
Sunday, December 31, 2006

January Issue of Messages of the Universe
An Ezine of Diversity of Wisdom and View Points
Theresa Chaze--Wiccan Writer

Here is the January Messages from the Universe. As always the individual articles remain copyrighted by the authors, but you are more than welcome to share the ezine with others.

You many have to cut and paste the address into your browser.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Please click the ad at the beginning of the blogs. It'll cost you nothing, but it will help me out a great deal. Even if you do not have an interest in what is being promoted or sold, clicking on it will help me stay on the internet. Thank you so much for your help.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Free Wiccan Fantasy Ebook

I'm just testing to see if anyone is actually reading my blog. So I'm offering the first five people who comment to this message a free ebook copy of my novel, Awakening the Dragon. The catch is you have to write a 200 word review for me. Anyone interested? Anyone reading this?

If you enjoy a good magical fantasy in the style of Marion Zimmer Bradley, Anne McCaffrey and Harry Potter, you will enjoy Theresa Chaze's novels, Awakening the Dragon and Dragon Domain Filled with magic, suspense and romance, the residents of Coyote Springs will entice and frighten you as they face challenges that come from within and without.

Magic, suspense and romance intertwine in Awakening the Dragon--Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (ISBN 1-58961-432-3) as Rachael moves to Coyote Springs to follow her dream; instead of finding peace with her new store and new home, she becomes the catalyst in exposing a murderer and the target of a violent cult. To protect herself and her loved ones, Rachael risks everything by awakening her dragon spirit prematurely. As the dragon rises within her, the cult surround her home with the intent on killing the new witch who lives inside and burning the evidence of the murder of the previous owner.

Dragon Domain--Book Two of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (ISBN 1-58961-463-1) picks up the story a few months later as the Dragon Clan begins to reassemble at the safe haven Cheyenne has created on the Northern Michigan farm. Cheyenne was happy until an old love from Celeste‘s past appeared at their door. Rapidly the darkness of the night brought terror as sacrificial blood was shed. Cheyenne tried to warn her. Celeste refused to listen. She let him in. No one was safe from his darkness. Cheyenne called the dragons. They drove him back. Then they joined together in an old evil. Alone Cheyenne was barely able to defeated him, but now with Celeste’s help and knowledge of all her weakness, how could she possibly stop them from stealing her very soul and all those she loves?
It's about power; who has it? Who wants it?

Wiccan Ritual: Uniting Prayer For All Souls of Light
Theresa Chaze

In the challenging and divisive times we live in, where politicians and spiritual leaders use fear to gain supremacy, it is time we take back our own power and come together on common grounds. Every faith promotes truth, honor, love and wisdom; it is the dogma that divides us. By returning to the basics, we can again find the true spirituality of the Divine as each of us knows it. Whether you call it a ritual or mass, this prayer/spell was designed to bring our energy together to open our souls and minds to the realization that no one faith holds all the truths; it’s only by coming together and sharing what the Divine has taught each that we can follow the true path of spiritual growth. In addition, by sharing our wisdom, we build bridges of understanding, which fight the fear and bigotry others have cultivated to gain power.
Many have prayed for peace, yet war continues. But like a house that is build on quick sand, peace is only as good as the foundation on which it is built. It is only by praying for wisdom, justice and truth for all can peace be created. They are the strong foundations on which peace and respect between peoples, religions, and cultures will be created.
The following is a ritual to be performed on Winter solstice. Its purpose is to bring all the religions together in one voice. The more participants involved the more energy we will be raised and send out. It can be done online or in person. Souls know no time or space; if the intention is to be together, nothing will keep us apart.
For those who chose to be Guardians of light, your commitment to light a white candle and say the appropriate prayer last a year and a day. After such time, you are release to either recommit or not. For all other, the commitment is as deep as you wish it to be.

Opening Speaker:
Representing the will of each and every one of all
I light this candle to begin the call.

(Light a tall while pillar candle)

As this flame dances becoming a beacon in the night
I call you forth to be Guardians of Light.
In free choice and self determining will
come forth now and allow your spirit to prevail.

As this single candle turns darkness into light,
so may our spirits end the blight.
Where ignorance and hate now prevail
let wisdom, truth and justice be unveiled.

Come now forth to state your claim
to become pillars of the Divine flame.
Calling the Divine as you see
Let their presence come forth now and be.
Ask for their Divine might
to make justice a true right.
As you come forth for this year and a day
you proclaim yourself to be an anchoring ray.
As your wick meets the flame
Call the Divine using a familiar name.

(Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Earth Based or the multitude of the other religions, all are welcome to participate equally and freely. Each religion sends one person to call the primary deity or deities to attend. These representatives agree to light a white candle once a day for a year and one day and say the following prayer.)

In the name of the (Divine name--Jesus, Allah, Goddesses, etc), I do proclaim
that wisdom, truth and justice will remain.
Let this candle be a beacon on the darkness night
to fight back the fear with the hope of light.

(After all the religions, who wish be represented, call forth the Divine as they know it, they turn to those behind them and say in unison.)

From one light comes the hope
that goes beyond any one faith’s scope.
As it was shared with me without limit or shame
I pass it on now for all to claim.

(The second tier, no matter what faith, lights their candle from the nearest pillar candle and repeats)

From one light comes one hope
that goes beyond any one faith’s scope.
As it was shared with me without limit or shame
I pass it on now for all to claim.

(The sharing of the flame and the prayer continues until everyone participated.)

Closing speaker:
As we have to come together to become one
let our voices not be shunned.
Like a home that is build on solid ground,
so shall the Divine wisdom, justice and truth help the path to peace be found.
Releasing our egos and fears to the higher powers
we allow our souls to become spiritual towers.
When the darkness threatens our belief,
we only have to relight the flame to find relief.
For as we have lighted our candles to become one,
so we have touched each other and our separateness is undone.
Flame to flame, soul to soul
so our power has begun to unfold.
As these flames now are extinguished and no longer burn bright,
so we now become the pillars of light.

(The candles are extinguished and taken home to be relit later.)

Even though the ritual has concluded, the energy connection between the participates remains. Just as all the flames came from one, so we all come from the same source of love and wisdom no matter by what name it is called.
This ritual is meant to be freely shared and practiced. It’s in the sharing that creates the connect between us all.
You aint going to believe. Moral to the story, keep your mouth shut and quit while you're ahead.

Police Abuse: Minor Arrested for Holding up a sign
In spite of the First Amendment, a minor was arrested for holding up a sign on a city street. Watch the video and you decide if the police are out of control.

War What is it Good for? Absolutely NOTHING!!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Police Abuse: Wiccans Beware--
Your Civil Rights are not guaranteed
Theresa Chaze

Police ignoring civil rights has become a harsh reality for not only Wiccans and Pagans, but also every other minority. No longer does the First Amendment provide freedom of religion, speech, to gather and engage in peaceful demonstration. No longer does the Fourth Amendment guarantee your home, car or business will not be searched without a warrant signed by a judge. Instead, there are a growing number of law enforcement officers who believe they are above the law; they see themselves not as public servants, but public masters who should not be questioned or criticized. Instead, they should be blindly and meekly obeyed. To do otherwise is to risk being harassed, physically attacked and jailed with little cause.

Under the banner of self-defense, police have used traffic stops to justify warrant less searches. Such was the case of a northern Michigan Wiccan Priestess. Returning home from work, she was stopped. The Deputy initially refused to disclose why she was pulled over. Instead, he ordered her from her vehicle and searched it without her consent. In the bottom of her purse, he found a small athame set--the largest knife was under three inches, but it had a double edged blade. He arrested her; however, he refused to notify her of the reason for the stop or the arrest until they reached the jail. At that time, she was informed she was stopped for swerving twice in the several miles he had followed her, but she arrested and charged for felony-concealed weapon for having daggers in her purse. She did not threaten him, nor was she given an opportunity to explain why she had the athames. Several attempts were made a paying her bond, however the deputies on duty misrepresented the facts and she was held for over fifteen hours. During such time, she was denied medication for her asthma and proper nutrition for her hypoglycemia. Instead, the wheels of justice rolled over her civil rights. Although she had a clean record and the officer had a history of alcohol abuse, lying on the stand and violence against women, her court appointed attorney informed her that she would not win in spite of the illegal search and her religious path. In Michigan, double edge knifes, no matter what size are illegal. The attorney’s stance was that nothing else was pertinent to the case. Eventually the case was settled and the charges dropped to much lesser charge. But justice was far from being served.

Physically an athame is usually a double edge blade of varying sized, frequently with a black handle and a dull blade. However, its magical definition is ritual knife that is use only for the direction of energy. It is used in ritual for creating protective circles and calling the elements. Using it for a mundane purpose would contaminate it and make it unsuitable for ritual work until it had been cleansed and reblessed. A Boline is used for cutting and all other ritual needs. Kitchen witches are an exception to this rule; they believe that by using their tools daily increases their connection to them. Whether an athame or Boline, neither are to be used as a physical weapon. To do so would destroy their positive spiritual quality and attract the negative aspects of the universe.

In the case of the northern Michigan Priestess, if it hadn’t been for the illegal search of her purse, the athames wouldn’t have been an issue. They could have not been produce or used to threaten the officer or anyone else without destroying their religious power. The District Attorney’s office was informed of their religious significance; initially they agreed she had a defense under the First Amendment, however their stance changed without reason, claiming the Priestess told the officer they were for self-defense. By sheer definition of her spiritual beliefs, it is obvious that statement was untrue and the officer lied. Yet, even though he violated her First and Fourth Amendment rights, his word would carry more weigh by the court even though he had a history of deceit and violence against women.

Every state has their own laws pertaining to the legalities of what is considered a weapon. Before carrying your religious tools make you know what the specific requirements of your state are. In some cases, it would be wise to obtain a concealed weapons permit if you will be traveling with your Athame and Boline. By going to you can find an abridge listing of knife laws by state. It is only a starting point and should not be considered definitive legal advice.

Police Abuse: Simple Guidelines to Protect Yourself
Theresa Chaze

With the rapidly increasing occurrence of the police abusing individuals and ignoring their civil rights, everyone needs to be aware of what their rights are and how to protect them. No longer do the First and Fourth Amendments provide the freedoms and protection the founding fathers intended. Freedom of religion, speech, to gather and engage in peaceful demonstrations are no longer protected rights, nor is the right to be safe from unreasonable searches and seizures in our homes, cars, and places of business. The police no longer consider themselves pubic servants, but public masters who are above the laws. Their motto has been perverted from protect and serve to that of harass and intimate.
As in the cases of the UCLA student who was tazered multiple times by the police to the New York City undercover officers who turned a city street into a shooting gallery, these officers excuse their behavior under the banner of self-defense and expect the public to blindly accept their word in spite of valid physical evidence to the contrary. They are arrogant enough to believe that their word will not or should not be questioned. However, when they are confronted and complaints are filed, they harass and threaten their accusers into silence. Those who have the courage to follow through find the complaint system is skewed in the favor of the officers and against the individual. As with a Florida reporter, who exposed several law enforcement departs refusal accept complaints, was subject legal harassment and unlawful arrests, so it is across the country as law enforcement rallies to protect its own. The blue wall is not a myth or an illusion, but a force that protects renegade officers in shrouds of silence and sheer brutality. In addition, complaints are filed with the supervisor of the offender; it's like complaining to Don Corleone about one of his lieutenant’s behavior. The members of the Internal Affairs divisions are chosen by the chiefs or commissioners and answer to him or her not to the public. It is in their best interest to follow the lead set by their supervisors and not muddy the waters by questioning the officers or their departments' ethics. Civil complaint boards are only as effective as their members wish them to be. Going to the media and suing civilly have become the more effective means for victims of police abuse to receive justice. It is only when the public outrages becomes intense that the law enforcement agencies are forced to take appropriate action.
Although the abusive officers are only a small percentage of those on duty, the officers who know about the abuses and do nothing are just as bad. In ignoring, defending or protecting the abusers, they allow the behaviors to continue and to escalate. Their hands are just as bloody as those who do the actual harm. By keeping silent or excusing the abusive behavior, they betray the trust the public has consigned to them and placed themselves in the same category as those who do the harm. It would be in their own selfish best interest to expose the abusers and restore the honor of their departments. In doing so, they would make their jobs easier and safer as they would have the co-operation of the public, instead of the public seeing law enforcement as just another enemy.
The ACLU has released a list of what you should to do or not if you are stopped for questioning by the police. It is not a definitive list, but simple guidelines to help you safely deal with law enforcement.

Police Abuse: What to do if you are stopped while Driving

1. Think carefully. Choose your words and actions with care. Remain calm. Avoid quick movements.

2. Don't get into an argument or loose your temper. Anything you say or do can be held against you.

3. Don't run. Don't touch the officer. It can be used as a reason to arrest you.

4. Don't resist. Even if you are innocent, resisting alone is a reason to arrest you.

5. Don't complain. Making a scene or threatening to file a compliant only makes the situation escalate.

6. Do not make any statements regarding the incident. Ask for a lawyer.

7. Write everything down and remember the officer's name, badge number and patrol car number.

8. Try to find witnesses. Get their name and addresses.

9. If you are injured, document the injuries with medical reports and photographs.

10. If your rights have been violated, file a complaint with the police department’s internal affairs division or civilian complaint board.

If you are stopped in your car:

1. Upon request, show them your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. In certain cases, your car can be searched without a warrant as long as the police have probable cause. To protect yourself later, make it clear that you do not consent to the search. It is not lawful for police to arrest you for simply refusing to consent to a search. (From personal experience, I recommend that you drive with your information readily available. I used to drive with my purse in the back seat. When I was stopped, I told the officer that my information was in the back seat; he told me to get it, but when I tried to open the door, he used it as excuse to harass and arrest me. My purse is now on the passenger seat when I drive and all my information is easily accessible.)

2. If you're given a ticket, you should sign it; otherwise, you can be arrested. You can always fight it in court later.

3. If you are suspected of driving under the influence and refuse to take a blood, urine or breathe test, your driver’s license may be suspended.

If you are arrested and taken to the police station:

1. You have the right to remain silent and to talk to an attorney before you talk to the police. Tell the police nothing except your name and address. Don't give any explanations, excuses or stories. Make your defense later in court based on what you and your lawyer decides is the best course of action.

2. Ask to see a lawyer immediately. If you can't pay for one, you have right to free one and should ask the police how the lawyer can be contacted. Don't say anything without a lawyer.

3. Within a reasonable time after your arrest or booking, you have the right to make a local phone call. The police may not listen to the call to the lawyer.

4. Sometimes you can be released without bail or to have the bail lowered. Have your lawyer ask the judge. You must be taken before the judge on the next court day after the arrest.

If the police come to your home:

1. If the police knock and ask to enter your home, you don't have to admit them unless they have a warrant signed by a judge.

2. The exception is during an emergency situation. For example if a person is screaming for help inside or if the police are chasing someone and they enter.

3. If you are arrested, the police can search you and the area close to you. If you are in a building, close and mean up to the room you are in.

Everyone is entitled to courteous and respectful treatment by the police. If your rights have been violated, don't deal with it at the moment. Talk to a lawyer afterwards or file a complaint with the Civilian Complaint Board or Internal Affairs.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Police Abuse Senior Citizen. No One is safe from the out of control Law enforcement. It is time for the public to take back it's power. They are public servants, not public masters.

PMS--what is it? How do you survive?

Going to Hell---A response

Anti-Christian or speaking the truth. Does the video go to far or does the little girl speak the truths we are too politically correct to say?

You judge

Wiccan Uniting Ritual For All Souls of Light
Theresa Chaze

In the challenging and divisive times we live in, where politicians and spiritual leaders use fear to gain supremacy, it is time we take back our own power and come together on common grounds. Every faith promotes truth, honor, love and wisdom; it is the dogma that divides us. By returning to the basics, we can again find the true spirituality of the Divine as each of us knows it. Whether you call it a ritual or mass, this prayer/spell was designed to bring our energy together to open our souls and minds to the realization that no one faith holds all the truths; it’s only by coming together and sharing what the Divine has taught each that we can follow the true path of spiritual growth. In addition, by sharing our wisdom, we build bridges of understanding, which fight the fear and bigotry others have cultivated to gain power.
Many have prayed for peace, yet war continues. But like a house that is build on quick sand, peace is only as good as the foundation on which it is built. It is only by praying for wisdom, justice and truth for all can peace be created. They are the strong foundations on which peace and respect between peoples, religions, and cultures will be created.
The following is a ritual to be performed on Winter solstice. Its purpose is to bring all the religions together in one voice. The more participants involved the more energy we will be raised and send out. It can be done online or in person. Souls know no time or space; if the intention is to be together, nothing will keep us apart.
For those who chose to be Guardians of light, your commitment to light a white candle and say the appropriate prayer last a year and a day. After such time, you are release to either recommit or not. For all other, the commitment is as deep as you wish it to be.

Opening Speaker:

Representing the will of each and every one of all
I light this candle to begin the call.

(Light a tall while pillar candle)

As this flame dances becoming a beacon in the night
I call you forth to be Guardians of Light.
In free choice and self determining will
come forth now and allow your spirit to prevail.
As this single candle turns darkness into light,
so may our spirits end the blight.
Where ignorance and hate now prevail
let wisdom, truth and justice be unveiled.
Come now forth to state your claim
to become pillars of the Divine flame.
Calling the Divine as you see
Let their presence come forth now and be.
Ask for their Divine might
to make justice a true right.
As you come forth for this year and a day
you proclaim yourself to be an anchoring ray.
As your wick meets the flame
Call the Divine using a familiar name.

(Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Earth Based or the multitude of the other religions, all are welcome to participate equally and freely. Each religion sends one person to call the primary deity or deities to attend. These representatives agree to light a white candle once a day for a year and one day and say the following prayer.)

In the name of the (Divine name--Jesus, Allah, Goddesses, etc), I do proclaim
that wisdom, truth and justice will remain.
Let this candle be a beacon on the darkness night
to fight back the fear with the hope of light.

(After all the religions, who wish be represented, call forth the Divine as they know it, they turn to those behind them and say in unison.)

From one light comes the hope
that goes beyond any one faith’s scope.
As it was shared with me without limit or shame
I pass it on now for all to claim.

(The second tier, no matter what faith, lights their candle from the nearest pillar candle and repeats)

From one light comes one hope
that goes beyond any one faith’s scope.
As it was shared with me without limit or shame
I pass it on now for all to claim.
(The sharing of the flame and the prayer continues until everyone participated.)

Closing speaker:

As we have to come together to become one
let our voices not be shunned.
Like a home that is build on solid ground,
so shall the Divine wisdom, justice and truth help the path to peace be found.
Releasing our egos and fears to the higher powers
we allow our souls to become spiritual to towers.
When the darkness threatens our belief,
we only have to relight the flame to find relief.
For as we have lighted our candles to become one,
so we have touched each other and our separateness is undone.
Flame to flame, soul to soul
so our power has begun to unfold.
As these flames now are extinguished and no longer burn bright,
so we now become the pillars of light.

(The candles are extinguished and taken home to be relit later.)

Even though the ritual has concluded, the energy connection between the participates remains. Just as all the flames came from one, so we all come from the same source of love and wisdom no matter by what name it is called.
This ritual is meant to be freely shared and practiced. It’s in the sharing that creates the connect between us all.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Police Abuse:
Holding the Police Responsible for Their Actions
ByTheresa Chaze

The police are no longer harbingers of service and protection, but are a power driven force whose purpose is to intimate and humiliate the masses. Instead of good will and support, they are breeding resentment and anger in those they swore to protect. Increasingly civil rights are being whittled away and totally ignored by the police. They claim their actions are justified in the name of self-defense. It calls into question what came first, the attacks on the police or the brutality against the public? Yet the individual officers are not civilly or criminally held responsible for their actions. They can’t be sued by individuals they have been wrong and rarely are they prosecuted. Instead, the cities, counties and states are financially bearing the brunt of their ego driven rampages, which have caused great harm and sometimes death to individuals.

This needs to change. Officers need to be held responsible for when they have crossed the line. In every state of the union, here are examples of officers brutalizing the public but not being held responsible for their actions. The most recent and widely publicized event happened in New York City. Unarmed Sean Bell and two of his companions were leaving his bachelor party when the police turned a minor traffic accident into a shooting gallery. At least fifty shots were fired by five police officers into the car the three men occupied. Their vehicle was stuck by 21 bullets; Mr. Bell was killed and his companions severely wounded. But they were not the only victims. A neighborhood man had not only his car damaged by three bullets, but a fourth ripped through his front window, breaking a lamp in his living room. Two Port Authority Police Officers were injured by flying glass when a bullet shattered a window at the nearby AirTrain facility. All five officers involved have been put on paid administrative leave. Their names have been withheld as well as have any further details of the shooting. A Grand Jury will be convened to investigated the circumstances of the shootings; but like Patrick Dorismond and Amadou Diallo, can the Bell family expect justice from a system that as given free reign to officers to do as they will without consequences. Doing a Google search on “police abuse of power” brings up over seven million entries. From the Iran-American, Mostafa Tabatabainejad who was tasered by the UCLA police officers for now showing proper ID in the university library to the harassment WFOS TV-CBS reporter Mike Kirsch, who investigated the abuse of citizens who attempted to make complaints against officers, it quite apparent that law enforcement officers are out of control. In spite of witnesses and video evidence, the legal system continues to protect its own by persecuting innocent citizens. There were students in the library that used their cells to document the abuse of Mr. Tabatabainejad. On such video is at; be warned that it is very graphic. In Kirsch’s case, the Broward County Police Benevolent Association initiated a BOLO, giving out Kirsch personal information including phone number, license numbers and address to officers on a special alert. BOLO stands for “be on the look out.” This section is normally reserved for fugitives from justice and missing persons. Although the listing was temporarily withdrawn, it was back on the site March 17, along with the address and mobile phone number of Gregory Slate, one of the Police Complaint Center's volunteers.

With all the coverage, the abuse isn’t a secret. What is as easily apparent is what is being done. It is foolish for a complaint to have to go to the department that abused her or him to make complaint and expect that justice be done. But that is how the system is now set up. There are very few associations, which have the ability to effectively police the police. In many states, the Attorney General cannot get involved until after the local complaints have been filed, which means if the complaints are not accepted or denied, nothing will be done. Each state and county needs to have an independent association that the pubic can file complaints where they will be seriously investigated without complaint being harassed or intimated. There is a national database where complaints can be registered at This site has links to the FBI and Department of Justice tasks forces as well as to a civilian compliant center and the ACLU. It is a good resource, but none of them will prevent the abuse. The only way is insure the officers have personal as well as profession consequences. They can held responsible economically and legally for their actions. The only way this will be possible is for the public to step. As with the students who used their cell phones to document, the public needs to speak out not only on the local level but also on the state. They need to report abuses to the Attorney General of their state and not allow the office to hide behind protocol. Writing letters to the editor, giving details of the abuse will also force the police to obey the civil rights laws. Don’t be afraid to speak up for others; you never know when you will be the one who needs a witness. The more who speak out, the more power the public has to protect itself against police intimation and harassment. Legislation needs to be passed that allows individuals to sue officers. In addition, officers, who are accused of a crime, cannot be investigated by their own department, but by the next level in the chain of command.

Lastly know what your rights and responsibilities are. The ACLU ( has a list of what to do and not to do when approached by the police. It gives simple specific instructions what your rights are. Knowing what do to, will help you protect yourself and your loved ones.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

On Monday December 4, I will be appearing on Missy Brown Writers Jamboree at It's an interactive chat about my work and writing in general; you are invited to join to listen or ask questions. Theresa
New Magical Fantasy Author--Theresa Chaze

Theresa Chaze is a fully dedicated Wiccan Priestess who leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can live together in peace as long as we come from respect, not only for ourselves but those who follow different paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an adult version of Harry Potter mixed in.
Her resume is as diverse as her interests. On the mundane level, she graduated from Michigan State University with Bachelor Degrees in English and Video Production; after which she worked for several years at local TV stations. However the politics in the stations burned her out and she moved on to various jobs finally ending up at a small factory. On a more spiritual level, she is a Tarot Reader and a Reiki Healer. In the summer of 1981, she initiated on the Wiccan path. Samhain of 1997, she fully dedicated to the path of the Goddess. She is a natural born intuitive and empath with an instinctive connection to animals and nature spirits.
Her major works so far include the first two novels of the Dragon Clan Trilogy and a free fantasy ebook called, Sisters, Mother, Daughters. Her screenplay, Never Can Say Good-bye, is one of the 2006 winners of the Gloria Film Festival. Additional non-fiction articles and observations can be found in her newsletter; the link can be found on her site at Readers are welcome to visit site to download her free ebook and join her newsletter list.
New conversion Service
Theresa Chaze

Valkyrie Publishing provides a formatting conversion service, which translates word documents into PDF files and creates unique graphics for those who are time and technically challenged. Not only for Ebooks, PDF files can be useful for newsletters, ezines, or any document that will be needed to be easily opened by many computers.

As many have already realized using the free online service to convert their document into a PDF file doesn't always happen easily. Sometimes the formatting process moves paragraphs and chapters so they no longer properly aligned on the page. Valkyrie Publishing checks the placement before returning it to the author for formatting errors. In addition, the documents are ad free. Since the author is hiring a service, all rights are retained by the author. This service will provide a way for more authors to publish their work while maintaining total control over the distribution and sales.

Graphics will be composed using Photoshop by using of both royalty free components as well as original art. The image will be returned in a jpeg format in the best quality possible. From ebook covers to ezines, Valkyrie Publishing will provide unique art that will make your project look professional.
There are also other uses for PDF files. Newsletters and ezines are becoming more technically advanced as they become more popular. By converting to a PDF file, the publisher has the option of either sending the file out in the body of an email or uploading the file onto their server and sending out the address. By doing the later, it increases readership possibilities as it makes the smaller email and removes the need for an attachment. It's a simple and easy way of distributing newsletters and press releases. However, any documents that are going to shared or read on many different computers will benefit from being converted. For more information go to