
Investigative Sgt. Dave Karsnia #4211 and Detective Noel Nelson of the Minneapolis Police Department intert 1162
(NN) INTERVIEW WITH Larry Craig (LC) Case 07002008
Larry Craig: Am I gonna have to fight you in court?
Dave Karsnia: No. No. I'm not gonna go to court unless you want me there.
LC: Cause I don't want to be in court either.
DK: Ok. I don't either.
(inaudible) DK: Urn, here's the way it works, urn, you'll you'll be released today, okay.
LC: Okay.
DK: All right. I, I know I can bring you to jail, but that's not my goal here, okay? (inaudible)
LC: Don't do that. You You
DK: I'm not going to bring you to jail
LC: You solicited me.
DK: Okay. We're going to get, We're going to get into that. (inaudible)
LC: Okay.
DK: But there's the, there there's two ways, yes. You can, you can, ah, you can go to court.
You can plead guilty.
LC: Yep.
DK: There'll be a fine. You won't have to explain anything. (inaudible) I know.
LC: Right.
DK: And you'll pay a fine, you be (inaudible), done. Or if you want to plead not guilty, ah, and I, I can't make these decisions for you.
LC: No, no. Just tell me where I am (inaudible) I need to make this flight.
DK: Okay. Okay. And then I go to people that are not guilty, then I would have to come to court and end up testifying. So those are the two things, okay. Did I explain that part?
LC: Yes
DK: Okay Urn, ah, I'm just going to read you your rights real quick, okay? You got it on?
Noel Nelson: Yep.
DK: Okay.
DK: Ah, the date is 6/11/07 at 1228 hours. Urn, Mr. Craig?
LC: Yes.
DK: Sorry about that. (ringing phone)
DK: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer now or have a present, a lawyer present now or anytime during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you without cost. Do you understand each of these rights the way I have explained them to you?
LC: I do.
DK: Do you wish to talk to us at this time?
LC: I do
DK: Okay Urn, I just wanna start off with a your side of the story, okay. So, a
LC: So I go into the bathroom here as I normally do, I'm a commuter too here.
DK: Okay.
LC: I sit down, urn, to go to the bathroom and ah, you said our feet bumped. I believe they did, ah, because I reached down and scooted over and urn, the next thing I knew, under the bathroom divider comes a card that says Police. Now, urn, (sigh) that's about as far as I can take it, I don't know of anything else. Ah, your foot came toward mine, mine came towards yours, was that natural? I don't know. Did we bump? Yes. I think we did. You said so. I don't disagree with that.
DK: Okay. I don't want to get into a pissing match here.
LC: We're not going to.
DK: Good. Urn,
LC: I don't, ah, I am not gay, I don't do these kinds of things and...
DK: It doesn't matter, I don't care about sexual preference or anything like that. Here's your stuff back sir. Urn, I don't care about sexual preference.
LC: I know you don't. You're out to enforce the law.
DK: Right.
LC: But you shouldn't be out to entrap people either.
DK: This isn't entrapment.
LC: All right.
DK: Urn, you you're skipping some parts here, but what what about your hand?
LC What about it? I reached down, my foot like this. There was a piece of paper on the floor, I picked it up
DK: Okay.
LC: What about my hand?
DK: Well, you're not being truthful with me, I'm kinda disappointed in you Senator. I'm real disappointed in you right now. Okay. I'm not, just so you know, just like everybody, 1,1,1, treat with dignity, I try to pull them away from the situation
LC: 1,1
DK: and not embarrass them.
LC: I appreciate that.
DK: And I
LC: You did that after the stall.
DK: I will say every person I've had so far has told me the truth. We've been respectful to each other and then they've gone on their way. And I've never had to bring anybody to jail because everybody's been truthful to me.
LC: I don't want you to take me to jail and I think.
DK: I'm not gonna take you to jail as long as your cooperative but I'm not gonna lie. We...
LC: Did my hand come below the divider? Yes. It did.
DK: Okay, sir. We deal with people that lie to us everyday.
LC: I'm sure you do.
DK: I'm sure you do to sir.
LC: And gentleman so do I.
DK: I'm sure you do. We deal with a lot of people that are very bad people. You're not a bad person.
LC: No, I don't think I am.
DK: Okay, so what I'm telling you, I don't want to be lied to.
LC: Okay.
DK: Okay. So we'll start over, you're gonna get out of here. You're gonna have to pay a fine and that will be it. Okay. I don't call media, I don't do any of that type of crap.
LC: Fine.
DK: Okay.
LC: Fine.
DK: All right, so let's start from the beginning. You went in the bathroom.
LC: I went in the bathroom.
DK: And what did you do when you...
LC: 1 stood beside the wall, waiting for a stall to open. I got in the stall, sat down, and I started to go to the bathroom. Ah, did our feet come together, apparently they did bump. Well, I won't dispute that.
DK: Okay. When I got out of the stall, I noticed other other stalls were open. LC: They were at the time. At the time I entered, 1,1, at the time I entered, I stood and waited.
DK: Okay.
LC: They were all busy, you know?
DK: Were you (inaudible) out here while you were waiting? I could see your eyes. I saw you playing with your fingers and then look up. Play with your fingers and then look up.
LC: Did I glance at your stall? I was glancing at a stall right beside yours waiting for a fella to empty it. I saw him stand up and therefore I thought it was going to empty.
DK: How long do you think you stood outside the stalls?
LC: Oh a minute or two at the most.
DK: Okay. And when you went in the stalls, then what?
LC: Sat down.
DK: Okay. Did you do anything with your feet?
LC: Positioned them, I don't know. I don't know at the time. I'm a fairly wide guy.
DK: I understand.
LC: I had to spread my legs.
DK: Okay.
LC: When I lower my pants so they won't slide.
DK: Okay.
LC: Did I slide them too close to yours? Did I, I looked down once, your foot was close to mine.
DK Yes.
LC Did we bump? Ah, you said so, I don't recall that, but apparently we were close.
DK Yeah, well your foot did touch mine, on my side of the stall.
LC: All right.
DK: Okay. And then with the hand. Urn, how many times did you put your hand under the stall?
LC: I don't recall. I remember reaching down once. There was a piece of toilet paper back behind me and picking it up.
DK: Okay. Was your was your palm down or up when you were doing that?
LC: I don't recall.
DK: Okay. I recall your palm being up. Okay.
LC: All right.
DK: When you pick up a piece of paper off the ground, your palm would be down, when you pick something up.
LC: Yeah, probably would be. I recall picking the paper up.
DK: And I know it's hard to describe here on tape but actually what I saw was your fingers come underneath the stalls, you're actually ta touching the bottom of the stall divider.
LC: I don't recall that.
DK: You don't recall
LC: I don't believe I did that. I don't.
DK: I saw, I saw
LC: I don't do those things.
DK: I saw your left hand and I could see the gold wedding ring when it when it went across. I could see that. On your left hand, I could see that.
LC: Wait a moment, my left hand was over here.
DK: I saw there's a...
LC: My right hand was next to you.
DK: I could tell it with my ah, I could tell it was your left hand because your thumb was positioned in a faceward motion. Your thumb was on this side, not on this side.
LC: Well, we can dispute that. I'm not going to fight you in court and I, I reached down with my right hand to pick up the paper.
DK: But I'm telling you that I could see that so I know that's your left hand. Also I could see a gold ring on this finger, so that's obvious it was the left hand.
LC: Yeah, okay. My left hand was in the direct opposite of the stall from you.
DK: Okay. You, you travel through here frequently correct?
LC: I do
DK: Um,
LC: Almost weekly.
DK: Have you been successful in these bathrooms here before?
LC: I go to that bathroom regularly
DK: I mean for any type of other activities.
LC: No. Absolutely not. I don't seek activity in bathrooms.
DK: It's embarrassing.
LC: Well it's embarrassing for both.. I'm not gonna fight you.
DK: I know you're not going to fight me. But that's not the point. I would respect you and I still respect you. I don't disrespect you but I'm disrespected right now and I'm not tying to act like I have all kinds of power or anything, but you're sitting here lying to a police officer.
DK: It's not a (inaudible) I'm getting from somebody else. I'm (inaudible)
LC: (inaudible) (Talking over each other)
DK: I am trained in this and I know what I am doing. And I say you put your hand under there and you're going to sit there and...
LC: I admit I put my hand down.
DK: You put your hand and rubbed it on the bottom of the stall with your left hand.
LC: No. Wait a moment.
DK: And I, I'm not dumb, you can say I don't recall...
LC: If I had turned sideways, that was the only way I could get my left hand over there.
DK: it's not that hard for me to reach. (inaudible) it's not that hard. I see it happen everyday out here now.
LC: (inaudible) you do. All right.
DK: I just, I just, I guess, I guess I'm gonna say I'm just disappointed in you sir. I'm just really am. I expect this from the guy that we get out of the hood. I mean, people vote for you.
LC: Yes, they do. (inaudible)
DK: unbelievable, unbelievable.
LC: I'm a respectable person and I don't do these kinds of...
DK: And (inaudible) respect right now though
LC: But I didn't use my left hand.
DK I thought that you...
LC: I reached down with my right hand like this to pick up a piece of paper.
DK: Was your gold ring on your right hand at anytime today.
LC: Of course not, try to get it off, look at it.
DK: Okay. Then it was your left hand, I saw it with my own eyes.
LC: All right, you saw something that didn't happen.
DK: Embarrassing, embarrassing. No wonder why we're going down the tubes. Anything to add?
NN: Uh, no
DK: Embarrassing. Date is 6/11/07 at 1236 interview is done.
LC: Oka
Is Senator Larry Craig gay? Don't know. Don't care. However, the more I hear and read about his arrest, the more I question the ethics of the Sgt Dave Karsnia, the arresting officer and the legalities of the arrest. There is nothing on the tape that could be considered a legitimate reason to arrest Craig. But there is evidence that the officer did mislead and bully the Senator.
According to an article by Steve Karnowski an Associated Press Writer, “Roll Call, citing the report, said Sgt. Dave Karsnia made the arrest after an encounter in which he was seated in a stall next to a stall occupied by Craig. Karsnia described Craig tapping his foot, which Karsnia said he "recognized as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct."
Karsnia claims that Craig deliberately caused their feet to bump. Craig claims it was accidental. In the past few years, bathroom stalls have shrunk in size to maximize the number of facilities, without increasing the size of the bathrooms. Even a moderately size person has difficulties with bumping their elbows on the walls these days. A larger person finds these accommodations even more confining. Since when are two feet touching a sexual act? Without any verbal confirmation of the Craig’s intent, how could the officer determine his motivation? Karsnia further states that the Senator reached under the divider to get his attention. Craig claims that he was picking up a piece of paper; on the tape, the officer called him liar. Again, Karsnia has no way of knowing what Craig’s motivation were, unless his claiming to be mind reader.
Craig’s critics claim there was more damning evidence in the police report. However, the report was written by the officer and contains only his perspective; it isn’t real evidence, merely his half of the he said-he said situation. There is no concrete evidence Craig actually solicited a sexual act. On the tape, Karsnia did become rude and borderline abusive when Craig refuse to admit the allegations were true. In an article, Joshua Freed an Associated Press Writer reported, “Just 29, his record has been that of a rising young officer. He joined the Minneapolis Airport Police in 2000 as a community services officer, just out of college. Three years later, he was named the department's Officer of the Year, and in 2005 he was promoted to sergeant. Last year, he finished his master's degree. The last time Karsnia was in the media spotlight, it was because of his efforts to get speeding electric carts carrying passengers and luggage at the airport to slow down. The issue came to light last year when a young boy was run over and dragged by a cart and suffered a second-degree carpet burn.” It makes one wonder what Karsnia motivations were. Was he actually trying to protect and serve the public or was he just ambitiously seeking more national attention? How many others did he bully or manipulate into pleading guilty in order to inflate his arrest statistics? Instead of solely focusing on Craig, maybe more attention should be focused on Karsnia’s actions.
Is Craig gay? Don’t know. Don’t care? Is there evidence that he solicited sex in the Minneapolis-St Paul Airport men’s room--not according to the tape. However, the tape does prove that once again a law enforcement officer jumped the gun and made arrest without cause or the evidence to back it up.
CNN -- The following is an unedited transcript of an interview between police Sgt. Dave Karsnia and police Detective Noel Nelson with Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, regarding a June 11 incident at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Audiotapes and a transcript of the interview were released today.
Investigative Sgt. Dave Karsnia #4211 and Detective Noel Nelson of the Minneapolis Police Department intert 1162
(NN) INTERVIEW WITH Larry Craig (LC) Case 07002008
Larry Craig: Am I gonna have to fight you in court?
Dave Karsnia: No. No. I'm not gonna go to court unless you want me there.
LC: Cause I don't want to be in court either.
DK: Ok. I don't either.
(inaudible) DK: Urn, here's the way it works, urn, you'll you'll be released today, okay.
LC: Okay.
DK: All right. I, I know I can bring you to jail, but that's not my goal here, okay? (inaudible)
LC: Don't do that. You You
DK: I'm not going to bring you to jail
LC: You solicited me.
DK: Okay. We're going to get, We're going to get into that. (inaudible)
LC: Okay.
DK: But there's the, there there's two ways, yes. You can, you can, ah, you can go to court.
You can plead guilty.
LC: Yep.
DK: There'll be a fine. You won't have to explain anything. (inaudible) I know.
LC: Right.
DK: And you'll pay a fine, you be (inaudible), done. Or if you want to plead not guilty, ah, and I, I can't make these decisions for you.
LC: No, no. Just tell me where I am (inaudible) I need to make this flight.
DK: Okay. Okay. And then I go to people that are not guilty, then I would have to come to court and end up testifying. So those are the two things, okay. Did I explain that part?
LC: Yes
DK: Okay Urn, ah, I'm just going to read you your rights real quick, okay? You got it on?
Noel Nelson: Yep.
DK: Okay.
DK: Ah, the date is 6/11/07 at 1228 hours. Urn, Mr. Craig?
LC: Yes.
DK: Sorry about that. (ringing phone)
DK: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer now or have a present, a lawyer present now or anytime during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you without cost. Do you understand each of these rights the way I have explained them to you?
LC: I do.
DK: Do you wish to talk to us at this time?
LC: I do
DK: Okay Urn, I just wanna start off with a your side of the story, okay. So, a
LC: So I go into the bathroom here as I normally do, I'm a commuter too here.
DK: Okay.
LC: I sit down, urn, to go to the bathroom and ah, you said our feet bumped. I believe they did, ah, because I reached down and scooted over and urn, the next thing I knew, under the bathroom divider comes a card that says Police. Now, urn, (sigh) that's about as far as I can take it, I don't know of anything else. Ah, your foot came toward mine, mine came towards yours, was that natural? I don't know. Did we bump? Yes. I think we did. You said so. I don't disagree with that.
DK: Okay. I don't want to get into a pissing match here.
LC: We're not going to.
DK: Good. Urn,
LC: I don't, ah, I am not gay, I don't do these kinds of things and...
DK: It doesn't matter, I don't care about sexual preference or anything like that. Here's your stuff back sir. Urn, I don't care about sexual preference.
LC: I know you don't. You're out to enforce the law.
DK: Right.
LC: But you shouldn't be out to entrap people either.
DK: This isn't entrapment.
LC: All right.
DK: Urn, you you're skipping some parts here, but what what about your hand?
LC What about it? I reached down, my foot like this. There was a piece of paper on the floor, I picked it up
DK: Okay.
LC: What about my hand?
DK: Well, you're not being truthful with me, I'm kinda disappointed in you Senator. I'm real disappointed in you right now. Okay. I'm not, just so you know, just like everybody, 1,1,1, treat with dignity, I try to pull them away from the situation
LC: 1,1
DK: and not embarrass them.
LC: I appreciate that.
DK: And I
LC: You did that after the stall.
DK: I will say every person I've had so far has told me the truth. We've been respectful to each other and then they've gone on their way. And I've never had to bring anybody to jail because everybody's been truthful to me.
LC: I don't want you to take me to jail and I think.
DK: I'm not gonna take you to jail as long as your cooperative but I'm not gonna lie. We...
LC: Did my hand come below the divider? Yes. It did.
DK: Okay, sir. We deal with people that lie to us everyday.
LC: I'm sure you do.
DK: I'm sure you do to sir.
LC: And gentleman so do I.
DK: I'm sure you do. We deal with a lot of people that are very bad people. You're not a bad person.
LC: No, I don't think I am.
DK: Okay, so what I'm telling you, I don't want to be lied to.
LC: Okay.
DK: Okay. So we'll start over, you're gonna get out of here. You're gonna have to pay a fine and that will be it. Okay. I don't call media, I don't do any of that type of crap.
LC: Fine.
DK: Okay.
LC: Fine.
DK: All right, so let's start from the beginning. You went in the bathroom.
LC: I went in the bathroom.
DK: And what did you do when you...
LC: 1 stood beside the wall, waiting for a stall to open. I got in the stall, sat down, and I started to go to the bathroom. Ah, did our feet come together, apparently they did bump. Well, I won't dispute that.
DK: Okay. When I got out of the stall, I noticed other other stalls were open. LC: They were at the time. At the time I entered, 1,1, at the time I entered, I stood and waited.
DK: Okay.
LC: They were all busy, you know?
DK: Were you (inaudible) out here while you were waiting? I could see your eyes. I saw you playing with your fingers and then look up. Play with your fingers and then look up.
LC: Did I glance at your stall? I was glancing at a stall right beside yours waiting for a fella to empty it. I saw him stand up and therefore I thought it was going to empty.
DK: How long do you think you stood outside the stalls?
LC: Oh a minute or two at the most.
DK: Okay. And when you went in the stalls, then what?
LC: Sat down.
DK: Okay. Did you do anything with your feet?
LC: Positioned them, I don't know. I don't know at the time. I'm a fairly wide guy.
DK: I understand.
LC: I had to spread my legs.
DK: Okay.
LC: When I lower my pants so they won't slide.
DK: Okay.
LC: Did I slide them too close to yours? Did I, I looked down once, your foot was close to mine.
DK Yes.
LC Did we bump? Ah, you said so, I don't recall that, but apparently we were close.
DK Yeah, well your foot did touch mine, on my side of the stall.
LC: All right.
DK: Okay. And then with the hand. Urn, how many times did you put your hand under the stall?
LC: I don't recall. I remember reaching down once. There was a piece of toilet paper back behind me and picking it up.
DK: Okay. Was your was your palm down or up when you were doing that?
LC: I don't recall.
DK: Okay. I recall your palm being up. Okay.
LC: All right.
DK: When you pick up a piece of paper off the ground, your palm would be down, when you pick something up.
LC: Yeah, probably would be. I recall picking the paper up.
DK: And I know it's hard to describe here on tape but actually what I saw was your fingers come underneath the stalls, you're actually ta touching the bottom of the stall divider.
LC: I don't recall that.
DK: You don't recall
LC: I don't believe I did that. I don't.
DK: I saw, I saw
LC: I don't do those things.
DK: I saw your left hand and I could see the gold wedding ring when it when it went across. I could see that. On your left hand, I could see that.
LC: Wait a moment, my left hand was over here.
DK: I saw there's a...
LC: My right hand was next to you.
DK: I could tell it with my ah, I could tell it was your left hand because your thumb was positioned in a faceward motion. Your thumb was on this side, not on this side.
LC: Well, we can dispute that. I'm not going to fight you in court and I, I reached down with my right hand to pick up the paper.
DK: But I'm telling you that I could see that so I know that's your left hand. Also I could see a gold ring on this finger, so that's obvious it was the left hand.
LC: Yeah, okay. My left hand was in the direct opposite of the stall from you.
DK: Okay. You, you travel through here frequently correct?
LC: I do
DK: Um,
LC: Almost weekly.
DK: Have you been successful in these bathrooms here before?
LC: I go to that bathroom regularly
DK: I mean for any type of other activities.
LC: No. Absolutely not. I don't seek activity in bathrooms.
DK: It's embarrassing.
LC: Well it's embarrassing for both.. I'm not gonna fight you.
DK: I know you're not going to fight me. But that's not the point. I would respect you and I still respect you. I don't disrespect you but I'm disrespected right now and I'm not tying to act like I have all kinds of power or anything, but you're sitting here lying to a police officer.
DK: It's not a (inaudible) I'm getting from somebody else. I'm (inaudible)
LC: (inaudible) (Talking over each other)
DK: I am trained in this and I know what I am doing. And I say you put your hand under there and you're going to sit there and...
LC: I admit I put my hand down.
DK: You put your hand and rubbed it on the bottom of the stall with your left hand.
LC: No. Wait a moment.
DK: And I, I'm not dumb, you can say I don't recall...
LC: If I had turned sideways, that was the only way I could get my left hand over there.
DK: it's not that hard for me to reach. (inaudible) it's not that hard. I see it happen everyday out here now.
LC: (inaudible) you do. All right.
DK: I just, I just, I guess, I guess I'm gonna say I'm just disappointed in you sir. I'm just really am. I expect this from the guy that we get out of the hood. I mean, people vote for you.
LC: Yes, they do. (inaudible)
DK: unbelievable, unbelievable.
LC: I'm a respectable person and I don't do these kinds of...
DK: And (inaudible) respect right now though
LC: But I didn't use my left hand.
DK I thought that you...
LC: I reached down with my right hand like this to pick up a piece of paper.
DK: Was your gold ring on your right hand at anytime today.
LC: Of course not, try to get it off, look at it.
DK: Okay. Then it was your left hand, I saw it with my own eyes.
LC: All right, you saw something that didn't happen.
DK: Embarrassing, embarrassing. No wonder why we're going down the tubes. Anything to add?
NN: Uh, no
DK: Embarrassing. Date is 6/11/07 at 1236 interview is done.
LC: Oka
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Be Careful What you Wish For--A Tarot Card Of Miracles
Be Careful What you Wish For
Theresa Chaze
If you were given one wish, what would you wish for? There was a TV ad that showed individuals using the one wish a genie gave them to manifest a pack of gum. Instead of seeking their hearts desire, they asked for something trivial. How many times a day do we do the same thing in varying degrees; we make wishes that would not be for our best and highest good or would actually harm someone else. If we were fore warned that one of our wishes would come true, only we wouldn’t be told which one, would that change our thinking process?
The nine of cups is also know as the wish card. It is a two edged sword that warns that one of our wishes will be granted; however, you never know when or what wish will be heard. Positive and negative wishes carry equal weigh in the eyes of the Divine. Whatever we focus our attention on is what we will create. When we wish for love, success or health, we must make sure that it doesn’t do harm to another. By trying to usurp their free will, we only create negative consequences for ourselves. However, when we wish a blessing be sent to another, it not only creates a miracle in the other person’s life, but opens the door for our dreams to be answered as well. The nine of cups also gives the warning that a wish could lead to heartbreak, disappointment or a long delay before a hearts desire is achieved. Wishes made while frightened, sad or angry can lead us have harmful yearnings. When others hurt us, it is a knee jerk reaction to wish the same on them. Although there are safe guards in place, visualizing the same wish repeatedly or with our whole soul, energizes it enough so that it can to over ride those protections. Yet if we quickly follow the harmful wish with one that is forgiving and loving, the negative effects are neutralized.
The nine of cups also represents the nine muses, the Goddesses of inspiration and creativity; therefore, it heralds a time of revelation and ingenuity. As the triple Goddesses are tripled, it foreshadows success and material gains, but also gives the warning to be wary of selfishness and greed. Being the most feminine card in the deck, it is connected to the Moon and to the Hermit cards as it speaks to the heart’s desires and inner dreams. It tells that your dreams have already manifested in your heart so that it won’t be long before they appear in your reality.
Theresa Chaze
If you were given one wish, what would you wish for? There was a TV ad that showed individuals using the one wish a genie gave them to manifest a pack of gum. Instead of seeking their hearts desire, they asked for something trivial. How many times a day do we do the same thing in varying degrees; we make wishes that would not be for our best and highest good or would actually harm someone else. If we were fore warned that one of our wishes would come true, only we wouldn’t be told which one, would that change our thinking process?
The nine of cups is also know as the wish card. It is a two edged sword that warns that one of our wishes will be granted; however, you never know when or what wish will be heard. Positive and negative wishes carry equal weigh in the eyes of the Divine. Whatever we focus our attention on is what we will create. When we wish for love, success or health, we must make sure that it doesn’t do harm to another. By trying to usurp their free will, we only create negative consequences for ourselves. However, when we wish a blessing be sent to another, it not only creates a miracle in the other person’s life, but opens the door for our dreams to be answered as well. The nine of cups also gives the warning that a wish could lead to heartbreak, disappointment or a long delay before a hearts desire is achieved. Wishes made while frightened, sad or angry can lead us have harmful yearnings. When others hurt us, it is a knee jerk reaction to wish the same on them. Although there are safe guards in place, visualizing the same wish repeatedly or with our whole soul, energizes it enough so that it can to over ride those protections. Yet if we quickly follow the harmful wish with one that is forgiving and loving, the negative effects are neutralized.
The nine of cups also represents the nine muses, the Goddesses of inspiration and creativity; therefore, it heralds a time of revelation and ingenuity. As the triple Goddesses are tripled, it foreshadows success and material gains, but also gives the warning to be wary of selfishness and greed. Being the most feminine card in the deck, it is connected to the Moon and to the Hermit cards as it speaks to the heart’s desires and inner dreams. It tells that your dreams have already manifested in your heart so that it won’t be long before they appear in your reality.
Free e-zine: Messages From the Universe
Free e-zine: Messages From the Universe
Spiritual and Emotional Healing
Here is the September 2007 issue of Messages from the Universe. As always it contains the monthly energy reading. In addition there are articles by Cate Cavanagh, Revenerd Marci Drewry and several other gues writers.
As always you are welcome to share the ezine with others; however, the individual article remain the property of the authors
Here is the address. You may have to cut and paste it into your browers.
To insure you receive Messages of the Universe every month, please go to
to join this free egroup.
Spiritual and Emotional Healing
Here is the September 2007 issue of Messages from the Universe. As always it contains the monthly energy reading. In addition there are articles by Cate Cavanagh, Revenerd Marci Drewry and several other gues writers.
As always you are welcome to share the ezine with others; however, the individual article remain the property of the authors
Here is the address. You may have to cut and paste it into your browers.
To insure you receive Messages of the Universe every month, please go to
to join this free egroup.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Tarot Readings.
Questions about your past, present or future. Are you seeking your new spiritual path or have questions about the radical changes in your life, I can help you see your options so you can make more informed decisons. Go to www.theresachaze.com for a Tarot reading or contact her for a mini reading. With twenty years experience, I can help you take back your power and see how turn your life to a more positive life path.
Fantasy Writing Markets listings
Fantasy Writing Markets listings
Title Absolute Magnitude
Description Quarterly science fiction magazine. Does not use fantasy, horror, satire, or funny science fiction. Pays up to $0.06 per word. No queries. Manuscripts accepted via regular mail only, marked clearly for Absolute Magnitude. "We’re looking for character-driven action/adventure based technical Science Fiction stories from 1,000-25,000 words; 3,000 to 8,000 words are best." First English serial rights upon pub; rights revert to author after pub.
Web site http://www.dnapublications.com/absmag/index.htm
Guidelines http://www.dnapublications.com/info/guide.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Albedo One
Description 2 Post Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Contact: Bob Nielsen, Editor. Email: bobn@albedo1.com Ireland’s longest-running and foremost magazine for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. The magazine seeks thoughtful, well written fiction from both Irish and international authors. Their definition of what constitutes SF, horror and fantasy is extremely broad and they are especially seeking material which pushes at the boundaries. First published in 1993, ‘Albedo One’ has carried work by Ian McDonald, Anne McCaffrey, Norman Spinrad and Patricia Anthony. Length: between 2,500 and 8,000 words. Submissions: All submissions should be typewritten, on A4 paper, double-spaced, using one side of the paper and leaving at least 1 inch margins all around. Also accepts e-mail submissions with text in the body of e-mail only. No attachments. Send e-mail submissions to: bobn@yellowbrickroad.ie . All hard-copy submissions must be accompanied by a SAE or reply coupon. Usually accepts only previously unpublished stories, does not accept simultaneous submissions. Also seeks artwork for stories. Response: 2 - 4 months. Pay: A best-of-issue-award. The story voted best in issue by the readers is paid 100 euro. Guidelines: http://homepage.eircom.net/~albedo1/html/writers_guidelines.html
Web site http://homepage.eircom.net/~albedo1/
Guidelines http://homepage.eircom.net/~albedo1/html/writers_guidelines.html
Country Ireland
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title AlienSkin
Description Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror. Bimonthly. Accepts 9 to12 Featured Fiction pieces per issue. Pays 1/2 cent per word for First Electronic Rights.
Web site http://www.alienskinmag.com
Guidelines http://www.alienskinmag.com/ssubguide2.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Allegory Magazine
Description An on-line magazine, principally of science fiction, fantasy and horror. However, will consider other genres, such as humour or general interest provided the work possesses an original, quirky slant. Particularly seeks stories with strong characters, good plotting and clever, logical twists to the end. Also accepts book reviews, and non-fiction articles on virtually any topic that concerns the art or business of writing. Length: Not stated for fiction. Maximum 2,000 words for non-fiction, and 200 words for reviews. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. Response: 4-6 weeks. Pay: USD15 per story or non-fiction article. No payment for reviews. Rights: First world rights and world reprint rights.
Web site http://www.allegoryezine.com
Guidelines http://www.allegoryezine.com/submissions.htm
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title Aoife’s Kiss
Description Publishes short stories and poetry and art and articles and book and movie reviews in the following genres: fantasy, science fiction, horror, and sword & sorcery. Quarterly magazine. Pays 1/4 cent per word, with a $5.00 minimum.
Web site http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/aoife/cover.htm
Guidelines http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/aoife/AKguidelines.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Aurealis
Description Australian fantasy and science fiction magazine. Pays $20 to $60 per 1,000 words.
Web site http://www.aurealis.com.au
Guidelines http://www.aurealis.com.au/submissions.php
Country Australia
Region Australasia
Payscale LOW
Title Ballista
Description A new short fiction magazine seeking original tales exploring the realm of the supernatural, paranormal, horror, Gothick, psychological, occult & macabre. Will also consider SF, dark fantasy or, “... just the downright bizarre”. Published twice a year in Spring and Autumn. Welcomes UK and international writers. No simultaneous submissions. Length: Maximum 3,500 words. There is no minimum. "Flash fiction" is also considered. Pay: GBP5 per story, plus one complimentary copy. Overseas payment by PayPal.
Web site http://www.mucusart.co.uk/ballista.htm
Guidelines http://www.mucusart.co.uk/ballistasubsinfo.htm
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title Bullet
Description A 160-page, perfect bound magazine describing itself as, “... the ONLY place for rock ‘n roll noir.” Defines ‘rock ‘n roll noir’ as an attitude to life which can be about anything and is not restricted to music. Suggests that authors, “... mix the energy of rock'n'roll with noir stylings, insights and attributes.” However, although will accept manuscripts on a broad range of subjects, does not want fantasy, sci-fi, illustrations or horror. Length: Up to 8,000 words. Payment by individual negotiation (plus a free Bullet T-shirt).
Web site http://www.rocknrollnoir.com
Guidelines http://www.rocknrollnoir.com/submissions.htm
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale UNSP
Title Challenging Destiny
Description A quarterly magazine that publishes new science fiction and fantasy short stories. A Canadian magazine, but publishes authors from all over the world. Pays $0.01 per word.
Web site http://www.challengingdestiny.com
Guidelines http://www.challengingdestiny.com/guidelines/index.htm
Country Canada
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Circlet Press
Description Publishes high quality erotic literature, often specializing in fantasy and science fiction themes. Pay rates vary but average payment is $30 to $75 per story.
Web site http://www.circlet.com
Guidelines http://www.circlet.com/GL1997.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP
Title Feral Fiction.
Description Publishes horror, fantasy, science fiction and cross-over tales of up to 3,000 words. Pays $0.05 per word. Also poetry, $1.00 per line.
Web site http://www.feralfiction.com
Guidelines http://www.feralfiction.com/submit.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Fifth Di, The
Description Fiction must be science fiction or fantasy, no horror, no exceptions. Looking for stories up to 7,500 words. Pays $5 per story or poem.
Web site http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/fifth/cover.htm
Guidelines http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/fifth/guidelines.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title KidVisions
Description Online magazine for younger readers which features short stories, poems, and art, as well as brief essays on science and the environment, interviews, quizzes, contests, etc. Genres include fantasy, science fiction, and mild horror. Pays $1.
Web site http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/kids/kissescover.htm
Guidelines http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/kids/KKguidelines.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Leading Edge
Description A semi-professional magazine dedicated to the presentation of new and upcoming talent. Accepts science fiction and fantasy short stories, novelettes, novellas, and poetry, as well as scholarly articles, book reviews, and interviews that deal with current popular authors. Fiction payment is 1 (one) cent per word, $10.00 minimum, plus two contributor copies. Poetry pays $10.00 for first 1 to 4 pages, $1.50 for each subsequent page, plus two contributor copies.
Web site http://www.leadingedgemagazine.com
Guidelines http://www.leadingedgemagazine.com/guidelines_writer.php
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Mythic Delirium
Description Mythic Delirium uses SF, fantasy, horror and cross-genre poetry. Pays $10 for longer poems.
Web site http://www.dnapublications.com/delirium/index.htm
Guidelines http://www.dnapublications.com/info/guide.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title New Concepts Publishing
Description Publisher looking for Science Fiction/Futuristic or Fantasy Romance, spicy or erotic, any story length, from short stories to full length.
Web site http://www.newconceptspublishing.com
Guidelines http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/submissionguidelines.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP
Title On Spec
Description The Canadian magazine of the fantastic. Publishes speculative fiction (SF) and poetry -- fantasy, horror, ghost stories, fairy stories, magic realism, etc. Author's nationality does not matter, although they maintain 80% Canadian content. Pays up to $180 upon acceptance.
Web site http://www.onspec.ca
Guidelines http://www.onspec.ca/guidelines.php
Country Canada
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Playgirl
Description Playgirl addresses the needs, interests, and desires of women 18 years of age and older. Provides an uninhibited approach to exploring sexuality and fantasy. Erotic Encounters, the erotic fiction department, publishes four fantasies each month (800-1200 words, pays $50). Feature articles include interviews with top celebrities, articles on sex, love, romance and dating, how to features, and erotic fantasies.
Web site http://www.playgirltv.com/magazine/index.html
Guidelines http://www.playgirltv.com/magazine/guidelines.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale HI
Title Savage Kick, The
Description A quarterly literary magazine. Seeks brutally honest feelings or stories that have to be told. Does not want mainstream or ‘Oprah-style’ fiction, nor genre fiction including horror, fantasy, sci-fi, western, erotica. Also publishes articles and interviews in relation to the writers featured in their online reading list. Encourages new writers, but receives many submissions from experienced ones, so competition is tough. Length: Stories: 1,000-6,000 words. Articles: up to 3,000 words. Response: Two weeks. Pay: GBP20 or USD35 for each accepted story. GBP15 or USD25 for each accepted article. Payment by PayPal preferred.
Web site http://www.murderslim.com/savagekick.html
Guidelines http://www.murderslim.com/sksubmissions.html
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title Scifiction
Description Looking for literate, strongly plotted science fiction and fantasy stories between 2,000 and 17,500 words. Payment is $0.20 per word up to $3,500.
Web site http://www.scifi.com
Guidelines http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/submit.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale MED
Title Scribal Tales
Description An ezine for short stories in the fantasy, science fiction, horror and hybrid genre. Pays $1.00 per thousand words with a 10,000-word limit and a minimum of 1000 words.
Web site http://www.scribaltales.com
Guidelines http://www.scribaltales.com/submissions.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Shadowed Realms
Description Australia's professional speculative fiction publication, Seeking dark, psychological speculative fiction - including horror, dark/urban fantasy, supernatural/occult, slipstream, thrillers and mysteries. Alsos consider science fiction, fantasy, action, crime and erotica. Content geared toward an Australian audience (including New Zealand and Oceania). Preference is given to locally produced works. Pays $0.05 per word for flash stories.
Web site http://www.shadowedrealms.com.au
Guidelines http://www.shadowedrealms.com.au/guidelines/
Country Australia
Region Australasia
Payscale LOW
Title Specusphere, The
Description The specusphere emerged out of Visions magazine (September 2001 – April 2005). Publishes feature articles, opinions, reports, reviews of any kind, flash fiction, poetry and art. Encompasses all the traditional science fiction, fantasy and horror sub-genres and more. Non-paying.
Web site http://www.specusphere.com
Guidelines http://www.specusphere.com/files/submissions.asp
Country Australia
Region Australasia
Pay NO
Payscale NO
Title Spinetingler
Description Publishes stories that could be categorized as mystery, thriller, suspense, supernatural, ghost story, love, fantasy or science fiction. Pays $10 USD .
Web site http://www.spinetinglermag.com
Guidelines http://www.spinetinglermag.com/submission.htm
Country Canada
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Strange Horizons
Description Wants good speculative fiction. It should have a clear fantasy or science fiction element, or at least strong speculative-fiction sensibilities. Pays $0.05 per word, with a minimum $50.
Web site http://www.strangehorizons.com
Guidelines http://www.strangehorizons.com/guidelines/fiction.shtml
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Tales of the Talisman
Description (Formerly Hadrosaur Tales) A literary journal published quarterly by Hadrosaur Productions and LBF Books. The format is an 86-page, perfect-bound, printed magazine. Needs: Science Fiction, fantasy, and horror short stories to 6000 words and poems to 50 lines. Pays: $10 per story, $4 per poem
Web site http://www.zianet.com/hadrosaur/index.html
Guidelines http://www.zianet.com/hadrosaur/gl.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Third Alternative, The
Description Publishes modern science fiction, fantasy and horror, as well as borderline material which uses genre elements with a relatively mainstream sensibility. Pays on acceptance.
Web site http://www.ttapress.com/publTTA.html
Guidelines http://www.ttapress.com/publTTAguides.html
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale UNSP
Title Weird Tales
Description Must have some fantasy content. Pays up to $0.06 per word.
Web site http://www.dnapublications.com/wt/index.htm
Guidelines http://www.dnapublications.com/info/guide.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Zahir
Description A tri-annual print journal dedicated to publishing the best in speculative fiction by both new and established writers. Each issue features an eclectic mix of literary fantasy, science fiction, magical realism, and stories that are not so easily classified. Prefers original material but will consider reprints. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. Length: up to 6000 words. Pay: $10 plus 2 copies.
Web site http://www.zahirtales.com
Guidelines http://www.zahirtales.com/guidelines.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title ZONE, The
Description Science fiction, fantasy, horror & mystery website. Publishes science fiction articles, interviews, & reviews. Previously unpublished work is preferred, but considers writings published anywhere in world. Pays £5 or $5 per 1,000 words for articles. There is no payment for reviews, short articles or essays, listings or artwork.
Web site http://www.zone-sf.com
Guidelines http://freespace.virgin.net/pigasus.press/guidelines.html
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title Absolute Magnitude
Description Quarterly science fiction magazine. Does not use fantasy, horror, satire, or funny science fiction. Pays up to $0.06 per word. No queries. Manuscripts accepted via regular mail only, marked clearly for Absolute Magnitude. "We’re looking for character-driven action/adventure based technical Science Fiction stories from 1,000-25,000 words; 3,000 to 8,000 words are best." First English serial rights upon pub; rights revert to author after pub.
Web site http://www.dnapublications.com/absmag/index.htm
Guidelines http://www.dnapublications.com/info/guide.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Albedo One
Description 2 Post Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Contact: Bob Nielsen, Editor. Email: bobn@albedo1.com Ireland’s longest-running and foremost magazine for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. The magazine seeks thoughtful, well written fiction from both Irish and international authors. Their definition of what constitutes SF, horror and fantasy is extremely broad and they are especially seeking material which pushes at the boundaries. First published in 1993, ‘Albedo One’ has carried work by Ian McDonald, Anne McCaffrey, Norman Spinrad and Patricia Anthony. Length: between 2,500 and 8,000 words. Submissions: All submissions should be typewritten, on A4 paper, double-spaced, using one side of the paper and leaving at least 1 inch margins all around. Also accepts e-mail submissions with text in the body of e-mail only. No attachments. Send e-mail submissions to: bobn@yellowbrickroad.ie . All hard-copy submissions must be accompanied by a SAE or reply coupon. Usually accepts only previously unpublished stories, does not accept simultaneous submissions. Also seeks artwork for stories. Response: 2 - 4 months. Pay: A best-of-issue-award. The story voted best in issue by the readers is paid 100 euro. Guidelines: http://homepage.eircom.net/~albedo1/html/writers_guidelines.html
Web site http://homepage.eircom.net/~albedo1/
Guidelines http://homepage.eircom.net/~albedo1/html/writers_guidelines.html
Country Ireland
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title AlienSkin
Description Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror. Bimonthly. Accepts 9 to12 Featured Fiction pieces per issue. Pays 1/2 cent per word for First Electronic Rights.
Web site http://www.alienskinmag.com
Guidelines http://www.alienskinmag.com/ssubguide2.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Allegory Magazine
Description An on-line magazine, principally of science fiction, fantasy and horror. However, will consider other genres, such as humour or general interest provided the work possesses an original, quirky slant. Particularly seeks stories with strong characters, good plotting and clever, logical twists to the end. Also accepts book reviews, and non-fiction articles on virtually any topic that concerns the art or business of writing. Length: Not stated for fiction. Maximum 2,000 words for non-fiction, and 200 words for reviews. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. Response: 4-6 weeks. Pay: USD15 per story or non-fiction article. No payment for reviews. Rights: First world rights and world reprint rights.
Web site http://www.allegoryezine.com
Guidelines http://www.allegoryezine.com/submissions.htm
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title Aoife’s Kiss
Description Publishes short stories and poetry and art and articles and book and movie reviews in the following genres: fantasy, science fiction, horror, and sword & sorcery. Quarterly magazine. Pays 1/4 cent per word, with a $5.00 minimum.
Web site http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/aoife/cover.htm
Guidelines http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/aoife/AKguidelines.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Aurealis
Description Australian fantasy and science fiction magazine. Pays $20 to $60 per 1,000 words.
Web site http://www.aurealis.com.au
Guidelines http://www.aurealis.com.au/submissions.php
Country Australia
Region Australasia
Payscale LOW
Title Ballista
Description A new short fiction magazine seeking original tales exploring the realm of the supernatural, paranormal, horror, Gothick, psychological, occult & macabre. Will also consider SF, dark fantasy or, “... just the downright bizarre”. Published twice a year in Spring and Autumn. Welcomes UK and international writers. No simultaneous submissions. Length: Maximum 3,500 words. There is no minimum. "Flash fiction" is also considered. Pay: GBP5 per story, plus one complimentary copy. Overseas payment by PayPal.
Web site http://www.mucusart.co.uk/ballista.htm
Guidelines http://www.mucusart.co.uk/ballistasubsinfo.htm
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title Bullet
Description A 160-page, perfect bound magazine describing itself as, “... the ONLY place for rock ‘n roll noir.” Defines ‘rock ‘n roll noir’ as an attitude to life which can be about anything and is not restricted to music. Suggests that authors, “... mix the energy of rock'n'roll with noir stylings, insights and attributes.” However, although will accept manuscripts on a broad range of subjects, does not want fantasy, sci-fi, illustrations or horror. Length: Up to 8,000 words. Payment by individual negotiation (plus a free Bullet T-shirt).
Web site http://www.rocknrollnoir.com
Guidelines http://www.rocknrollnoir.com/submissions.htm
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale UNSP
Title Challenging Destiny
Description A quarterly magazine that publishes new science fiction and fantasy short stories. A Canadian magazine, but publishes authors from all over the world. Pays $0.01 per word.
Web site http://www.challengingdestiny.com
Guidelines http://www.challengingdestiny.com/guidelines/index.htm
Country Canada
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Circlet Press
Description Publishes high quality erotic literature, often specializing in fantasy and science fiction themes. Pay rates vary but average payment is $30 to $75 per story.
Web site http://www.circlet.com
Guidelines http://www.circlet.com/GL1997.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP
Title Feral Fiction.
Description Publishes horror, fantasy, science fiction and cross-over tales of up to 3,000 words. Pays $0.05 per word. Also poetry, $1.00 per line.
Web site http://www.feralfiction.com
Guidelines http://www.feralfiction.com/submit.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Fifth Di, The
Description Fiction must be science fiction or fantasy, no horror, no exceptions. Looking for stories up to 7,500 words. Pays $5 per story or poem.
Web site http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/fifth/cover.htm
Guidelines http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/fifth/guidelines.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title KidVisions
Description Online magazine for younger readers which features short stories, poems, and art, as well as brief essays on science and the environment, interviews, quizzes, contests, etc. Genres include fantasy, science fiction, and mild horror. Pays $1.
Web site http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/kids/kissescover.htm
Guidelines http://www.samsdotpublishing.com/kids/KKguidelines.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Leading Edge
Description A semi-professional magazine dedicated to the presentation of new and upcoming talent. Accepts science fiction and fantasy short stories, novelettes, novellas, and poetry, as well as scholarly articles, book reviews, and interviews that deal with current popular authors. Fiction payment is 1 (one) cent per word, $10.00 minimum, plus two contributor copies. Poetry pays $10.00 for first 1 to 4 pages, $1.50 for each subsequent page, plus two contributor copies.
Web site http://www.leadingedgemagazine.com
Guidelines http://www.leadingedgemagazine.com/guidelines_writer.php
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Mythic Delirium
Description Mythic Delirium uses SF, fantasy, horror and cross-genre poetry. Pays $10 for longer poems.
Web site http://www.dnapublications.com/delirium/index.htm
Guidelines http://www.dnapublications.com/info/guide.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title New Concepts Publishing
Description Publisher looking for Science Fiction/Futuristic or Fantasy Romance, spicy or erotic, any story length, from short stories to full length.
Web site http://www.newconceptspublishing.com
Guidelines http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/submissionguidelines.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP
Title On Spec
Description The Canadian magazine of the fantastic. Publishes speculative fiction (SF) and poetry -- fantasy, horror, ghost stories, fairy stories, magic realism, etc. Author's nationality does not matter, although they maintain 80% Canadian content. Pays up to $180 upon acceptance.
Web site http://www.onspec.ca
Guidelines http://www.onspec.ca/guidelines.php
Country Canada
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Playgirl
Description Playgirl addresses the needs, interests, and desires of women 18 years of age and older. Provides an uninhibited approach to exploring sexuality and fantasy. Erotic Encounters, the erotic fiction department, publishes four fantasies each month (800-1200 words, pays $50). Feature articles include interviews with top celebrities, articles on sex, love, romance and dating, how to features, and erotic fantasies.
Web site http://www.playgirltv.com/magazine/index.html
Guidelines http://www.playgirltv.com/magazine/guidelines.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale HI
Title Savage Kick, The
Description A quarterly literary magazine. Seeks brutally honest feelings or stories that have to be told. Does not want mainstream or ‘Oprah-style’ fiction, nor genre fiction including horror, fantasy, sci-fi, western, erotica. Also publishes articles and interviews in relation to the writers featured in their online reading list. Encourages new writers, but receives many submissions from experienced ones, so competition is tough. Length: Stories: 1,000-6,000 words. Articles: up to 3,000 words. Response: Two weeks. Pay: GBP20 or USD35 for each accepted story. GBP15 or USD25 for each accepted article. Payment by PayPal preferred.
Web site http://www.murderslim.com/savagekick.html
Guidelines http://www.murderslim.com/sksubmissions.html
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW
Title Scifiction
Description Looking for literate, strongly plotted science fiction and fantasy stories between 2,000 and 17,500 words. Payment is $0.20 per word up to $3,500.
Web site http://www.scifi.com
Guidelines http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/submit.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale MED
Title Scribal Tales
Description An ezine for short stories in the fantasy, science fiction, horror and hybrid genre. Pays $1.00 per thousand words with a 10,000-word limit and a minimum of 1000 words.
Web site http://www.scribaltales.com
Guidelines http://www.scribaltales.com/submissions.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Shadowed Realms
Description Australia's professional speculative fiction publication, Seeking dark, psychological speculative fiction - including horror, dark/urban fantasy, supernatural/occult, slipstream, thrillers and mysteries. Alsos consider science fiction, fantasy, action, crime and erotica. Content geared toward an Australian audience (including New Zealand and Oceania). Preference is given to locally produced works. Pays $0.05 per word for flash stories.
Web site http://www.shadowedrealms.com.au
Guidelines http://www.shadowedrealms.com.au/guidelines/
Country Australia
Region Australasia
Payscale LOW
Title Specusphere, The
Description The specusphere emerged out of Visions magazine (September 2001 – April 2005). Publishes feature articles, opinions, reports, reviews of any kind, flash fiction, poetry and art. Encompasses all the traditional science fiction, fantasy and horror sub-genres and more. Non-paying.
Web site http://www.specusphere.com
Guidelines http://www.specusphere.com/files/submissions.asp
Country Australia
Region Australasia
Pay NO
Payscale NO
Title Spinetingler
Description Publishes stories that could be categorized as mystery, thriller, suspense, supernatural, ghost story, love, fantasy or science fiction. Pays $10 USD .
Web site http://www.spinetinglermag.com
Guidelines http://www.spinetinglermag.com/submission.htm
Country Canada
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Strange Horizons
Description Wants good speculative fiction. It should have a clear fantasy or science fiction element, or at least strong speculative-fiction sensibilities. Pays $0.05 per word, with a minimum $50.
Web site http://www.strangehorizons.com
Guidelines http://www.strangehorizons.com/guidelines/fiction.shtml
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Tales of the Talisman
Description (Formerly Hadrosaur Tales) A literary journal published quarterly by Hadrosaur Productions and LBF Books. The format is an 86-page, perfect-bound, printed magazine. Needs: Science Fiction, fantasy, and horror short stories to 6000 words and poems to 50 lines. Pays: $10 per story, $4 per poem
Web site http://www.zianet.com/hadrosaur/index.html
Guidelines http://www.zianet.com/hadrosaur/gl.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Third Alternative, The
Description Publishes modern science fiction, fantasy and horror, as well as borderline material which uses genre elements with a relatively mainstream sensibility. Pays on acceptance.
Web site http://www.ttapress.com/publTTA.html
Guidelines http://www.ttapress.com/publTTAguides.html
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale UNSP
Title Weird Tales
Description Must have some fantasy content. Pays up to $0.06 per word.
Web site http://www.dnapublications.com/wt/index.htm
Guidelines http://www.dnapublications.com/info/guide.htm
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title Zahir
Description A tri-annual print journal dedicated to publishing the best in speculative fiction by both new and established writers. Each issue features an eclectic mix of literary fantasy, science fiction, magical realism, and stories that are not so easily classified. Prefers original material but will consider reprints. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. Length: up to 6000 words. Pay: $10 plus 2 copies.
Web site http://www.zahirtales.com
Guidelines http://www.zahirtales.com/guidelines.html
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW
Title ZONE, The
Description Science fiction, fantasy, horror & mystery website. Publishes science fiction articles, interviews, & reviews. Previously unpublished work is preferred, but considers writings published anywhere in world. Pays £5 or $5 per 1,000 words for articles. There is no payment for reviews, short articles or essays, listings or artwork.
Web site http://www.zone-sf.com
Guidelines http://freespace.virgin.net/pigasus.press/guidelines.html
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW